Us Airways At It Again


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
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Also the IAM informed the company if they are going to abolish the 6 Utility in PHL, all 19 part-timers will have to be abolished first.
I would expect nothing less from "Dave" and his gang of thieves and liars. Wish their was an accurate managment count to tell how many supervisors have been added. I know in line mtc just in Pit the workforce was decreased by 70% but the number of mgrs and supervisors increased!!! To many chiefs and less and less indians. I guess the IAM will see the company in court....Again!!! Surely the number of company attorneys has had to increase due to the excellent labor relations department Mr Glass is heading up!!!!! :down:
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US Airways has kept up their trend of ruining the holidays once again.

This place is on the path to burn down in my opinion, I guess we all need to polish up the resume.
This place is on the path to burn down in my opinion, I guess we all need to polish up the resume


Ive been saying that for quite some time.
Dave isn't making these cuts because he wants to, its because he has to. Dave's burned his bridges and he knows getting any of the labor groups to agree to anymore concessions of any kind isn't going to happen. Knowing this he'll violate the contract(s) in any way possible, lay off as many people as he can possibly get away with but in the end the results will be the same. Chapter 7!
If they think f/as are going to pick up the slack for this management while they eliminate utility, they can kiss off for 2004. We don't get paid to do ground work. We are not on the clock now until the aircraft wheels are in motion on their own. It use to be when the airplane door shuts, now it is when the aircraft is in motion on its own. They just stole approx. 5 minutes per leg off of us. On a 4 day trip, that could equate to 1:30 minutes less of flight pay. In one months time, almost 6 hours less pay. To make up the difference in time, you would have to get 1 extra day of flying in.

We are not going to foster more layoffs, specifically ground personnel. Management has 27,000 employees left, there business plan has to include 27,000. They are laying off now, to prepare us for Feb. talks to change our work rules. We still sit with 29 VPs, 11 supervisors and 1 base manager in PIT alone for 1175 f/as. The local PIT President works with only 1 Officer who helps her and 1 volunteer and a Council Rep that gets paid from AFA "0" for coming in all day once a week to lend a hand. The local office handles all disciplines for all 1175 f/as, scheduling issues/claims, OJI, LTD, all reserve related problems, Vol. furloughs, Involutary furloughs, Mid Atlantic, Sick claims, All grievances filed and argued, all meetings with managment, supervisor disciplines. She has NO secretary to do the paper work, payroll, membership, grievance filings, bill paying for an office. There are many days were there are 70 phone calls on the voice mail at the office that need returned, not counting many, many e-mails DAILY that need answered, e-lines that need sent, newsletters that need written, etc.. The local gets it done!

Inflight Dept. in PIT has 3 secretaries as well. Management needs to start decreasing personnel. Do more with less. Increase managment productivity is a "key" player. Lead by example.
Oh boy another major dispute!!! Not surprising to me any more. The company and the union are going to go broke over lawyer and court fees.

December 31, 2003

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

US Airways yesterday notified District 141-M of its intention to close eight (8) locations where IAM members perform maintenance on Ground Servicing Equipment (GSE), and reduce GSE Mechanics and Utility employees at several other locations. The complete list of locations and proposed head-count reductions are posted above.

US Airways did not indicate that there is any less ground equipment to be maintained at the locations slated for closing and failed to provide any rationale for the elimination of those positions.

The rest of this can be read here.
Why does the current regime think that by reducing iam and other folks that will help? As far as I'm concerned, I am looking into joining Comair as I have been talking to them at my station lately. I will not give up any more dough to those crooked thieves and gangsters of ccy. We gave back something like 2 billion and they cant make it well lets get rid of some of the 29 vps and take away more than 1/3rd of all the top mgmt money and see how that flies with them!!!!
tug_slug said:

Ive been saying that for quite some time.
Dave isn't making these cuts because he wants to, its because he has to. Dave's burned his bridges and he knows getting any of the labor groups to agree to anymore concessions of any kind isn't going to happen. Knowing this he'll violate the contract(s) in any way possible, lay off as many people as he can possibly get away with but in the end the results will be the same. Chapter 7!

Dave is making these cuts AGAIN, because he doesn't know how to operate an airline. All he knows how to do along with his team is, threaten, blackmail, scheme to get the costs he needs to turn a profit and maximize his shares. This management will steam roll over labor and contracts to that end.
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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

US Airways yesterday notified District 141-M of its intention to close eight (8) locations where IAM members perform maintenance on Ground Servicing Equipment (GSE), and reduce GSE Mechanics and Utility employees at several other locations. The complete list of locations and proposed head-count reductions are posted above.

US Airways did not indicate that there is any less ground equipment to be maintained at the locations slated for closing and failed to provide any rationale for the elimination of those positions.

District 141-M representatives advised US Airways that eliminating GSE stations would constitute a blatant violation of the collective bargaining agreement. Similar to the Airbus heavy maintenance dispute, the carrier offered to settle the matter through an expedited arbitration process.

However, the IAM’s position is that eliminating GSE locations would not be arguably justified under any reading of the current language of the collective bargaining agreement and such action would constitute a major dispute under the Railway Labor Act (RLA). District 141-M began preparing to take the legal steps necessary to protect our members’ rights under the collective bargaining agreement and the RLA.

Faced with the prospect of court action, US Airways late yesterday withdrew its plan to close the eight (8) GSE locations. Management will, however, review current staffing levels and reductions may occur, but the stations will remain open to GSE mechanics.

Separately, the oral argument on the carrier’s appeal in the Airbus subcontracting dispute, originally set to take place at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit in Philadelphia, PA on January 13, 2004, has been rescheduled by the court to take place on January 12.

Thank you for you continued support and solidarity.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Scotty Ford
President/Directing General Chairman William Freiberger
General Chairman
IAM District Lodge 141M Steve Ebert
General Chairman
IAM District Lodge 141M

David Snyder
General Chairman
IAM District Lodge 141M Tom Regan
IAM District Lodge 141M
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You are confusing 141 with 141M and your fellow fleet service people ratified the contract that gives the company the ability to mainline express it, look in the mirror and at your coworkers for the blame, and you could always transfer.

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