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Update on Flight 718/June 16, 2011 (PHL‐FCO)

You are a RACIST with the above words.

Why is an accurate written depiction of the dialect with which a slave would speak to the slave owner racist? It doesn't endorse it or condone it, it uses the example of a cruel and unfair relationship between two human beings.

How is that racist?
"Captain Wells, give us some ways you like to shut down the APU"

"Well, uh... I push a button and then it goes dark. Or I can uh... take my FFDO pistol and go back to the back and shoot it! It uh, may take a few times but that can work too!'

"Captain Wells, tell us more about this procedure of going back and shooting this airplane idea, I mean, is this an authorized company procedure?"

"No!" {Beaming} "I made it up myself!"

Cute. Since you are so smart, answer this-the letter that started this thread says, I believe, that power was removed from the APU and there was no auto shutdown. Why not call her on it? Show the Judge Mr. Eagle's letter? So simple. Good old luvn says it's because this outfit is so nice and all.
How long did it take to get the ground air conditioning hooked up to the acft? Aside from the acft being parked on the wrong spot and the search for a hose extension it appears the HOT cabin played a major roll in this melt down. Small item in comparison to the maintenance issues but nonetheless noteworthy. Stay KOOL my friend!
Absent EGPWS to correct their MISTAKE, I know you guys don't think you make them, it would have been in the dirt. Are you Jimbo's long lost boy?
Let's not go down this road


But let's get back to the original subject which is the accountability of Capt. Wells for her actions.
How long did it take to get the ground air conditioning hooked up to the acft? Aside from the acft being parked on the wrong spot and the search for a hose extension it appears the HOT cabin played a major roll in this melt down. Small item in comparison to the maintenance issues but nonetheless noteworthy. Stay KOOL my friend!
Excellent point. Where were these hose extensions as the airplane sat on the ramp all day? Was the APU running all afternoon? Whose responsibility was it to shut it down when it was parked?

BUT, maintenance did start the APU and it was apparently capable of running the packs, but it was subsequently shut down and put on MEL because, perhaps the embarrassment of the captain over making some mistake? Runner-up in a pissing match? Lanyard too tight?
Let's not go down this road


But let's get back to the original subject which is the accountability of Capt. Wells for her actions.

Good idea, talk to your aqua ahole attorney.
You never answered any of my questions, just stuck on "no cross because they didn't know she was a comin'!"

Well, you ask foolish questions. How do you think I'm supposed to know what Siegel was thinking. I merely pointed out what he said, which you had ignored all along. So now you're going to "prove" what Siegel was thinking?

You should have stuck to your word and left. Or your other word of just being back for a day. You're wound up past the breaking point and getting tighter with each passing post you make.
You should have stuck to your word and left.

Aw Jim, why would you want me to leave? So your doe eyed disciples wouldn’t see you for what you are? No, I’ll be around looking for your lunatic posts like the false outing one. Here when I want to be, not when I don’t or get kicked off, whichever comes first.

No back to the topic. 190 posts and you really haven’t put forward anything meaningful. Your first pearl of wisdom was taking me on about my question to clear of why she would do such a thing, saying that the westies say EVERYTHING is about DOH, so that logic doesn’t follow that a captain would falsely do something for DOH, when she already has her DOH. I answered you, but then you wisely left that and went on to claim that I had chosen sides. I asked how, but you kept on. Your next wonderful contribution to the discussion was that the company didn’t ask Wells any questions because they didn’t know she was coming. I laid out the fact that Mr. Eagle’s account and the FAA’s don’t match up, the FAA’s more closely matches Captain Wells’. Not a peep on that one. As a matter of fact, not as single post of substance, only #### stirring and deflection. But hey, none of your minions really addressed those points either. They learned well from you.

I didn’t ask “why” to try and figure out the company’s line of thinking. I figured they thought it was either the best for their case, or best for an up coming lawsuit. It doesn’t matter, my point was to those westies on here playing Judge, Jury and Executioner, that even the company, who should have a grip on what happened, didn’t do that to her. They didn’t question her recollection of events, events that could have a big outcome if the “Eagle” letter is true. You said it was because they "didn’t know she was coming”, but you ignored the issue that they said they would address it in rebuttal, had a whole weekend for think about it, and didn’t. That was my point, but rather than address the point, you did what you do, danced around it.

So Caesar Jimbo thumbs up or thumbs down? You minions here say she is without a doubt guilty and by God should HANG. What say you? No more just dancing around poking people in the ribs, adding nothing, hang her or not?
Looks like someone else could use a little pamperin'!

Whatever has happened to my computer, the worst part is all the smileys are gone. I would have given that clever retort a whole page there luver boy!

Whatever you do, please don't stop posting about this topic. It really has provided some great material.
Your first pearl of wisdom was taking me on about my question to clear of why she would do such a thing, saying that the westies say EVERYTHING is about DOH, so that logic doesn’t follow that a captain would falsely do something for DOH, when she already has her DOH.

You mean the response that others castigated my for - how dare anyone suggest that the 517 wouldn't support their fellow east pilots quest for DOH. I said exactly what several easties in the "517" have made more than clear but you apparently aren't satisfied with your fellow easties opinions. Only when I say it is it somehow not responsive to the question.

and went on to claim that I had chosen sides.

You've only found fault with one side. Isn't that the definition of taking the other?

Your next wonderful contribution to the discussion was that the company didn’t ask Wells any questions because they didn’t know she was coming.

Way to twist the facts - I never claimed to know why they didn't. Only pointed to what was said in court, not by me.

I laid out the fact that Mr. Eagle’s account and the FAA’s don’t match up, the FAA’s more closely matches Captain Wells’

And you know for a fact that "Eagle's account" was available during the hearing. How do you know that? The FAA's response was brief - was there some sinister motive behind that too? It was so brief it's not much of a stretch to say it could support either side. Did the FAA mention the undocumented battery test procedure? Did they discuss the length of the air hose and the apparent affect it had on cabin temp? Did they clarify much of anything?

I didn’t ask “why” to try and figure out the company’s line of thinking. I figured they thought it was either the best for their case, or best for an up coming lawsuit.

Ah, the truth comes out. You ask questions to elicit a response that you hope you can attack a westie for. And then you have the gall to chastise me for not answering your every question...

You said it was because they "didn’t know she was coming”, but you ignored the issue that they said they would address it in rebuttal, had a whole weekend for think about it, and didn’t. That was my point, but rather than address the point, you did what you do, danced around it.

There you go with the "you said" again. I merely pointed you to what the lawyer said, but you seem to have difficulty distinguishing between the two. I don't believe I even cut and pasted what the lawyer said except in quoting where you did in your post. Yet you continue with the "you said" when I obviously did not say. Honest, reality isn't that slippery of a concept. I was just tired of your constant "Why didn't they ..." and thought I'd show you what they said. I should have known that you were just hoping for someone to answer so you could blame them for the answer when it didn't match what you'd already decided the answer was - proof that Wells' account was complete and accurate.

I know that you believe you know everything from that lofty perch you've constructed for yourself - even what the lawyers are thinking. Believe me, that 4th stripe doesn't bestow that on those who have it. Anyone who thinks otherwise probably shouldn't have that 4th stripe, because thinking you have all the answers is the antithesis of CRM and could prove to be dangerous for yourself, your co-workers and your passengers

What say you? No more just dancing around poking people in the ribs, adding nothing, hang her or not?

As you know, I've answered that at least twice I believe. So you're still looking for the answer that'll allow you to claim some sort of twisted victory? Look elsewhere, preferably after a long break to unwind. People too wound up tend to go on rampages and shoot innocent people - you're doing a fine job of that with words instead of bullets...take a break before words aren't satisfying enough for you...

... perhaps the embarrassment of the captain over making some mistake? ...

Every time you step up to take your turn throwing your stone you wuss out and pull off the speed. Grow a pair and do your duty already. Keep up with your mob. 😉
I've been involved in many trials in a past life & for the life of me I can not understand why they choose not to ask Capt. Wells any questions. Oh they didn't have anything.

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