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US Airways CEO calls for more consolidation

I am glad to see a ramper with no airline management or executive experience can tell us what is going to happen next in regards to mergers and liquidations, are you working on wall street now as an expert?
I am glad to see a ramper with no airline management or executive experience can tell us what is going to happen next in regards to mergers and liquidations, are you working on wall street now as an expert?

and that's why i'm PROUD of what i do .... :up:

That's right , i'm a RAMPER ... that's what i do ... move bags from aircraft to aircraft ...sometimes i empty the lavs :up:

i can see the airline industry like i can see most industries streatched out before me ... so yes i CAN tell what's going to happen next ...

take it from a man who moves bags around ... my insight is the best insight ... 😛h34r:
DEMAND to fly is dropping dropping dropping ....

Wonder why "He's doing great" Parker is saying that he's seeing an uptick in leisure travel and that he fully expects business travelers to return? Is he one of the unwashed masses that doesn't have your keen insight on the industry's future? Or could it be that since you've gotten your "big" raise you don't want anyone else rocking the boat?

Wonder why "He's doing great" Parker is saying that he's seeing an uptick in leisure travel and that he fully expects business travelers to return? Is he one of the unwashed masses that doesn't have your keen insight on the industry's future? Or could it be that since you've gotten your "big" raise you don't want anyone else rocking the boat?


is he one of the unwashed masses ? could be ... he's an airline person , so he knows airline issues .. And I give him props for doing a great job running this company … but like many people in this world , their limited to what they know …

I on the other hand have a wider view … (being a baggage handler allows me this perspective ) so i can tell you with all certainty that we will not be seeing a large uptick ...

As to your other point about not rocking the boat … that’s also true … us airways has a limited lifespan … So yes , I’d like to continue to draw from our reserves for as long as possible …. But I don’t truly consider the FA’s or pilots to be a threat to our monetary base because I believe we will be gone before you get your issues settled ..
I attribute the uptick in leisure travel to the fact that airfares are once again dirt cheap. People did their "staycations" last year, and this year they're ready to confront the TSA again. When you combine pent-up demand with dirt cheap summer airfares, anybody can fill their planes. I can't imagine that's very good for US, or for the airline industry in general.

What happens in the fall if fuel prices keep rising? Alot of these leisure travelers will have tapped out their resources, and the banks keep cutting credit limits.
As you know, SS255, I've agreed with you - the airlines have been buying load factor with low fares. However, there are recent signs that things are changing.

U.S. airlines raise fares twice in 2 weeks


I hope that you are right Jim, and for the good of the industry, I hope that the fare increases can stick. But I keep getting daily e-mails from the "Airfare Watchdog," advertising $196 roundtrip flights from LAX-CLT on off-peak days throughout the summer.

I think that airfares are TOO low right now. Obviously supply far exceeds demand at reasonable fare levels, or the airlines wouldn't be offering firesales on summer transcons.
Wow I cant believe mr uct/ict didnt post his yet:

US and AA?

I would like that. I'd fly AA more than I already do if they had a stronger east coast presence. Despite what the article says, I can't imagine that AA would have Parker run them into the ground. I'm not a big fan of the AA ticket agents, but I think AA has great service in the air and I like their F/A's. AA F/A's remind me a lot of the US East F/A's. Is that why there are rumors about LGA?????
Wow I cant believe mr uct/ict didnt post his yet:

US and AA?

The mind boggles. If you think that the current East vs. West pilots squabble is a mess, wait until you try to combine an AFA-represented group (LCC f/as) and AFA merger policy being DOH, or something close, with the AA f/as whose union APFA's policy is us first then do whatever you want. APFA would want to staple the LCC f/as below the most junior APFA-represented f/a. Considering what the LCC f/as have gone through and managed to survive up until now, my sixth sense says they wouldn't put up with APFA's bull for 2 minutes.
The mind boggles.

Federal law would probably eliminate any integration method that produced extreme results. I have no idea what DOH would look like with the two FA groups, but one or the other group being stapled would be almost impossible to achieve (I'd say absolutely impossible except for the "never say never" thing).

is he one of the unwashed masses ? could be ... he's an airline person , so he knows airline issues .. And I give him props for doing a great job running this company … but like many people in this world , their limited to what they know …

I on the other hand have a wider view … (being a baggage handler allows me this perspective ) so i can tell you with all certainty that we will not be seeing a large uptick ...

As to your other point about not rocking the boat … that’s also true … us airways has a limited lifespan … So yes , I’d like to continue to draw from our reserves for as long as possible …. But I don’t truly consider the FA’s or pilots to be a threat to our monetary base because I believe we will be gone before you get your issues settled ..

Ever since I started this career the airline has been going out of business. Since my first night at PHX cargo sorting Continental's mail and putting it into its appropriate cart I have heard that the airline would be dead in a year. In the beginning I listened with rapt attention. Heard it ever since and it still goes on. Now it bores me when I hear it and, most importantly, the people who keep saying it bore me. Boring. It's like a 737 engine screaming in my freakin' ear. As in you are giving me a splitting headache right behind the eye boring. Stab me in the eye with a knife boring.

There is a lady from LGA at my station that says that. "Stab me in the eye with a knife!", she screams. She's from Queens and she has that crazy accent. You need to move out east. New Yorkers crack me up. They look at life differently and it is refreshing.

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