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Union Politics at AA

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On 10/3/2002 7:02:35 AM RV4 wrote:

I wonder if the outsourced AA engine components are stuck on those ships due to the port lockouts? Specifically, the CF6-80c2A5 Combustor Module that is overhauled in Singapore.

We might be looking at a turntime problem here?

Have NW bring them back on one of their planes. Aren/t their planes overhauled in Singapore? That couldn/t be more convenient.
What does the overhaul of aircraft at Northwest Airlines have to do with Union Politics at AA? Lets discuss the farmout at AA and the ability of the TWU to bring it back in house. Lets discuss the forced political contributions to the Democrats. Or to make most of Tulsa happy lets discuss who has the newest Bass Boat.
If ya gotta make a forced contribution, better to the democrats than those recession oriented war-mongering, constitutional rights stripping liberty denying republicans!!

But I Digress!
Looks the US Aviation.com has allowed people like Wing And a Prayer to degrade this BB to a Yahoo clone.

See ya US Aviation . . . you're getting deleted from my favorites list - you're not worth it if if the spamers like WNAP go unchecked.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/3/2002 8:01:29 PM Winglet wrote:
[P]Looks the US Aviation.com has allowed people like Wing And a Prayer to degrade this BB to a Yahoo clone. [BR][BR]See ya US Aviation . . . you're getting deleted from my favorites list - you're not worth it if if the spamers like WNAP go unchecked.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Believe me Winglet, we're not even close to what antics take place on the Yahoo boards. [/P]
On 10/3/2002 6:28:31 PM Buck wrote:

What does the overhaul of aircraft at Northwest Airlines have to do with "Union Politics at AA"? Lets discuss the farmout at AA and the ability of the TWU to bring it back in house. Lets discuss the forced political contributions to the Democrats. Or to make most of Tulsa happy lets discuss who has the newest Bass Boat.

It may be more relivent then you think. Only the combustor module goes to singapore for overhaul, instead of the whole airframe.
Even if the whole airframe goes to Singapore, it has nothing to do with Union Politics at AA. Again lets discuss those issues that involve American Airlines. Can you produce a list with the data on the amount of work that leaves AA for any destination. What is the percentage of work that is farmed out?

As for whether or not the Republicans are evil or not, you better take a guess at the number of good union members that vote wrong, especially at Tulsa. Constitutional issues and morals are more important than the agenda of the Democratic party. They may be registered Democrat and they may vote Democrat to some extent, however their personal issues are not always in line with that of the TWU and the politics it has to support.

And why should I be forced to make a contribution? These are non germane to the collective bargaining process. Paying for representation is one thing but extortion for the political process should not be the business of the union.
On 10/3/2002 6:28:31 PM Buck wrote:

Lets discuss the forced political contributions to the Democrats. Or to make most of Tulsa happy lets discuss who has the newest Bass Boat.
I think the TWU contribute to the Dems to conteract the over quarter million dollars that Carty & AA gave Mr.Bush. You would think an airline that is losing billion$ would slow down on the contributions. Just IMHO. I dont have a new Bass Boat, but my new best neighbor does. Honda makes great engines.

ALOHA, 007
The day the unions and the working man think they can win a game of who has the most money for politics is the day the working man will need more vaseline.

I agree with you that is exactly what is happening, thus I will fill out the next negotiations survey prior to section 6 openers. At that time, I will request our negotiating committee to seek company provided lubrication.
Hey Buck,Dave and Bob guess who's back no topic about Union politics would be complete without a visit from the pitbull. just like old times over at PB heck even Eric is hanging around.

I wonder what Holly would think about this well you boys play nice and try not to P-SS OFF Mr suspenders and maybe just maybe this board want get shutdown.

NO VOTE NO PEACE!!!!!!!!!!

GO AMFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What matters is whether our contribution to any political party makes a difference in the legislation affecting working people. The blind allegiance by the AFL-CIO to the Democratic party did not stop Clinton from blocking airline strikes and certainly did not cause Bush to hesitate from doing the same.

Why should any American, especially a working American be forced to have their dues extorted for the political process? Your middle of the road idea has some merit. The way labor has be going is not working.
Todays' WSJ had a good article on the Carpenters Union and their ability to move towards the center of the political spectrum after leaving the AFL-CIO.

It is true that the Republican party does not have organized labors' interests at heart but it is equally true that the Democrats only pay lip service to our issues.

What matters is whether our contribution to any political party makes a difference in the legislation affecting working people. The blind allegiance by the AFL-CIO to the Democratic party did not stop Clinton from blocking airline strikes and certainly did not cause Bush to hesitate from doing the same.

If labor was firmly situated in the middle, both sides would be more likely to promote legislation and policies that would benefit working people. Since most organized labor is heavily concentrated in major urban centers, we would form a much needed pivot around major issues. As it is, we have no rapport with one side and the other takes us for granted.
I believe organized labor has failed to listen to the Labor Leader Samuel Gompers, whom they always love to quote...

...Here are some quotes for you:

[blockquote]We want a minimum wage established, but we want it established by the solidarity of the working men themselves through the economic forces of their trade unions, rather than by any legal enactment. . . . We must not, we cannot, depend upon legislative enactments to set wage standards. When once we encourage such a system, it is equivalent to admitting our incompetency for self-government and our inability to seek better conditions. Samuel Gompers to Maud Younger, May 17, 1912

I want to tell you, Socialists, that I have studied your philosophy; read your works upon economics, and not the meanest of them; studied your standard works, both in English and German -- have not only read, but studied them. I have heard your orators and watched the work of your movement the world over. I have kept close watch upon your doctrines for thirty years; have been closely associated with many of you, and know how you think and what you propose. I know, too, what you have up your sleeve. And I want to say that I am entirely at variance with your philosophy. I declare to you, I am not only at variance with your doctrines, but with your philosophy. Economically you are unsound; socially, you are wrong; industrially, you are an impossibility. (Vol. 6: SG to AFL Convention, Nov. 1903)

Freedom of speech is the safety valve of society; if it is obstructed, there will be an explosion somewhere. It is dangerous to tamper with this right of ours. (Vol. 2: New Yorker Volkszeitung, Oct. 21, 1887)

I think todays so-called unionist should review current policies and return to the basics!
On 10/4/2002 8:02:48 PM aapitbull wrote:

just like old times over at PB heck even Eric is hanging around.

I wonder what Holly would think about this


Let's not make it like old times, though. I have kids and a house payment to make, y'know?...

Holly's glad y'all are back together again somewhere other than her site, but you're still welcome to pay for a subscription if you want to use those boards again. I've enjoyed the peace and quiet, so please give me a heads up if you decide to come back.
I already pay a subscription with the TWU
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