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Us Airways' Biggest Union:

The fact remains that life is full of choices. The IAM (with it's members in support) chooses not to go to the table and talk to people whom they figure is not honoring their contract. Now get used to it. Do what you have to do. Either let Chip give extra money to cover or go into chapter 11 or 7. No one cares in Maintenance. We dare you to do what you say because we truly do not care. Laid off from a sucky job sounds good. Now do it! We are not changing our minds so do what you are saying. Walk the walk now...everyone knows we have heard the talk...

The IAM is scared of AMFA and Bronner and Lakfield have worked on a pre-packaged bankrutcy plan with the ATSB and the financiers to preserve the loan guarantee and stock.

If the IAM does not play, the company can seek to outsource all heavy maintenance because they have no choice and the PIT and CLT maintenance facilities closed. Then the airline will continue to operate after exiting the formal reorganization with a lower cost structure with thousands of mechanics badly hurt.

Do what you want, but the likely outcome of the IAM electing to not participate in the new business plan is higher paying profit sharing checks and greater stock capital gains for the other employees.

It's your choice.


Well 320 its is a breath of fresh air bring AMFA into the picture. Your posts countinue to amaze myself and to be quite frank you are the talk of most in the maintenance department who frequent the boards.

We are always hearing about somthing called the "big picture" by management when something makes no sense....and judging by your posts you have no idea what they are talking about either....... :blink:
USA320Pilot said:

The IAM is scared of AMFA and Bronner and Lakfield have worked on a pre-packaged bankrutcy plan with the ATSB and the financiers to preserve the loan guarantee and stock.

If the IAM does not play, the company can seek to outsource all heavy maintenance because they have no choice and the PIT and CLT maintenance facilities closed. Then the airline will continue to operate after exiting the formal reorganization with a lower cost structure with thousands of mechanics badly hurt.

Do what you want, but the likely outcome of the IAM electing to not participate in the new business plan is higher paying profit sharing checks and greater stock capital gains for the other employees.

It's your choice.


How dense are you?

Let me reiterate this for you once again:


Can you understand that now?
If the GD company can find a way to outsource heavy maint, why wouldnt they? The IAM isnt gonna agree to $9 an hour for overhaul.Whats the point. If they win arbtration, theres nothing the IAM can do to stop it. If they get it in bankrupcy there is nothing the IAM can do to stop it.You really havent answered that question. whats the IAM supposed to do? Cost efective to the company means $9 an hour or outsourcing.Truth is I dont even think the company really cares.Each aircraft they can fly at a WO or partner is an outsourced asset.Why do they need totalk to the IAM when they can just fly the aircaft elswhere?I worked at a WO. We had 2 line mechs handling 100 flights a day. We didnt do our own heavy checks.we had a 16 year scale that started at 11 and went up about a dollar a year.

I agree with everything you said, except the $9 per hour. I also understand the need to stop the outsourcing and for all of us to work as a team.

This is my 30th year flying airplanes that includes time in general aviation, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, US Airways, and a short time with United Airlines.

By far, US Airways has the best mecahnics in the business and I have seen them do some great work.

What I do not like is the posturing that goes on and any union that does not go to the bargaining table to see what management specifically proposes. We all recognize that the industry has changed and it not being a "liar" because events chnge such as fuel prices or stunning LCC growth.

Furthermore, there is no logical argument on why its not better to have a job while looking for another job and the "concesson stand is closed". Who at US Airways benefits if the company closes its doors?



USA320Pilot said:

I agree with everything you said, except the $9 per hour. I also understand the need to stop the outsourcing and for all of us to work as a team.
What do you think STS is hiring at?
Management has lied to ALPA about your pension.

Management has lied to the IAM about the Airbus.

Management had lied about MDA.

Do I need to go on?
Even if US decides to "work around" the mechanics, it is patently fanciful to think that US will be successful at moving such a huge amount of work outside of the company without severely impacting the operation - all at a time of the year when loads go down and there are plenty of other choices to get around. There is no consumer tolerance for a shotty airline operation - exactly what will happen if US tries to play hardball with any labor group.
US mgmt's continued attempts to break labor will be the downfall of the airline.
Sentrido & 700UW:

Don’t negotiate and have your unnion go visit the judge, if you desire. Plead you case on why a twice failed company can pay you your current pay and benefits, which like mine are above LCC market rates.

Then watch what happens…it’s your choice.

I continue to believe it’s better to sit down with the company and find out what they truly want versus operating without that knowledge. In addition, even if a person gets laid off they’re better off getting severance pay, COBRA medical insurance, pass privileges, J4J if desired, recall rights, and versus just unemployment.

The company has said that no single union will cause the company to fail and they’re working on a pre-packaged bankruptcy filing. That’s why ALPA began bankruptcy preparations with Richard Seltzer ALPA’s bankruptcy attorney at the last MEC meeting.



Management is working on a plan to operate while in bankruptcy, which includes maintenance, if necessary.

Let’s hope this does not happen.


I do not care what they do. I will not vote to give them anything. The job is just not worth it. So let them do what they want, but I have a feeling I am taking you with me and that makes me happy. 😀
This is my 30th year flying airplanes that includes time in general aviation, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, US Airways, and a short time with United Airlines.

How do you fly for both the Navy and the Air Force?
Its a weird world where somebodys best argument for selling out is that your situation once unemployed will be slightly better. :huh:
USA320Pilot said:
Sentrido & 700UW:

Don’t negotiate and have your unnion go visit the judge, if you desire. Plead you case on why a twice failed company can pay you your current pay and benefits, which like mine are above LCC market rates.

Then watch what happens…it’s your choice.

I continue to believe it’s better to sit down with the company and find out what they truly want versus operating without that knowledge. In addition, even if a person gets laid off they’re better off getting severance pay, COBRA medical insurance, pass privileges, J4J if desired, recall rights, and versus just unemployment.

The company has said that no single union will cause the company to fail and they’re working on a pre-packaged bankruptcy filing. That’s why ALPA began bankruptcy preparations with Richard Seltzer ALPA’s bankruptcy attorney at the last MEC meeting.


How many times do you have to be told the samething over and over?

If the company files bankruptcy and an 1114 motion, BY LAW THEY JUDGE WILL ORDER THE PARTIES TO NEGOTIATE, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

My God are you that dense?

The IAM all ready knows what the company wants, how many times must I tell you?

Elimination of heavy maintenance, shops, GSE and plant mtc, which would cause a layoff of over 2,200 mechanics, they want to go down to 800 line mechanics only.

Elimination of Utility 900+ jobs gone.

Elimination of Stock Clerks, over 200+ jobs gone.

Sometimes I wonder why I waste my time with you, you are beyond hope.

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