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Update on Flight 718/June 16, 2011 (PHL‐FCO)

So you're changing your argument now? What happened to that mountain that you've tried to construct from the molehill of not cross examining her? A few words from the transcript seems to have let the air out of that mountain... :lol:


What in the world are you talking about?????? I really think you are losing it. How am I changing my argument? I think it is significant that they didn't ask her a question, during cross or rebuttal. You say I left out words? Here's a quote from you above post: "We'll reserve for rebuttal." Did they?????????/

Did they ask a single question of her?
Doesn't the transcript indicate that they had a list of witnesses?
Didn't they have from Friday until Monday to come up with some questions and counter her version of what happened?
Should we tie her to an electrical bus? C'mon, show off your systems knowledge Captain!

Just as I figured. All bark and no bite. The company is playing your mob like a fiddle and you are all too gleeful to accommodate them. Who needs due process or facts when you have a mob in search of a spark.
What in the world are you talking about??????

I know it must be hard to keep up with all the rationalizations you use, but how many times have you said words to the effect of "Why didn't they cross examine her?" YOU made the lack of cross a big issue, no one else. I merely pointed out what you apparently kept ignoring - they (Siegel I think) said why they didn't cross examine her. Now you're trying to make the same mountain out of rebuttal?

Instead of assuming the best for one side, why not just assume the lawyers know what they're doing even if you don't. Stop trying to turn every mole hill ant hill into a mountain of proof that fits your preconceived notions.

Just as I figured. All bark and no bite. The company is playing your mob like a fiddle and you are all too gleeful to accommodate them. Who needs due process or facts when you have a mob in search of a spark.

Describe this mob you see Mr. Captain. What do these peasants want??
I am speechless at how dumb Wells is- and apparently a liar to boot. She says the APU did an auto shutdown but the computers say otherwise. She performs her own made-up battery test and instead of demonstrating weak batteries showed her complete lack of systems knowledge. Then another couple of east pilots show up to demonstrate their lack of systems knowledge!

Wells needs to be fired, she is a safety liability for us all.
You and me both. A lawyer of that incompetence would have been sued for malpractice long ago. A doctor would have been medmal'd long ago. She's a testament to how easy and dumbed down the job has become...even Wells can do it.
You just don't like the answer since it's not "Yes massah, anything you say massah". So you fall back to the usual attacks. So angry and emotionally wound up to the breaking point... :lol:

how easy and dumbed down the job has become
Really. Sort of like the west crew that almost put a bus in the dirtin Mexico a few years back because they didn't know how to load a VIA, so the built their own, incorrectly! Thank God they had EGPWS to save them!
You just don't like the answer since it's not "Yes massah, anything you say massah". So you fall back to the usual attacks. So angry and emotionally wound up to the breaking point... :lol:


Fact: The company did not ask Captain Wells a single question during the trial. If her issue was so clear cut, they could have knocked the case out of the water right there! They didn't. You never answered any of my questions, just stuck on "no cross because they didn't know she was a comin'!"

No breaking point at all. As I said, I'm available tonight and just down the road, so let's get together and I can prove you wrong on that one too.

I just don't like people that throw stones without the facts. Just as I came to the defense of the C18 and warned the east to not be too hasty in there opinions about SSgate.
Really. Sort of like the west crew that almost put a bus in the dirtin Mexico a few years back because they didn't know how to load a VIA, so the built their own, incorrectly! Thank God they had EGPWS to save them!
Link to the NTSB report please.
Fact: The company did not ask Captain Wells a single question during the trial.

"Captain Wells, give us some ways you like to shut down the APU"

"Well, uh... I push a button and then it goes dark. Or I can uh... take my FFDO pistol and go back to the back and shoot it! It uh, may take a few times but that can work too!'

"Captain Wells, tell us more about this procedure of going back and shooting this airplane idea, I mean, is this an authorized company procedure?"

"No!" {Beaming} "I made it up myself!"
So "almost" was pretty far removed from almost, then.

Absent EGPWS to correct their MISTAKE, I know you guys don't think you make them, it would have been in the dirt. Are you Jimbo's long lost boy?

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