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I changed my mind on seniority

This thing is far from over, and we are already in the seniority subject?
According to some sources at AFA66, there will need to be another election as to whether we KEEP AFA at all!
That being said, either way, do we need to even get into this now?
I doubt it will even happen...
I do agree that we are getting way ahead of our selves.

I was having a conversation with a old friend of mine who worked for pan Am and now works for AA and after a going back and forth it occurred to me that DL has never given any consideration to any other work group and if this thing goes through (witch is a long shot) I don’t feel that we should be giving away what we have paid for all these years.
It would not surprise me to see west and delta employees voting NO to AFA. Welcome to life at a nonunion carrier.

sky high states: This industry is heavily unionized for a reason. Just ask anyone who's been around for the past 25 years. Here's three reasons: Wolf, Lorenzo, Icahn.

The Flight attendant group withOUT a union? God help us!

only stating opinions.
I'd disagree.

Looking back through union negotiations, and Deltas pay and benefits increases, I tend to doubt its just coincidence they fall almost lock step with union increases at other legacy carriers.

always just enough incentive it seems to keep the majority from looking to a union.

Thus far it seems to have worked, good for them.
You sure about that? Isn't it possible that DL has kept pace with market rates for labor? Think of it this way - without the union to represent you, how much lower do you think you'd be paid? At what point does the demand for skilled labor make it compulsory for management to pay what's required to keep them? If your theory was true, then other industries that have non-unionized work forces (like IT) would be paying pi$$ poor wages. But, as that is a skilled field (like many aviation labor groups) it requires keeping pace to retain the employees.
DL has traditionally paid higher wages to keep unions out, it is no secret.
It would not surprise me to see west and delta employees voting NO to AFA. Welcome to life at a nonunion carrier.
Actually, during Doug's employee webcast on 11/16, he said he would think that this would become a represented Delta, bringing the unions over from US, rather than getting rid of representation for the employees. he actually addressed it for a few minutes. Hmmmmmmm.......
DL has traditionally paid higher wages to keep unions out, it is no secret.

Bingo. And because of this, if Doogie is not lying, it's possible that the AFA members will get a raise due to those nasty nonunion FAs.

If the AFA does not do DOH, the larger Delta group can simply decertify the union. Think about it.
Why should we give DL DOH, when we don't go by DOH yet? I say everyone that works for US should go by DOH, that way there will be no problem in granting DOH to any airline that we merge with or buy outright. Anyone that thinks otherwise is just downright selfish. Each employee has put in their time, no matter how long or short their time is. With that said each employee should be able to keep ALL of the time they have accrued for all bidding purposes, no matter which airline they started with. DOH all the way for everyone. STARTING IMMEDIATELY!
You sure about that? Isn't it possible that DL has kept pace with market rates for labor? Think of it this way - without the union to represent you, how much lower do you think you'd be paid? At what point does the demand for skilled labor make it compulsory for management to pay what's required to keep them? If your theory was true, then other industries that have non-unionized work forces (like IT) would be paying pi$$ poor wages. But, as that is a skilled field (like many aviation labor groups) it requires keeping pace to retain the employees.

Your premis doesn't play out in Deltas case. Market rates would've worked toward the average of wages at the legacy carriers, Delta was consistantly at or near the top of the wage scales.
"Over the years, Delta Airlines has maintained its union free status by keeping its wages up near the top of the industry and basically treating its employees well"

Patricia Friend, President, Association of Flight Attendants, AFL-CIO Convention Speech - December 2001
doh for our delta friends . no stapleing. stapleling is b/s . it's the right thing to do .

FRIENDS? You gotta be f :censored: kidding. Yeah deltoid fa's, you s :censored: on afa what twice by saying no? Our wuss membership will stay the course and go doh IF it happens.

I don't care WHAT bases voted for what. This assshole voted AFA down, not ONCE, but TWICE!! There hasn't BEEN a bigger AFA hater than DAL f/a's. Yeah, Go ahead and reward seniority to those that s :censored: in your face. DAL f/a's are WORST than scabs.

I hope this merger is shot down!!! :rant: :rant: :rant:

AFA or not. DOH is the right thing to do.


I sure as hell don't want them OR their sorry anti-afa assses!!

NO on this merger!!

Their superior attitudes can stay in ATL!!!!
Amen to that - YOu guys are crazy if you let Delta fa's reep the benefits that you have worked so hard for and they have played off of you guys to keep delta from going union - Afa has tried to get them to join several times and they said no.... now you want them to get your benefits when YOUR company is buying them and they are non union - Where do you think USAIR is getting the money and was able to do this - because of your sacrifices --- The only thing i can say is you are 150% crazy if you give them full doh... That is just crazy - Do you honestly think Delta would give you full doh if Delta bought USAir... Not even in your wettest dream.... I say slot em 1 to 5.
The only thing i can say is you are 150% crazy if you give them full doh... That is just crazy - Do you honestly think Delta would give you full doh if Delta bought USAir... Not even in your wettest dream.... I say slot em 1 to 5.
An interesting point was previously brought up....if the merger happens and the majority of F/As are at DL, then what's to stop a decertification vote for AFA and make all F/As nonunionized? On the other hand, DL FAs might see how the US/HP FAs have been treated over the years and change their minds and go with representation in light of new management.
I was all for taking the high road and giving DL there seniority but as I have given it some thought I have changed my mind.

Just think after all the years DL has had made good money off the contracts that you and I have negotiated and paid UNION DUES TO PROTECT and to keep that union in place and strong. Now all of the sudden they want our protection without ever paying a cent for it.

Witch I think is a lot more generous than making them interview for their job. Witch by the way is what they did to Pan Am

So I suggest to all of you send your Union a message you want your seniority protected.

"Which" not Witch like in the wizard of Oz.

I was all for taking the high road and giving DL there seniority but as I have given it some thought I have changed my mind.

Just think after all the years DL has had made good money off the contracts that you and I have negotiated and paid UNION DUES TO PROTECT and to keep that union in place and strong. Now all of the sudden they want our protection without ever paying a cent for it.

Witch I think is a lot more generous than making them interview for their job. Witch by the way is what they did to Pan Am

So I suggest to all of you send your Union a message you want your seniority protected.

"Which" Not witch like in the Wizard of Oz. 🙄

I was all for taking the high road and giving DL there seniority but as I have given it some thought I have changed my mind.

Just think after all the years DL has had made good money off the contracts that you and I have negotiated and paid UNION DUES TO PROTECT and to keep that union in place and strong. Now all of the sudden they want our protection without ever paying a cent for it.

Witch I think is a lot more generous than making them interview for their job. Witch by the way is what they did to Pan Am

So I suggest to all of you send your Union a message you want your seniority protected.

"Which" not Witch like in wizard of Oz
"Which" not Witch like in the wizard of Oz.
"Which" Not witch like in the Wizard of Oz. 🙄

"Which" not Witch like in wizard of Oz
Oh no not another English major. I can’t understand why you are here on these boards when you could be at Harvard teaching.

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