One of the things I like about these boards is they are pretty open regarding what is said here and censorship is at a minimum.
Discussing fatal crashes in the context of this type of thread to me is off limits. For one it's a bit of a cheap shot and is at best insensitive and disrespectful of those who lost their lives in the crashes you're alluding to. Not to mention their friends and loved ones.
If you want to be Sh*tty about it why not discuss the two convicted drunken pilots from a certain airline?
You have to remember that HP was nearly grounded by the FAA and to my understanding the relationship was rancorous right up until the merger when US decided to keep Al Crellin on due to his relationship with the FAA. You'll note that shortly after the single operating certificate was granted Mr Crellin was quietly put out to pasture.
Neither airline was run all that well pre-merger as we have multiple BK's, Near Groundings, Crashes, ATSB loans and on it goes through the pilot dispute to this very day. The airline is a mess and has been for quite some time. Doug to his credit has done some good things especially on the cost side. A lot of the profits are smoke and mirrors.
Truth is that if you need to pay industry lagging wages, lard on half a billion in fees just to become a profit laggard then something is wrong at the top,