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American Airlines parent to prepay $545M in debt

What a crock....When the ULTRA VALUABLE executives threaten to leave, AA compensates, where the rest of us are told if you don't like it, leave.
Spare us the BUSINESS SCHOOL 101 rhetoric that money doesn't motivate. IT SURE AS HELL MOTIVATES THE EXECUTIVES, DOESNT IT, MIKEY?

Morale is more than wage related, When someone doesn't have to work two jobs, he/she can spend more time with family.
And you have some balls saying people on the line are lazy when you are up in a warm or cool cabin putting your rolls and cookies in the oven.
Try working in extreme weather conditions on the ramp doing all the jobs only lazy people want to do.

Where were you when AA executives were compaining how they were under compensated compared to other executives at other companies? You only seem to have issues with the people on the ground.

I think FA Mikey's post were only directed at FA's, but that is not the point. Everyone thinks they deserve more money. I want more money and my family wants more money. Like many of you, I think people around me deserve less money, but complaining about it doesn't fix anything. Neither does doing my job poorly.

If Mikey was implying that everyone in the company is slacking off but him, then yes, let's attack him, but if he was just making a point that people around him have used money as a crutch for less than full effort, than why the outrage?

If the possible new TWU contract leads to increased wages and a stronger tie to the work brought in, why can't that be done for other workgroups? Would that make everyone happier and more motivated?
What a crock....When the ULTRA VALUABLE executives threaten to leave, AA compensates, where the rest of us are told if you don't like it, leave.
Spare us the BUSINESS SCHOOL 101 rhetoric that money doesn't motivate. IT SURE AS HELL MOTIVATES THE EXECUTIVES, DOESNT IT, MIKEY?
One my post was about flight attendants. As for your screaming statement, I don't know, do you? I have said in the past, if you don't like it work to change it. You either unwilling or cannot, so sitting here and b1tching about it and getting nothing done is an exercise in futility.

Morale is more than wage related, When someone doesn't have to work two jobs, he/she can spend more time with family. And you have some balls saying people on the line are lazy when you are up in a warm or cool cabin putting your rolls and cookies in the oven. Try working in extreme weather conditions on the ramp doing all the jobs only lazy people want to do.
That was my point that morale is more than wages, although all anyone is will discuss is the dollar per hour. I guess you have to point out the quote where I say people on the line are lazy.

Here is something for you, I have worked in extreme weather conditions, searing heat and freezing cold. I didn't like it, I couldn't change the weather, so I switched jobs. Oh, I could have sat around and waiting for global warming to take effect. I just felt my own well being and sanity It might be too long a wait, who knew bush was coming to speed it up, Oh well.

As for my rolls and cookies isn't it interesting that it is always the first place checked by ramper's and mechanics, yet never cleaned and always deferred when broken.

Nobody has to work 2 jobs...they choose to. I know mechanics that get by just fine on the current wage. If you're living beyond the means of what you're paid, how is that management's fault. You can't get away with just saying you're making less now...living up to the old paycheck wasn't so bright either. If you can't manage to make adjustments, how is that anybody's fault but your own?

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