You should have stuck to your word and left.
Aw Jim, why would you want me to leave? So your doe eyed disciples wouldn’t see you for what you are? No, I’ll be around looking for your lunatic posts like the false outing one. Here when I want to be, not when I don’t or get kicked off, whichever comes first.
No back to the topic. 190 posts and you really haven’t put forward anything meaningful. Your first pearl of wisdom was taking me on about my question to clear of why she would do such a thing, saying that the westies say EVERYTHING is about DOH, so that logic doesn’t follow that a captain would falsely do something for DOH, when she already has her DOH. I answered you, but then you wisely left that and went on to claim that I had chosen sides. I asked how, but you kept on. Your next wonderful contribution to the discussion was that the company didn’t ask Wells any questions because they didn’t know she was coming. I laid out the fact that Mr. Eagle’s account and the FAA’s don’t match up, the FAA’s more closely matches Captain Wells’. Not a peep on that one. As a matter of fact, not as single post of substance, only #### stirring and deflection. But hey, none of your minions really addressed those points either. They learned well from you.
I didn’t ask “why” to try and figure out the company’s line of thinking. I figured they thought it was either the best for their case, or best for an up coming lawsuit. It doesn’t matter, my point was to those westies on here playing Judge, Jury and Executioner, that even the company, who should have a grip on what happened, didn’t do that to her. They didn’t question her recollection of events, events that could have a big outcome if the “Eagle” letter is true. You said it was because they "didn’t know she was coming”, but you ignored the issue that they said they would address it in rebuttal, had a whole weekend for think about it, and didn’t. That was my point, but rather than address the point, you did what you do, danced around it.
So Caesar Jimbo thumbs up or thumbs down? You minions here say she is without a doubt guilty and by God should HANG. What say you? No more just dancing around poking people in the ribs, adding nothing, hang her or not?