Union Workers Replaced With Prison Labor Under Scott Walker’s Collective Bargaining Law

What a douche, Carey was the union president. He was not running for public office. You should smell what your shoveling.
What are you trying to dispute? That they stole union dues? Boy when you step in it, you really step in it! :p :lol: :p :lol:

Now run along and rub your own nose in it little boy!
Big Steel in this country was done in by Clause 2b of the contract signed in 1959 between the USWA and the Steel Companies.

Yes you are correct

Section 2 of the steelworkers' contract limited management's ability to change the number of workers assigned to a task or to introduce new work rules or machinery which would result in reduced hours or lower numbers of employees. Management claimed that this constituted featherbedding and reduced the competitiveness of the American steel industry.

But the union got greedy (shocking I know)

Prior to the 1959 strike, the major American steel companies were reporting high profits. This led McDonald and Steelworkers general counsel Arthur J. Goldberg to request a major wage increase. But industry negotiators refused to grant a wage increase unless McDonald agreed to substantially alter or eliminate Section 2 of the union's national master contract.

The union initiated strike itself put the death nail in the US Steel companies.

In the long run, the strike devastated the American steel industry. More than 85 percent of U.S. steel production had been shut down for almost four months. Hungry for steel, American industries began importing steel from foreign sources. Steel imports had been negligible prior to 1959. But during the strike, basic U.S. industries found Japanese and Korean steel to be less costly than American steel, even after accounting for importation costs. The sudden shift toward imported steel set in motion a series of events which led to the gradual decline of the American steel industry.

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