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Us Airways' Biggest Union:

E-TRONS said:
Is it possible that the "entire" cost savings proposals from the IAM be published for all to see???

I personally would like to see what UAIR is so reluctant to act upon. Obviously if it has anything to do with in-house maintenance........since they are attempting to shed the entire overhaul operations......OH, I mean ONLY 10 AIRBUS <_< !!!

UAIR wants to be WN or B6 but FORGETABOUTIT!!!! It's the management stupid 😱 !!!!!!!!!!!
I apologize if someone else has posted this already. But this was the items given to me:

Increase Leads and Reduce Managers
Increase Safety Program
Create PHL Baggage Co-ordinator
Buy More Radios
Incentive For Good Attendance
Union takes over recruiting
Increase Swaps
Fitness Room in PHL
Add Staffing
*ME 292 process
Bring more work in house
Ship or Shelf (already implemented)
Changes to Make up room (company currently expanding from 3,000 to 13,000)
**Int'l connection to be worked by Mainline Employees

*don't know what this is
**not sure exactly what this means

I'll TRY to be nuetral and just say doesn't sound like $90 million to me... Anyone hear anything different from the IAM?


p.s. No, I'm not a newbie, used to post a lot a couple years ago, and still read USAviation.com every day. I know the cast of characters here by heart.
I have drawn my line in the sand. I give no more.
The Managers (if you want to call them that) have thrown away more money in a month then I make in a year. There are many examples and if you wish to PM me I will tell you what they are. Also, if the Company truely wants to reduce costs, they can. One example is the EXCESS gate space we lease in many Stations. A Eight Mainline flight a day Station DOES NOT NEED FOUR GATES. Any Idea how many Flight Southwest runs with a four gate station? At least Thirty. If they Truely want to reduce costs, they can. And that is not to say how much of my last paycut,loss of vacation, loss of sick days they have wiped their A$$ES with.
JetBlue employee costs are near the bottom of the industry. Of course Neeleman will say you cannot go back to employees, when his have the lowest pay and benefits in the industry. In additon, JetBlue employees have no DB or DC retirement plan, which is very costly.


In meetings with station management, senior officers continue to tell station employees no single union will "sink the company".

In addition, the ALPA Negotiating Committee is openly telling rank-and-file members the company will likely file for a pre-packaged bankruptcy and then seek to set aside labor contracts, if necessary.

At the station meetings there have been discussions of rejecting the lease on the CLT maintenance facility along with PIT maintenance facility, and then immediately outsourcing all overhaul, if the IAM refuses to participate in the "Transformation Plan". Apparently the company expects remaining mechanics would man line maintenance at key cities.

I do not like this any more than anybody else and we are all seeing outsourcing with RJs, IT (Kiosks/boarding pass readers), and code sharing, but the reality is our jobs are going to change one way or another or be eliminated in bankruptcy.

Therefore, I continue to suggest it's better to have a job, severance benefits, and medical insurance/COBRA while looking for a new job, than just having unemployment and no medical insurance.


USA320Pilot said:
In meetings with station management, senior officers continue to tell station employees no single union will "sink the company".

In addition, the ALPA Negotiating Committee is openly telling rank-and-file members the company will likely file for a pre-packaged bankruptcy and then seek to set aside labor contracts, if necessary.

At the station meetings there have been discussions of rejecting the lease on the CLT maintenance facility along with PIT maintenance facility, and then immediately outsourcing all overhaul, if the IAM refuses to participate in the "Transformation Plan". Apparently the company expects remaining mechanics would man line maintenance at key cities.

I do not like this any more than anybody else and we are all seeing outsourcing with RJs, IT (Kiosks/boarding pass readers), and code sharing, but the reality is our jobs are going to change one way or another or be eliminated in bankruptcy.

Therefore, I continue to suggest it's better to have a job, severance benefits, and medical insurance/COBRA while looking for a new job, than just having unemployment and no medical insurance.


Are you just thick?

The company's plan is to ELIMINATE the maintenance department and go down to 800 mechanics and have the LOWEST BIDDER overhaul and fix the plane you will fly.

We know what we are doing, stop with your stupid threats and scare tactics, we are all grown adults and know and realize what can happen.

Go spread your lies about ALPA and stay out of the IAM's business once and for all. We know all about you and your constant diatribe and ramblings of false information and stop posting the same crap day after day, thread after thread, we are all sick of it!
2BorNot2B said:
This is such a sad situation! I cannot believe the irrational posts on this Forum!
The IAM indeed has the power to DESTROY what remains of this Company .. everyone knows that! But to what end ....I ask? It is public knowledge that the IAM has been the "Thorn in the side" of this Company for more than the 28 yrs. I was there! And now the "Blind leading the Blind" Union leaders are leading their members to the brink of disaster! "Move on" they say ..... yeah, to where?? Who in their right mind would hire a USAirways IAM member who voted to destroy his/her Employer who did not compensate "properly". Consider your options very carefully!

You are all about to loose everything you have worked for. And I, as a Retiree, will lose also. That is my motivation behind this post. But it is yours also, as you will also need retirement benefits!

Think about it ... and think twice or maybe three times about the motives of those that are speaking for you!

A job is a job ... and they are very difficult to find these days!

God Bless

Your pensions is guaranteed by the PBGC, as is AFA's.



So, whether IAM goes to the table or not, part of their expected cost savngs ( besides all the job losses) is their pensions, and your retiree medical is in jeopardy as is AFA's. Its great to have and keep retireee medical, but if the premium contribution goes up to where it will take your ENTIRE pension to afford, guess what? Its like having NO medical.

Unions do not destroy companies. Only mangement actions do.

Who has a hold of this airline is the "wall street" gambers, along with GE. If it takes your retireee medical, pension, wages, workrules, benefits to turn that buck...they will own it and YOU..
USA320Pilot said:
In meetings with station management, senior officers continue to tell station employees no single union will "sink the company".

In addition, the ALPA Negotiating Committee is openly telling rank-and-file members the company will likely file for a pre-packaged bankruptcy and then seek to set aside labor contracts, if necessary.

At the station meetings there have been discussions of rejecting the lease on the CLT maintenance facility along with PIT maintenance facility, and then immediately outsourcing all overhaul, if the IAM refuses to participate in the "Transformation Plan". Apparently the company expects remaining mechanics would man line maintenance at key cities.

I do not like this any more than anybody else and we are all seeing outsourcing with RJs, IT (Kiosks/boarding pass readers), and code sharing, but the reality is our jobs are going to change one way or another or be eliminated in bankruptcy.

Therefore, I continue to suggest it's better to have a job, severance benefits, and medical insurance/COBRA while looking for a new job, than just having unemployment and no medical insurance.


In addition, the ALPA Negotiating Committee is openly telling rank-and-file members the company will likely file for a pre-packaged bankruptcy and then seek to set aside labor contracts, if necessary.
please if you will...(i expect you won't) exactly what is a pre-packaged BK....explain so a 3 year old can understand....
and also please expalin in vivid detail how a company can "set aside contracts"??
it is my understanding that a BK court can not and will not "set aside " contracts unless there has not been any 'good faith ' bargaining sessions.and by good faith sessions,it is not this diatribe in the media with IAM and U exchanging pleasantries.
so if you will......please explain...my 3 year old wishes to know.
If we must then bring on the judge!!!!!! It will be a good arguement and I can hear it now....

Company: Well judge the IAW refuses to go along with our "transformation plan, going foward plan, coming out of bk plan, I seem to forget what we are calling THIS so called plan" In fact they refuse to even talk to us!!

Union: Its true judge we refuse to speak with the company. We have re opened the contract twice over the past two years and given millions of dollars only to be asked again for more!!! Seems the only contracts they honor are the senior exec's golden parachute clauses!!

Judge: To company...Is this true? Company" Ahhhhhhhhh......

Yes folks it will be interesting!!!!!!! :blink:
700UW said:
Are you just thick?

The company's plan is to ELIMINATE the maintenance department and go down to 800 mechanics and have the LOWEST BIDDER overhaul and fix the plane you will fly.

We know what we are doing, stop with your stupid threats and scare tactics, we are all grown adults and know and realize what can happen.

Go spread your lies about ALPA and stay out of the IAM's business once and for all. We know all about you and your constant diatribe and ramblings of false information and stop posting the same crap day after day, thread after thread, we are all sick of it!
How do you know they want to do all this if the IAM won't meet with the company to find out what it is they want? Where is all this "information" you're posting here coming from? Sounds to me like you could be a close relative to a certain poster on here that you follow around like a dog in heat waiting on the next post to attack. As for the millions that the IAM says the company can save by implementing their ideas I was just looking them over and it's just as I suspected. It's typical union drivel where they're using numbers they bent over and pulled out of their "Official IAM Idea Book". One thing is almost certain, it sure looks like they're pulling those numbers from the same place you're getting your "factual information" from.
The company released the financial breakdown of the total value of concessions last month.

For example $41 million from utility, there are 900 or so utility, say each one with OT makes $36,000 that is $36,000,000 and the rest is benefits and pension, $41 Million.

Does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
700UW said:
The company released the financial breakdown of the total value of concessions last month.

For example $41 million from utility, there are 900 or so utility, say each one with OT makes $36,000 that is $36,000,000 and the rest is benefits and pension, $41 Million.

Does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

This was in the June 8, 2004 Pittsburgh Post Gazette:

Pilots (ALPA) $295 million
F/A (AFA) $116 million
Mechanics (IAM) $116 million
Fleet Service (IAM) $89 million
CSA (CWA) $76 million
Res (CWA) $46 million
Utility (IAM) $41 million
Stores (IAM) $17 million
TWU $4 million
700UW said:
This was in the June 8, 2004 Pittsburgh Post Gazette:

Pilots (ALPA) $295 million
F/A (AFA) $116 million
Mechanics (IAM) $116 million
Fleet Service (IAM) $89 million
CSA (CWA) $76 million
Res (CWA) $46 million
Utility (IAM) $41 million
Stores (IAM) $17 million
TWU $4 million
That's a wish list and you know it. Don't try to make it into something it's not.

Isn't it ironic you don't try to answer how the figures of 80-100 million dollars in savings the IAM is "giving" the company really don't add up to a hill of beans and in fact could end up costing the company even more money? Explain to me how that list is going to save the company all that money. Enquiring minds want to know!!
Why don't you contact DL 141 and 142 and they will tell you the breakdown of the cost savings.

And ofcourse that is a wish list, but if you don't believe me what they want go ask any union that has met with the company and they will back me up.

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