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I changed my mind on seniority

I was all for taking the high road and giving DL there seniority but as I have given it some thought I have changed my mind.

Just think after all the years DL has had made good money off the contracts that you and I have negotiated and paid UNION DUES TO PROTECT and to keep that union in place and strong. Now all of the sudden they want our protection without ever paying a cent for it.

Witch I think is a lot more generous than making them interview for their job. Witch by the way is what they did to Pan Am

So I suggest to all of you send your Union a message you want your seniority protected.


Is that concessionary contract included in that statement about,
"paid UNION DUES TO PROTECT and to keep that union in place and strong"
Get real.

Oh no not another English major. I can’t understand why you are here on these boards when you could be at Harvard teaching.
What is your occupation ?? I never seen "witch" used in a sentence like that its funny :lol:
Might I suggest that you are the last person who should be giving spelling or grammer lessons. 'Nuff said.
This merger sucks for the furloughed FA. We will be on furlough for at least 3-5 more years. I still think it should be date of hire but I know how greedy and selfish FA are and all they care about is themselves(especially the senior ones). So this will be a childish greedy blood bath that just makes me want to sit back and watch and laugh. Kind of like two high school girls pulling each others hair out.
I've been following this "theme" on several threads now, and I have to say I agree with Doc.

I agreed that DOH was the right thing to do. However, if Delta f/a's keep running around with signs saying "Don't insult us", I would say staple them.

As I said with the AWA/US merger, (as employees) we have no choice or say. Two companies are coming together. We can't stop it. Get over it and move on!!!!!
Don't forget IF this thing goes through we will all be working together for a very,very,very long time. I think most of the employees of Delta just didn't see this coming. I'm sure they are all dazed and confused. Stapling would only add insult to injury and make things more difficult down the road. DOH is right thing to do.
Don't forget IF this thing goes through we will all be working together for a very,very,very long time. I think most of the employees of Delta just didn't see this coming. I'm sure they are all dazed and confused. Stapling would only add insult to injury and make things more difficult down the road. DOH is right thing to do.

Im sure you are correct, but I must admit it's fun to watch the DELTOIDS squirm.
Oh yes, remember the days when AFA was trying to get the Delta f/a's unionized they would not ride in a van to the hotel with us? I had it happen on an MCO overnight. They didn't see this comming? While I sure don't think that unions work FOR the employee all the time I surely would NOT want to be NONunion in the airline business. I still don't understand how if MOST of them NEVER wanted AFA and are now walking around with signs saying "Don't insult us" why do they DESERVE DOH when we are all AFA represented and VOTED to be AFA to begin with? So, basically they snubbed their nose at AFA only to receive the BENEFIT of keeping their seniority in this takeover? So all the money we flight attentands at usairways WEST and EAST put into our union means NOTHING? Give the very people that didn't care for us or AFA for that matter what they are "entitled" to? Hmmm I don't know. If it goes DOH fine, that is our C&B's but if they continue to be NASTY over something we as employees have NO control over I say "Staple Away". I'm not saying we all hold hands and sing but lets get real here.
I just wonder if they'll have to be retrained to say "Hot towel?" instead of "Hot rag?"
:lol: funny. Ya know, those guys/gals from Delta have been around for a long time. I though more junior LOVE to work with some of our senior flight attendants only for the fact that they actually HAVE stories to tell. I find people around my seniority or a little above to be a real pain in the A$$ a lot of the time. I don't want to see the folks stapled but they do need to realize the the opportunity WAS there for them to unionize and protect their very A$$es. Sometimes you never think it could be YOU but you wake up and find that your worst enemy is about to beat you or "take you over". I'm still mixed on this issue though I am a true believer in DOH. We shall see.
Another question to ask- If the situation were reverse and Delta was buying US, what would they give us?... Not DOH, that's for sure.
Another question to ask- If the situation were reverse and Delta was buying US, what would they give us?... Not DOH, that's for sure.

"Don't insult us" impies the Delta f/a's are beneath working WITH us, so I say PUT them where they want so desperately to be...BENEATH US!! Staple them!!

We should have buttons out there that say:

You're right DELTA. Don't insult US!
I was all for taking the high road and giving DL there seniority but as I have given it some thought I have changed my mind.

Just think after all the years DL has had made good money off the contracts that you and I have negotiated and paid UNION DUES TO PROTECT and to keep that union in place and strong. Now all of the sudden they want our protection without ever paying a cent for it.

Witch I think is a lot more generous than making them interview for their job. Witch by the way is what they did to Pan Am

So I suggest to all of you send your Union a message you want your seniority protected.


While I can understand your obvious reluctance to admit the possibility that you paid all those dues to your union masters for all those years for nothing, I have to agree with PHL and others who disagree with you.

Ask Bob Owens, AA mechanic and ousted NYC TWU local Treasurer - he'll readily admit that his union dues have brought him nothing in the way of pay or benefits over the years. TWU mechanic pay has lagged the industry for many years, and then his union rolled over in 2003 to the AMR concession demands, further lowering his compensation relative to the industry.

Bottom line: Your union masters have done a great job selling you the bill of goods that their hard work (paid for with your money) has actually benefitted you - when the truth may be the opposite.

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