No USA320 Pilot, you are missing the point.
US Airways best hope is that it be acquired, not the other way around. Sorry.
Mr. Bronner has also said that he would not throw good money after bad. I believe merging two bankrupt companies would be a prime example of throwing good money after bad.
Furthermore, US Airways is only 1% of RSA's total holdings, and yet Mr. Bronner has spent a great deal of effort and time on it. I think eventually, Mr. Bronner will write off the 1% in order to focus on his primary responsibility, the RSA. Either the rest of the RSA runs itself, or Mr. Bronner and RSA are missing other, better investment opportunities, probably outside the aviation sector.
And for your comment about it only costs $226mil more to get to the $500mil M&A clause, i think you are mis-reading. I believe the clause to reduce the required unrestricted cash holdings from $700mil to $500 mil from convincing the auditors that the company is a "going concern", something they currently doubt. See quote:
US Airways also agreed to a loan covenant that its minimum unrestricted cash balance would not fall below the lower of $700 million and the outstanding balance of the loan at each month until its "going concern paragraph" is removed, at which point the unrestricted cash covenant will be reduced to $500 million.
You appear to be mixing and matching with the following statement, which appeared several paragrphs earlier than the cash balance info:
The company and the ATSB also agreed to modify other terms and provisions, including lifting certain restrictions on the company's ability to pursue asset sales.
Furthermore, you are asserting that the companuy should lose $425mil cash (i.e. the $925 on hand - the $500 "required for M&A activity") in order to begin asset sales! Wouldn't the company be better off trying to lose less cash AND keeping its assets? Your statements make no sense.
Lastly, the name is funguy2. If you were truly "respectful", you would get it right.