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United Mechanics vote on new contract extensio

Sorry, when it comes to a CBA we will have to live under, the UAL Technicians aren't really concerned with the inane blathering of a ramper from another airline.

Contracts aren't just about money, and fortunately UAL Technicians are a bit more discerning

Actually if they voted it down based on the conversations you and I had here surrounding a boogeyman argument then your coworkers are pretty damn dumb honestly.

Sorry but I don’t think they teach financial literacy or basic common sense in Avionics School.

Dumb decisions based on irrational fear mongering are all too common today though.

So how many years do you think UAL Management will stonewall you now? Tick Tock, Tick Tock.
All the more reason I still believe UAL will try and tweak the extension language - They already know that minus a crisis, the December reset will pay out, and now with Delta adding 5% that reset increase just got bigger.

While the reset increase won't be nearly as large as the extension raises, the reset increases come without surrendering a word of contract language. The question is what was the biggest issue(s) driving that "NO" vote? If there is one glaring issue driving the vote then it could be an easy fix, but if its more or less split evenly among many issues we may be in for the long game.

We'll see

Beginning to look like “Long Game” is the winning bet. Buckle up.
So here’s how this Ramper from another Airline sees this playing out.

UAL now has to deal with finishing up the AFA Contract before moving on to all those IAM represented Groups. Somehow the IBT squeezed in and got a deal that would have put them “comfortably” on the sidelines making extra money and still retaining that sweet industry reset. And that’s while AA soon begins negotiations with the TWU/IAM Association.

UAL isn’t going to be so quick to negotiate any deals with the IBT now. They’re going to have to get in line with everyone else. And AA and UAL are going to be watching what each other does as far as improvements.

Pretty easy to figure out why Management is ignoring you now. You should have taken that deal Bro. 😎
Well here you go. APFA just got a TA and I expect the AFA won’t be close behind. Now AA and UAL move into negotiations with their Ramp and Maintenance Groups. This is getting too easy to time.

IBT UAL update.

Well maybe the Industry wants to come to quicker deals now after all? This is a pretty aggressive series of meetings. Fingers crossed 🤞

December 6, 2024
The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee is working hard to reach a tentative agreement for a strong new contract for the membership.
Because our reset calculation shows us to be above our competitors by a substantial enough margin, wages for United Airlines technicians will not increase as part of the 2024 Industry Reset Model.
This model was created to ensure the value of the United technicians agreement is at least 102 percent of the average pay and benefits received by technicians at American Airlines and Delta Airlines. The 2024 Reset Model showed that United technician pay and benefits are above the threshold needed to trigger an adjustment to our wage scales.
The Reset Model considers five factors to assess the total value of the United technicians agreement. This value is then compared to the average value of the same five factors for technicians at American and Delta.
The five elements are:
1. Pay – Technicians all-in wage rate (scale rates, A&P Licenses Premium, Line Premium and Longevity Premium) and VEBA
2. Paid Time Off – vacation, sick, and holidays
3. Benefits – employer’s medical cost share and retirement contribution
4. Profit Sharing – applies the profit-sharing percentage to annual United Airlines pre-tax profits
5. Scope – the ratio of Technicians heads per mainline aircraft
Since the December 2022 reset, rates for top-of-scale technicians have increased by 18.0 percent at United, 8.4 percent at Delta, and 3.6 percent at American. Together, the average wage increase for American and Delta technicians is 6.0 percent since the reset was calculated in 2022.
The value of our contract is also higher due to United technicians paying lower medical premiums, earning more paid vacation time, and receiving more holidays and sick leave than the average of American and Delta technicians. It should be noted that the wage rates recently won by American Airlines technicians do not take effect until January 1, 2025, and are not allowed, per the CBA, to be used in the current Reset Model.
Additionally, the Reset Model analysis is run every 12 months after the United contract amendable date (12/05/24) to ensure that United technicians remain above the average of American and Delta during the bargaining period. This is a unique contract provision, not often seen in our industry, that provides the opportunity for wage increases during the negotiation process. With this unique contract provision, United technicians ensure that their total compensation remain at least 102 percent the average of American and Delta throughout the negotiation process
Last week the IBT nego committee gave their economic proposal to the company. Nego are scheduled at SFO this week.
They offered a **** sandwich worse than the last years extension offer. This one cancels the bridge medical and cancels the pension and replaces it with something else. Also sends more heavy maint overseas.
They offered a **** sandwich worse than the last years extension offer. This one cancels the bridge medical and cancels the pension and replaces it with something else. Also sends more heavy maint overseas.

I’m honestly very sorry. They’re likely playing hard ball with you now because of the Trump administration being in office. Trump may be trying to woo some Union members to his side but you guys aren’t large enough to get his attention IMO.

They offered a **** sandwich worse than the last years extension offer. This one cancels the bridge medical and cancels the pension and replaces it with something else. Also sends more heavy maint overseas.
Do I dare to try and find the offer? Or is it a waste of time?? You know TSH, it still sounds exactly like the ole teamsters again and still. The teamsters were the ones that started and allowed the outsourcing here to go over seas, first with Canada, and then the move into El Salvador. Sure hope you guys can work out a great deal.
Do I dare to try and find the offer? Or is it a waste of time?? You know TSH, it still sounds exactly like the ole teamsters again and still. The teamsters were the ones that started and allowed the outsourcing here to go over seas, first with Canada, and then the move into El Salvador. Sure hope you guys can work out a great deal.

Don’t try. You’re way too stupid to figure out basic easy searches.
Do I dare to try and find the offer? Or is it a waste of time?? You know TSH, it still sounds exactly like the ole teamsters again and still. The teamsters were the ones that started and allowed the outsourcing here to go over seas, first with Canada, and then the move into El Salvador. Sure hope you guys can work out a great deal.

Other than the links above, the teamsters haven't, as of yet, provided the actual language from the company proposal - its laughable to see the teamsters crying about outsourced work when they first swore to stop outsourcing when they were campaigning, only to now face plant having failed to stop damn near everything.
Other than the links above, the teamsters haven't, as of yet, provided the actual language from the company proposal - its laughable to see the teamsters crying about outsourced work when they first swore to stop outsourcing when they were campaigning, only to now face plant having failed to stop damn near everything.
Typical teamster representation my friend. They will say they will fight tooth and nail, and then behind closed doors they will make a deal where they say they saved more jobs than previously planned, or more work, and so on. All the while still allowing more overseas outsourcing.
I didn't see any links above. If you posted some I did not see them on my end. No worries will go look myself on the teamsters airline dev or the local's updates today sometime. Sounds like you guys may be in for long nego's though.