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Us Airways Names James Schear Restructuring Vp

us0004us said:
jim schear is a highly respected aviator and leader...some folks would say,

that needs to be said here. interesting that he elected to return..

Jim Shear was hired here to lure the pilots to a T/A.

The company believes if they get the pilots to come to a T/A, it will lure the rest of us.

Many pilots were in the navy and airforce. As soon as they see a comrad with this background, they are easily lead into slaughter.

Its all "smoke and mirrors" my friends. Rest Assured.
Atlantic said:
My boy, 700, has a part time job with Blue. He parks, or does bags, or push backs, jet ways, he's in de-iceing training now. He's the second guy in the cockpit when mx has to taxi the a/c. He dumps the lavs. When he goes to work, he goes to work. The have a break room, with no tv. And right now he's making a little over 10 dollars per hr. He also has his college degree, and all his ratings. Flying part time to build hrs. Knows what he has to do to interview for a pilot position for Blue. He doesn't know what a work rule is.
This is the reality of today.
Could I park a plane during a 2 or 3 hr. break? Don't even have to train me. Drive a truck to pick up a part? Please. Drive a jetway, just show me how. It can't be that hard.
Dump a lave..............naw, don't wan't to do that, but neither do you.


You really didn't answer 700's issue with your post. Its about YOU. ARe you willing to cross train in your position? Why not dump the lavs? You opened your mouth....now be a part of the solution.

I can tell you for sure as I sit here, I don't want to clean planes or dump lavs or cleean lavs. And surely, I won't do it on my wage.
Just because someone was in the military such as Lakefield or Shear, does not immune them of growing up to be greedy sons-of*&%$#s in Corporate America.
and likewise,

just because someone was a labor union representative does not immune them of growing up to be greedy sons/daughters in Corporate America.

it takes two to tango.....and tango they are doing.....

good luck to all
As a former operator of a 600 passenger, and Captian of such vessel, I hav pumper out the holding tank when the engineer was busy making a quick repair so that we could leave on the next crusie on time. Per CG regs, and officer must on hand when discharging has. material.

Since it was a one man job, it was crazy for me to watch a deck hand do the job and take up two peoples time.

I have done job several time over my career and other tasks to make sure we ran on time and had a safe vessel.

Do I want to do that all the time, heck no.

But that is the difference of an operation that does not have strick work rules. You got the job done, and everyone benefited in the process.
Jim was not brought here to get a pilot TA. He is going to run the restructuring and there is not a better person available to head the effort.

It would not surprise me if Jim is the company's next chief operating or chief executive officer.

He's a true leader and the company is lucky to have this man part of the team. In my opinion, Jim will be Lakefield's number 2 man, and he will bring a lot of creditability to the restructuring to the company’s true owners, the creditors.


USA320Pilot said:
Jim was not brought here to get a pilot TA. He is going to run the restructuring and there is not a better person available to head the effort.

It would not surprise me if Jim is the company's next chief operating or chief executive officer.

He's a true leader and the company is lucky to have this man part of the team. In my opinion, Jim will be Lakefield's number 2 man, and he will bring a lot of creditability to the restructuring to the company’s true owners, the creditors.


He better hurry up then. This thing will shut down after the holidays. Then again it wouldn't surprise me if Lakefield named him interim COO or CEO since even in bankruptcy and subsequent liquidation officers still take a salary for months even years after the fact. It's what I called it before: cronyism.
700UW said:
Dont give up your day job.

I meant that they will not be able to use and abuse their employees as they do now.

Hey Atlantic, you did not answer my question.

I know a lot and I mean a lot of people who wrk there and none of them complain about abuse. So if it is the IAM you think is going over there to same them, then I feel sorry for the employees not the company.

This coming from you does not surprise me...okay PitBull, we will all follow you on to slaughter....PLEASE.

Jim Shear is a great addition to the company, welcome back Jim!

PitBull, this is a great example of the fact that you have nothing good to say, and in fact, will spin everything into the worst possible light.

I feel sorry for you, and the FA's who listen to you, and those you represent.


PITbull said:
Jim Shear was hired here to lure the pilots to a T/A.

The company believes if they get the pilots to come to a T/A, it will lure the rest of us.

Its all "smoke and mirrors" my friends. Rest Assured.
USA320Pilot said:
Jim was not brought here to get a pilot TA. He is going to run the restructuring and there is not a better person available to head the effort.

It would not surprise me if Jim is the company's next chief operating or chief executive officer.

He's a true leader and the company is lucky to have this man part of the team. In my opinion, Jim will be Lakefield's number 2 man, and he will bring a lot of creditability to the restructuring to the company’s true owners, the creditors.




Lakefield will NOT be staying. He is not an airline industry exec. He is merely a wall street maveric who happens to have a "best friend", who has his reputation and investor's money in a legacy carrier.

Bruce Ashby, IMO, will be the next CEO. He IS the man for the job!
UseYourHead said:

This coming from you does not surprise me...okay PitBull, we will all follow you on to slaughter....PLEASE.

Jim Shear is a great addition to the company, welcome back Jim!

PitBull, this is a great example of the fact that you have nothing good to say, and in fact, will spin everything into the worst possible light.

I feel sorry for you, and the FA's who listen to you, and those you represent.



YOU are not labor. I know who and what you represent. After reading all your slanted posts, I feel the same way about you that you do about me.

We will engage Bankruptcy. You can like it...or lump it! That is our destiny. The creditors will decide the fate of U...not you or I or this managment!
I am as much labor as you (although when painted in a corner with you it is embarassing)....I too believe that BK is quite the possibility, therefore, a judge and creditors will have major input.

What we did/do as labor still matters, it is a no brainer.

PITbull said:

YOU are not labor. I know who and what you represent. After reading all your slanted posts, I feel the same way about you that you do about me.

We will engage Bankruptcy. You can like it...or lump it! That is our destiny. The creditors will decide the fate of U...not you or I or this managment!
UseYourHead, bankruptcy is definite. I believe by this time next week we will be discussing the ramifications of the filing. Needless to say, watching what is going on with ALPA and how horribly the company is treating them I commend PITbull for standing up to the injustice. If you want to be painted in a corner I'll give you a dunce hat. That will more than likely suffice given your attitude.
Hold the press. "Why not Mesa fly our 737's." Was that it? I thought 700 was just being cheeky.
It would be a disaster. Mesa can barely launch what the have. Mesa is last on evey pilots list to work for. It's a horrable company to work for. J.O., a year or so ago, put forth an idea to hes own pilot group to fly some of our 737's. His conditions were so outrageous that his own pilots walked away. You think we're screwed up. Look at Mesa's day to day opperation.
The reality is that the main line pilots have given up much of their flying to the commuters. This has caused lay offs through out the company. We have over 1800 pilots on furlow. Money, we have given the most.
And when I go to work Pit, guess who howls the most when the flight is full, no monitors,etc. Hint, not catering.
You get paid to do what your contract says. And if you have to clean the A/C at stations, so be it.
Xtrained, come on. Anything below the wing I can get over the phone.
Back to the 737 though. Because of the degrading of the pilot's list, the flight crews that fly our 737's are probably the most experience in the county. Me, about 30,000 hrs. F/O's, at least half, if not more. Put that up against Mesa, 2 or 3000 between them.

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