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US Airways Awarded New London Heathrow Route CLT-LHR

MIA-CLT-LHR makes more sense than the flight I'm working Sunday morning. MD80 from MCO to ORD with continuing service to NRT! Do you think there will be a change of equipment at ORD? :lol:
Interestingly enough, the original PI CLT-LGW flight originated/terminated in MIA and the tag was even operated with the 762.
Wrong, it was actually TPA-CLT-LGW, I worked in TPA and we had the 767 service.
Well, US did at one time fly PHL-MIA-PHL when the A330-300 was first introduced....
probably a proving run as they also did phl sju run with them too at one time
i did not know they were using it on the phl sju run i knew they used it for proving runs which i believe is a month long thing for faa purposes
MIA-PHL was the proving runs, it has been flying to SJU from PHL for years. I have found pics from 2000.
i did not know they were using it on the phl sju run i knew they used it for proving runs which i believe is a month long thing for faa purposes

Today, Flight 1072 and Flight 0740 (both SJU-PHL) were operated with A330-300s. Happens all the time, and in season they usually operate at least one round trip on weekends with A330s.
thank you folks i always thought the sju was done with 75s but thanks is the 330 load for the phl sju high enough to warrent it always or what
There are rumours that this slot is the MIA-LHR slot that BA/AA were forced by the EU to make available for MIA-LHR nonstop service as a condition of their antitrust immunity application two years ago. DL grabbed the MIA slot (plus the two that BA/AA were forced to provide in BOS) and gave it a go. After driving down MIA-LHR fares for a year, DL gave up. DL has also given back one of the BOS slots as well.

Nope. AA isn't giving up anything. BA is providing these slots from its inventory and leasing them to US. Apparently, US petitioned the EU to allow it to fly a one-stop via CLT instead of the nonstop MIA-LHR as required in the ATI approval.

I don't think it's seasonal, but BA/AA don't have to provide the slots for more than 2 or 3 years, and that runs out sometime next year.

MAH4546 posted elsewhere that he thought that the approval from the EU requires same-plane service as a condition of the one-stop approval. If he's right. that will be one empty A330 between MIA and CLT every day. NRSA heaven.
No, actually, according to DOT data - which is more and more accurate for LHR because of the JV between AA and BA, DL reported a higher average fare on MIA-LHR than BA so it sure isn't DL that was pushing down the average fare.

But even if you suspect the accuracy of foreign carrier fare data, DL's average fare in BOS-LHR outperforms AA's by more than 15%... so tell me again who is pushing down average fares?

MAH also is saying that AA and LAN have ATI which means AA and LA discussed LA's decision to add GIG-MIA service. However, he fails to mention that the US and Brazil do not have Open Skies which means AA and LA do not have ATI between the US and Brazil even if they do between the US and Chile which also means that AA and LA DID NOT discuss LA's decision to add this flight and if they did, then a few somebodies need to be headed to prison.

MAH is not exactly the source of accurate information... how many years have we read his "this route is coming" list predictions for AA only to have about 99% of them never happen? Out of 100 "predictions", the chances of getting one right is bound to happen.

Good for US for finding a means to add another flight to LHR... although the chances are really high it will come at the expense of their LGW flight, even if they won't say that now.
MIA and SJU are also great markets in which US should have no problem filling capacity whether they have a change of aircraft enroute or not.
MIA-CLT-LHR makes more sense than the flight I'm working Sunday morning. MD80 from MCO to ORD with continuing service to NRT! Do you think there will be a change of equipment at ORD? :lol:

If not, I hope you incorporated a tutorial on "Air-obics" into your safety demo. :lol:
they can stretch their legs on one of the two or three stops they'll be making somewhere near the arctic circle.
Or be like the military add air to air refueling equip and do air to air refuelin!! 🙂

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