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Us Airways' Biggest Union:

First all, I work for US...NOT management. Some of you would not be happy if Jesus Christ himself ran the company. I know you hate to hear this, but please..oh please quit already, nobody wants or needs you...AND cruxify me.I could give a damn..you who think the world owes you sicken me. Chip has more integrity then most of you have in your BS middle finger. So stick it up your know-it -all rumpus.

Sounds like a simple choice....

Give the company what they want and most of the IAM represented employees WILL be out of a job, or

Say no and all IAM represented employees MAY be out of a job.

One course and the outcome is pretty certain, the other course is fraught with unpleasant possibilities - but they are just possibilities.

firstamendment said:
First all, I work for US...NOT management. Some of you would not be happy if Jesus Christ himself ran the company. I know you hate to hear this, but please..oh please quit already, nobody wants or needs you...AND cruxify me.I could give a damn..you who think the world owes you sicken me. Chip has more integrity then most of you have in your BS middle finger. So stick it up your know-it -all rumpus.
Why are you so angry? No plan "B"?
I guess what he is trying to say is "Vote Yes for Severance"?????? I would rather visit the judge then bend over for 15K. But that is my opinion, sorry that I feel this way 320....but this is one of the benifits of living in the US...everybody is entitled to an opinion........ 😀
usairways_vote_NO said:
Why are you so angry? No plan "B"?
Yes, US, I am angry because everyone wants to pick on those who want the company to survive. Somehow it isnt "vogue" if we want to continue a life we like. I am sick and tired of those Norma Rae wannabees surfrificing who are too stupid to realize that the tide has changed. It is a tired mantre to blame the company for EVERYTHING. NObody, I mean nobody keeps us here. Do you rreally think I like what has happened here? Do you? But if anyone goes against the bitter angriness, they are thought as management. That is insulting!! I can se ALL sides, but to down someone like Chip because he has a different view is insulting. I agree with alot of his views. Face it or not, unions are useless. The mangaements of the US have worked around it. Give or liquidate. You HAVE NO POWER OVER THAT!!. I will not support that stupid ideology that dictates full pay till the last day so there...if I am angry. you are damn right..WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is just it......everybody has an opinion but some on this board feel the need to force their opinion on everybody else!!!!

I certainly can't speak for everyone, so I'll just speak for myself. If you count the loss of my DB pension, this is the 4th round of concessions for me, each touted as what was necessary to turn this company around. The company hasn't turned around yet, and the problem hasn't been that the concessions weren't granted. The problem has been (and from my perspective continues to be) that the "plan" was flawed.

From what has been said about the new "plan" publicly, this plan is also flawed from my perspective.

Talk of "depeaking" PHL, when the plan seems to be to de-hub PHL (except for international/caribbean flights).

Talk of increased aircraft utilization, but the timeframe is way too long for something that should have been done over a year ago.

Talk of lowering unit costs, but too little (2.1 cents per ASM leaving us still uncompetitive with the LCC's) over too long a time frame (1-1/2 to 2-1/2 years).

Focusing only on mainline while growing express (with high unit costs) as fast as possible.

In short, I don't personally see the plan working. Unless employee costs can be driven to such a low level that it becomes almost impossible to avoid making a profit. That seems to be the real "plan".

I do not care if the company survives, but if it is to survive at my expense you must think foolishly if you expect me to save your butt.
AP Tech said:
That is just it......everybody has an opinion but some on this board feel the need to force their opinion on everybody else!!!!
That's my point. We all have opinions, but if any of us differ from the anger and discust, we are kool aid drinking employees. There is no room to differ. That is frustrating. I will always respect others opinions, but many our her only respect opiniions that agree with theirs. That is the problem.
pitguy said:
I do not care if the company survives, but if it is to survive at my expense you must think foolishly if you expect me to save your butt.
I expect NOTHING from you. You are one of many I try to avoid, so carry your cross and I will see you in the unemployment line. Will you be happy then?
PS...what IS your plan?
firstamendment said:
Yes, US, I am angry because everyone wants to pick on those who want the company to survive. Somehow it isnt "vogue" if we want to continue a life we like. I am sick and tired of those Norma Rae wannabees surfrificing who are too stupid to realize that the tide has changed. It is a tired mantre to blame the company for EVERYTHING. NObody, I mean nobody keeps us here. Do you rreally think I like what has happened here? Do you? But if anyone goes against the bitter angriness, they are thought as management. That is insulting!! I can se ALL sides, but to down someone like Chip because he has a different view is insulting. I agree with alot of his views. Face it or not, unions are useless. The mangaements of the US have worked around it. Give or liquidate. You HAVE NO POWER OVER THAT!!. I will not support that stupid ideology that dictates full pay till the last day so there...if I am angry. you are damn right..WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think anyone wants the company to fail. But there sure are many who don't think it will survive and thats their right and opinion. I am sure some people are just as sick of the ones who keep saying give give give everything will be ok. It is just as tiring to keep hearing its the employees fault, they make to much their benefits are too high. Employees also have the right to leave or stay as they seem fit and believe what they want.

You say are angry because people pick on Chip and thats your right but I think it is because you are scared. But that doesn't change the fact that he is a liar (as proved on here many times), hypocritical and manipulative.

Do you really think anyone likes what has happened? Face it or not Usairways is in a heap of trouble and it is managements fault not the employees. I will not support the stupid ideology that dictates "give till the last day". AND YOU HAVE NO POWER OVER THAT.

So chill out ok, take it easy. There really is life after USAirways, now go to sleep.
I know, but it is the overwhelming anger to US that bothers me. You speak of freedom to speak, but many only like it if it is in agreement with their views..THAT is what angers me. Freedom of speech or opiniion only applies if I agree. THAT'S the issue.
firstamendment said:
That's my point. We all have opinions, but if any of us differ from the anger and discust, we are kool aid drinking employees. There is no room to differ. That is frustrating. I will always respect others opinions, but many our her only respect opiniions that agree with theirs. That is the problem.
Are you just as hypocritical as the Capt?

What everyone is doing expressing their opinion on here. Everyone has their own. Opinion are going to differ. We post on here to give our differing opinions.

That said, just because alot of posters differ with the Capt or you does not mean they are ganging up on you. Is it frustrating? I am sure it is. I know there is one that frustrates me to no end. The reason you see so many posters against him is because he brings it on himself. Posting the same things over and over and people are tired of hearing it. But its right to post and the right of the rest to respond.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Are you just as hypocritical as the Capt?

What everyone is doing expressing their opinion on here. Everyone has their own. Opinion are going to differ. We post on here to give our differing opinions.

That said, just because alot of posters differ with the Capt or you does not mean they are ganging up on you. Is it frustrating? I am sure it is. I know there is one that frustrates me to no end. The reason you see so many posters against him is because he brings it on himself. Posting the same things over and over and people are tired of hearing it. But its right to post and the right of the rest to respond.
I am only statting that emotion offers NOTHINg..take it or leave it...See you in the unemployeement line..Happy?

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