would you be kind enough to post your credentials as a financial expert here?
well , gee , these things really aren't THAT hard to understand if you take the time to learn about them ....
Let's say i picked up a book on a topic i knew nothing about , say the ancient history of china , and i read it .... by the time i finished reading the book , i should know the general outline of the history , the major events and the names of some of the major players ...
it's just THAT easy with our economy ...can i suggest you start by reading the wall street journal everyday ...i'll be the first to admit that when i picked it up i didn't understand half of what they were saying , but as i grew to understand the context (and using google ) i grew to have a much firmer , more sound understanding of the picture ...
it also helps that i'm extremely detached from the situation .... I’ve less to lose than most , so i can view the picture more clearly , and right now the experts are fooling themselves , as are the people invested in the market .
Why? Because the reality is to frightening to want to comprehend ..
As far as my credentials go … baggage handler … and that should speak volumes to another handler …. You know how much free time we have at work , have always had , some watch sports , others chat on the phone , I , I review world wide financial news and trends