Dave Davis Named Us Airways Cfo

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Bear96 said:
So when the "New 6" don't agree with your philosophy of "Give everyone big raises!" you will criticize them too and demand their ouster...

Then the next bunch of senior management will come in and still advocate the same message as Seigel's team and Lakefield's team, and so you will scream that they need to go too...

"IF ONLY we had SOMEONE ELSE in those positions, 'things' would be SO MUCH better!"

Kinda silly isn't it. You will NEVER be happy with whomever is in senior management, WHATEVER they do, now won't you. So quit pretending there is some savior out there you would actually be happy with.
Bear 96,


First off the ship are the rats, last the captain!

I am sure you all can figure out the analogy!
dfw79 said:
Sounds like Doc Bronner bought a few new brooms at Home Depot. Hopefully the changed keep coming.
all should be advised this 'new crew' will be quite saavy with the in's and out;s of the goings on at U...after all they've been quietly waiting in the wings for how long??
they've been watching labors every reaction and know the responce quite well.
i'm sure they are board members right here on usaviation.com....frequent posters or guests if you will.
i also believe the days of light hearted negotiations are over....it's going to be live or let die from here on out.what we have before us are the seasoned veterans of BK emergence...we shall see them put forth the "MY WAY OR THE HIWAY" rhetoric.....
we are in for the fight of our lives....take it to the bank.
delldude said:
i also believe the days of light hearted negotiations are over....it's going to be live or let die from here on out.what we have before us are the seasoned veterans of BK emergence...we shall see them put forth the "MY WAY OR THE HIWAY" rhetoric.....
we are in for the fight of our lives....take it to the bank.
Maybe we should just ask them if we could have a nation wide phon-a-thon where all employees participate in lieu of concessions.
tick, tock;
tick, tock...

Focus people. It's STILL costing US over 11 cents to fly mainline jets on short hops around the east coast of the USA. Someone better get cracking on the real issues again or U will be uttered in the same breath as Eastern, TWA et al.
geo1004 said:
tick, tock;
tick, tock...

Focus people. It's STILL costing US over 11 cents to fly mainline jets on short hops around the east coast of the USA. Someone better get cracking on the real issues again or U will be uttered in the same breath as Eastern, TWA et al.
Do you take pleasure in knowing that 27,000 employees plus hundreds if not thousands of other employees' whose company does business with US might be out of work?

Some of the frequent posters on this forum are successful and smart businesspeople and I think that they could do a very good job at helping to run UAIR. Since Mr Lakefield seems to be cleaning house at CCY, let's have some nominations:

From outside the company:
ITRADE: Route and Fleet Planning
Piney Bob: Sales or maybe customer service? Or simply in charge of implementing a new corporate culture. Not to suggest that would be a "simple" task
Art at ISP: Inventory and Yield Mgmt
US2: He/She rarely posts on these pages these days. But I miss US2's keen insight; I'm not sure where they could be best untilized. Suggestions?

Let's have some more nominations of people from inside the company, too.

We could even split it into serious and not so serious ideas....On second thought, let's not go there.
BoeingBoy....Most definately. I think he could fit in just about anywhere with a clear perspective and fairness on many issues. :up: :up:
Thanks, kt, but I'm perfectly happy flying airplanes - or as I sometimes say, riding around looking out the window and playing the radio.

PITbull said:
Bear 96,

Last time I checked, you were not employed with USAirways. You don't know what the hell I think or what we think. You need to keep an eye on your own house.

So, now what, you read minds to, besides the future???? :angry:
No need to read minds to tell what you think...

Reading almost any one of your OVER THREE THOUSAND POSTS (which tend to say the same thing over and over) will do.
700UW said:
Do you take pleasure in knowing that 27,000 employees plus hundreds if not thousands of other employees' whose company does business with US might be out of work?
Did you take pleasure during all those years of way-above-market airfares and labor rates?

Free market system.
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