You still operate under the misconception that the business traveler is looking for rock bottom fares. You should be focusing your anger on the once a year leisure traveler who is looking for the loser fares.
You may not realize it or want to admit it, but the vast majority of business travellers are still looking for rock-bottom fares. Maybe not "rock bottom" in the sense of the absolute lowest out there, but in the sense of way below what is really required on a scale large enough to provide the services and amenities you say you want. You dress it up and say "fair fares; we just don't want to be gouged." But what is "fair" and what is "gouging"? Those are subjective terms. They are defined in terms of what is "normal" compared to other prices out there. Fares have fallen quite dramatically over the last five years are so, and many restrictions are history, yet they are still not low enough for you.
How do you establish this magical line between "fair" and "gouging"? Fares are "fair" when there are enough people willing to pay them so that the airline can still stay in business. Many people thought that Independence Air offered "fair" fares and everyone else was "gouging." Oops -- where is Indy today?
I propose to you that what you think are "fair" fares are really unsustainable in the long run to provide the service you think such fares should be able to support. Most people simply have no idea about all the costs necessary to run an airline.
If LCC is really offering "unfair" fares, stop buying them! LCC will respond by either lowering the fares, or go out of business.
I have made this challenge before. If it is truly so plain that fares are out of whack, and that an airline should be able to provide all the perks and amenities people keep claiming they want (and feel they are paying for) at the prices they are actually willing to pay, and if it is so easy to achieve this balance, WHERE IS THAT AIRLINE? Where is the airline that is profitable, and that is offering all the services you want at fares you consider to be "fair"? (And why aren't you flying that airline?)
If that airline doesn't exist and managing an airline is so easy (which it must be since many frequent flyers here constantly criticize airline management for being so stupid), why don't you and L4PI and PB get together and start your dream airline at your dream fares and provide your dream services? There's apparently lots of money to be made very easily catering to the hordes of travellers like you, to hear how you carry on.
So as said elsewhere, what are YOU willing to give up, when that significant chunk of revenue starts to leave?
Nothing. You see, I am now on the PASSENGER / CUSTOMER side of the airline equation. But, I have the insight from the other side. So I am fascinated by the sense of entitlement some frequent flyers have. I am also fascinated by their inflated sense of how much value most of them bring to an airline. A few truly do, over the long term, pay fares well over the return they get from an airline. But those very few people are almost always way too busy working and flying, and don't have the time to be posting every little complaint all over the internet about how their last 25-minute flight to Bumblefarck had insufficient seat recline, or wasting their time trying to call the CEO personally to let him know the OUTRAGE that their last flight only had Equal instead of Sweet'N Low.
And for the record, when the hot meals in F on transcons went away last year in that ill fated experiment, about $10000 of my money went with it for a few months. Multiply me by the hundreds if not thousands of supposedly high value customers who did the same thing without saying it, and there was more than a couple of pennies lost.
But also for the record -- you are now back, apparently?
So nothing personal, but it's none of your darned business whether we stay or go, and at least in my case, my comments/criticisms are not whining, but constructive.
Nah, at this point, you are just whining.
Constructive is complaining for a while hoping the recipient of the complaint will change its ways. When it is plain the recipient is not willing or able to change, the constructive thing to do is to simply leave. Hanging on for -- literally --
YEARS while things don't chage or in fact only get worse and still lamenting about how things "ought to be," is just pointless whining. I see nothing constructive about it.