In Scott Walker Recall Race, Organized Labor’s Pick Falls Short

Obama Avoids Wisconsin

Monday, 04 Jun 2012 11:21 AM
By Jim Meyers

On the eve of the recall elections in Wisconsin, President Barack Obama attended six events in neighboring states — and never set foot in the Badger State to support fellow Democrat Tom Barrett’s campaign against Gov. Scott Walker.

On Friday, Obama stopped in Minneapolis, Minn., for three fundraisers, then traveled to Chicago for three more fundraisers that evening, The Weekly Standard reported.

“So just four days before the recall elections in Wisconsin that the state’s Democrats have worked 16 months to win, with potential implications for November 2012, the leader of their party did six fundraisers for himself in surrounding states but couldn’t find time for even a quick stop?” the Standard’s Stephen F. Hayes mused. “I don’t get it.”

Hayes noted that Obama may be avoiding Wisconsin because Walker holds a significant lead over Barrett in several recent polls and the president does not want to appear for a losing candidate.

But he added that two groups important to Obama’s re-election will feel abandoned by his no-show: labor and Wisconsin Democrats.
What's for Hayes to get?

The time for Obama to "put on his comfortable shoes" and show up on State St. was about 17 months ago... I doubt anyone in Badgerland actually expects him to show up at this stage of the game.

From another angle, maybe the Dems don't want him to anyway, given the frenzy it'd whip Walker supporters into? Just a thought...
What's for Hayes to get?

The time for Obama to "put on his comfortable shoes" and show up on State St. was about 17 months ago... I doubt anyone in Badgerland actually expects him to show up at this stage of the game.

From another angle, maybe the Dems don't want him to anyway, given the frenzy it'd whip Walker supporters into? Just a thought...

Obama kiss of death, that's all.
Wow, 20% win and 1/3 of State Union employees have quit the union.
A bad day for Public Sector Unions.
Private unions would be well advised to distance themselves from gov't unions.
This is a song about the union, friends
How they %$# you over and the way they bends
The rules to suit a special few
And you gets pooched every time the do

You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together

Once upon a time the idea was good
If only they'd a done what they said they would
It ain't no better, they's makin' it worse
The labor movement's got the Mafia curse

You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together

Don't be no fool, don't be no dope
Common sense is your only hope
When the union tells you it's time to strike
Tell the m&&#*#er to take a hike

"Stick Together" by Frank Zappa

You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
This is a song about the union, friends
How they %$# you over and the way they bends
The rules to suit a special few
And you gets pooched every time the do

You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together

Once upon a time the idea was good
If only they'd a done what they said they would
It ain't no better, they's makin' it worse
The labor movement's got the Mafia curse

You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together

Don't be no fool, don't be no dope
Common sense is your only hope
When the union tells you it's time to strike
Tell the m&&#*#er to take a hike

"Stick Together" by Frank Zappa

You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together
You know we gotta stick together

This time the do-over crowd takes one on the chin. I'm good with that. Whether it's an election or arbitration, if you are not happy with democracy. Tough
I like the once upon a time thing.....reminds me of youthful boosheet that goes away when you get hair down there and a draft card.
My stat was wrong 1/3 of the Sate Employees have not left the union, but 50% in less than a year! So half the union members in a heavy union state will be in the union only if the law compels them to.
My stat was wrong 1/3 of the Sate Employees have not left the union, but 50% in less than a year! So half the union members in a heavy union state will be in the union only if the law compels them to.

Yep, kinda like under the Railway Labor Act, if you are in a Right to Work state you don't have to join the airline union, but you do still have to pay dues. Antiquated laws for a time in history that has passed.
I like the once upon a time thing.....reminds me of youthful boosheet that goes away when you get hair down there and a draft card.

The hair down there came well before I signed a draft card when the Iranians stormed our embassy in November of '79. If Uncle Sam would have called, I would have answered. Too bad we Carter. Ironic that Reagan gets elected and the hostages are released on inaguration day.

The Dem, Carter was weak and the Persians knew it.

Reagan meant business and he's the reason there is no longer a Berlin Wall or Soviet Union.
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Looks like the college voters stayed out of it, either because they were off campus and didn't care, or because they weren't even registered to vote...

Some of the other stats here don't bode well for November if they play out nationally.

A snapshot of the Wisconsin electorate, gleaned through surveys with voters as they left the polls, found that a majority of men had supported Mr. Walker, while most women had voted for Mr. Barrett.

Almost a fifth of the electorate was 65 or older, with only about one in 10 voters of college age.

The recall race unfolded against a backdrop of economic uncertainty, with only 2 in 10 voters saying their family’s finances have improved in the two years since Mr. Walker was elected. About a third said their financial situation had grown worse, and more than 4 in 10 said their finances had stayed the same.

In Wisconsin, which was the first state to provide collective bargaining rights to public employees, sentiment for unionized workers remains split. A narrow majority of voters on Tuesday had a favorable view of public unions, according to exit polling, while more than 4 in 10 said they held an unfavorable view.

One-third of voters were from union households, up from one-quarter in the 2010 governor's election.

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