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And where the hell have you been? I miss you intensely.

You cite the problems, and I agree. Considering we only have two strong political parties, what is the solution?

How do you get folks to vote? We can't even get our group to vote on proposals, strike funds, partipate on any level on any damn thing. What is the solution. Give me anything that would be realistic, and I will do it. Seems like no one wants to be stimulated or motivated to do anything. They either scream you're too pasionate and need tempered and some civility , or its just too much work for them. We are unorganized.

Many posters cite the problems, but I haven't seen anyone come up with realistic solutions to "motivate change". Including myself.
PITbull said:
And where the hell have you been?

You cite the problems, and I agree. Considering we only have two strong political parties, what is the solution?

How do you get folks to vote? We can't even get our group to vote on proposals, strike funds, partipate on any level on any damn thing. What is the solution. Give me anything that would be realistic, and I will do it. Seems like no one wants to be stimulated or motivated to do anything. They either scream you too pasionate and need tempered, or its just oo much work for them. We are unorganized.

Many posters cite the problems, but I haven't seen anyone come up with realistic solutions to "make change". Including myself.
Oh, I'm here almost every day... I love to read. 😀 I get bored with the constant posts by the transparent "plants" and those that have no stake but deem themselves masters of the industry and try to stir up trouble. I made a deliberate choice to refrain from replying to the usual suspects. However, after reading several recent posts from Dea, whom I respect, I wanted to chime in.

The "solution" is not in your hands, in my not so humble opinion. While I appreciate and respect your efforts, there is only so much any one person can do.

Apathy is an ugly disease. Usually the cure for apathy, and the resulting activism comes only through pain or unpleasant consequences. Remember, its an "economic downturn" when people are losing their jobs... a "recession" when a neighbor loses his job... and a "depression" when YOU lose your job. Thus, sadly, many will have to lose, and suffer before they awake from their complacency.

In a sense, I see the situation at U as a microcosm of the situation in our country. We are victims of our complacency and comfort. U paid well enough and was tolerable enough for many to put up with the bs and justify it to themselves, although they were miserable or unhappy with facing the workplace. It takes losing it all or the distinct threat of losing it all to spur people to action.

As long as the complacent employees had others to sacrifice their personal time and defend their contracts and workrules, what incentive do they have to contribute... to get involved... its human nature, not pretty, but predictable.

The "darkside" knows human nature and are masters of manipulation. Note there have been no strategies, no teamwork, no plan, no marketing, no concensus building, no tapping of the vast human resources available... its been a constant drumbeat of givebacks, takeaways, threats, intimidation, and negativity.

As far as the political situation in our country, it will take a massive awakening of a sleeping public. This is not likely to happen as the masses are kept distracted and entertained and are easily led like sheep.

It's time for free thinkers and statesmen to arise. Sadly, I see none.

On that bright note, my best to you. 😀
Dilligas said:
It's time for free thinkers and statesmen to arise. Sadly, I see none.

On that bright note, my best to you. 😀
It's going to take more than free
Thinkers to solve the world's problems.

Dill, maybe you are a fan of Alex Jones

Or the talking heads of WWCR

What's offered there is just as bleak as the
Daily gloom coming out of CCY

Right now it's the dark side 7 and all
The others 2 going into the ninth

I don’t blame anyone for bailing,
There is no honor in driving oneself
Mad over the things that can not
Be changed, let alone controlled
tim said:
Right now it's the dark side 7 and all
The others 2 going into the ninth
Hi Tim,

In a fair game, even 7-2 can be overcome. However, it is my belief that the "fix is in".

I'm not all doom & gloom, I'm a skeptical optimist! :shock:
Not enough folks have been evicted from their zone of comfort, yet.

While I hope we can pull out of this decent now, I fear it will need to get worse, before it gets better.

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