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Once again I hear what the IAM has done for you from the IAM hopeful. State any issue and you will see the IAM and the Company work hand in hand against you as a worker . First remember the IAM is to work and represent you not run it as a business to make money and not serve the worker. There are many IAM representatative in the heiarchy who are there for themselves and not you and constantly talk down to you. First the Company does and continues to do what it wants with no rebute from the IAM . Grievances are filed and they are supposely won with no true resolve. One big one is the Airbus issue the IAM won it in federal court not once but twice with money involved from both: First one 150 million plus but while the IAM was figuiring their management share and how to dispurse it USAIRWAYS declared bankrupcy and so the money was loss the Second time it was won over 80 million was involved and USAIRWAYS went to bankrupcy court and the judge stated that it didn't have to be paid for we the employee were considered like any other creditor. Why is it how the IBW is all screwed up and the IAM has done no wrong. This is one who thinks the IAM is suppose to represent the active mechanics and the future mechanics but their voting base is the retiree so as you can see what I am getting at. You take care of the active and help the retirees as you can, not visa versa. Here is what I mean : When there was going to be a increase in retiree health benefit cost you as a active member paid extra in health cost premiums to offset the retirees health cost premiums. This was found out after the fact and by accident for what it showed what we were to pay and what was taken out didn't match. Active members question the IAM leadership and the response was we have to take care of them for they are receiving a fixed income and this is just for a year. You as active members can cover it for you have a way in overtime to offset the addition and you should take care of the retirees. The second one was when while in bankrupcy and the Company was to terminate the retiree health care the IAM came to the plate again with another shady deal for you have to give up something to get something. I am not a lawyer by any means but I talked to a labor lawyer and the lawyer stated after the retiree is retired it is not the practice or the stance the the Union represents the retiree group with the the harm or burden put onto the active membership but to protect the retirees in the future for the liability to the Union . Well this is what happen they continued to cover the retireed members as a active member until they reach Social Security Medicare/ Medicade age and for doing this a number of active members were sacrificed for there was a increase in furlough numbers. Remember right now the retiree health care is in the hands of the government and so is the pension. So why does the retirees support the IAM as they do ? So if you can't figure it out talk to a active member and they will tell you. I believe and know a lot of IAM skeletons but I think you have to truely read between the lines and talk to the people other than the IAM and the IBW to verify what is being said. I have found out both have true issues but at USAIRWAYS with the IAM making the statements about the IBW I couldn't hardly believe that the IBW could be that screwedup. Well low and behold I have found out that the IAM cards of propaganda are nothing more than half baked lies and slander statements. I beleive there should be a vote on the property and see what happens for I believe that with the IAM and their leadership we will be a truely Company Union. I am just giving my opinion on the Vote and others may feel different but don't preach to me what I should believe for what the IAM is telling me is true for I truely know differently. You have to be in the trenches to really understand what is going on on the property and where the IAM is . We have not for a long time had the IAM protecting our best interest but that of the Company. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
Once again I hear what the IAM has done for you from the IAM hopeful.
We have not for a long time had the IAM protecting our best interest but that of the Company. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
700uw look another happy IAM member. B)
At one point this my sink in!! :shock: 🙄
all I got to say is that the IAM is a screwup after what they did to the FLeet Service. wrencher9, you are absoultely correct about the IAM not protecting Fleet Service in the best interest. I would prefer the IBT over the IAM anytime anywhere.
I have found out both have true issues but at USAIRWAYS with the IAM making the statements about the IBW I couldn't hardly believe that the IBW could be that screwedup.

You just can't trust anyone from the International Brotherhood of Whalers now can you? :lol: