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US Airways Awarded New London Heathrow Route CLT-LHR

Looks like flight 730 will start in MIA as a 321 and then morph into a 330 on the CLT-LHR leg. This puts to rest the questions about whether or not it has to be a 330 for the entire MIA-CLT-LHR journey. I don't think, however, that was the original spirit of the MIA-LHR route (to make a stop/change aircraft in CLT).
Well, I don't know that the CLT hub could have sustained service to both London airports. It's expensive to operate and staff LGW for one flight which probably would have made both CLT-London flights unprofitable by splitting the passenger load into two flights.

Well, now the CLT crews can say goodbye to one of the better layover hotels, and the most convenient. Welcome to the Kensington Shoebox where the rooms are so tiny that you can flush the toilet with your foot, adjust the curtains, and answer the door without ever leaving the bed. Not to mention the excruciating ride to/from the airport.
With just the one flight at LGW, was the staff there US employed or contract?
With just the one flight at LGW, was the staff there US employed or contract?

Customer service was US Airways. Everything else was contracted. But it is still very expensive to maintain the CSA staff for one flight. You just can't profitably run two airplanes on a route whose traffic really only requires one. "Build it and they will come" doesn't really apply here.

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