USA320Pilot said:
It has nothing to do with being challenged, it has to do with trying to discredit the messenger because you do not like the message. Everything I write is true and if I make a mistake i admit it.
Name one time YOU admitted YOU were wrong? I can think of none... But I can think of several times when you were proven wrong by other posters.
People love to come on here and discredit my M&A talk, just like Funguy2, but they are not talking with the parties or key sources close to the discussions.
For one, when you have an opinion I share (usually for very different reasons), I support it. I have done so in just the past week.
For example I said, "US & US have tried to merge 2 times." In response Funguy2 said, "Only one offer was ever made... Maybe they have talked before or since, but nothing has become of it. Just because I talk to a realtor does not mean I tried to buy a house."
In regard to Funguy 2, he is clearly wrong, but loves to try and dispute my message. It's really sort of funny to have me start a thread and Fungy2 and otehr "naysyers" attempt to dispute the facts.
For example, in 1995 UA made its first attempt to acquire US. Was a formal financial offer made? No, but Gerry Greenwald openly entertained the idea in the news media and held meetings with Seth Schofield's team and every US ALPA leader, trying to persuade US Airways to agree to a deal under labor's terms, since UA was an ESOP controlled company.
The terms or show stopper was UA's union's demanding super seniority with a pre-nuptial agreement, no furlough protection for UA employees, and about 20% of US employees furloughed as conditions for the deal to proceed.
US and its employees said "no thanks". Did US & UA try to merge in 1995 and then again about 5 years later? Absolutely, but Funguy2 tries to twist reality into his own thinking to try and discredit the author, which does not work.
Several comments here...
Your normal discourse suggests that US Airways and UAL have spoken about a merger SINCE the official 2000 merger attempt. You discuss, often and at length, how various people, including Seigel, Lakefield, Bronner, and Tilton, are discussing a merger... None of those people were around in 1995.
So now we have 1995, 2000, and post 9/11/01... That would be three attempts by your counting, isn't that right?
Regardless... The FACTS stand that only one official offer for UAL to acquire US Airways was EVER made. There has yet to EVER be an offer from US Airways to acquire UAL. Period. You can spin and speculate on who is talking to whom. But those are the FACTS as they stand today.
[Added Later]
By the way. I may or may not have inside information. You do not know. Why? Because a person with insider information is in a trusted position. Revealing insider information actually puts whatever the information is about in jeopardy. If TWA's line pilots (or managers or whoever) posted information about AMR swooping in and acquiring TWA's assets on internet web sites, don't you think that management at CAL, DAL, NWAC, UAL, LUV, AAI, JBLU, and others would have read about this and considered trying to undermine the deal, or acquire TWA for themselves? Therefore, whatever insider information I may or may not have, I would never reveal on an internet chat board.
Again... If I were in Seigel's, Baldenza's, or Lakefield's shoes, I would be using a line pilot whom continues to 1) bug me by asking constantly about what I am working on and 2) post what I say verbatum on various internet websites, I would use that line pilot to spread the message of my choosing, which may or may not be the truth.