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Ummm, Don't Look Now

They'll just have a revote, saying that the FAs were misinformed or something.. Sound familiar? Don't worry. The government will approve all of it without comment.
I have two months off and I'm available to picket as well. But what is with the AFA giving NWA management 15 days notice when the imposed contract starts tomorrow? I say, "STRIKE!" and mean it, if they are going to publicly threaten CHAOS. :angry:
AFA is all talk when it comes right down to it. This CHAOS thing is a joke. When its time you stand together it has to be, all for one. Makes it over fast as it began.

NWA cannot afford a stand off or train enough replacements. The FA's are in a good bargining position. No one want to see NWA fail just see the FA's get a fair shake and let management know, the screw job on employees is over.
Hey Mikey,

I am a firm AFA "NOT" person...BUT, when they say they will do it, they will. NWA f/a's, need any help down in Florida, PM me, I'll help you out as much as I can.

The one great Ace in the pocket that AFA does play is the CHAOS card. They will never go out on a complete strike. They ask for volunteers and totally screw up the system by sytematically striking individual flights. It's havoc at its best. I guess you are about to see it in action. (fyi - it's already been through the court system and proven legal, to boot)
I am old fashioned then. I think its cop out. Standing together as one. Everyone shares in the sacrifice and reward. Then secures something everyone was an equal part of. CHAOS seems like a childish way to turn customers and coworkers against you.
Rumor has it SCABS are leaving like rats on a sinking ship, now the AFA tells dougie to pound sand.

Hmmmm....does anyone else hear the fat lady warming up?

Hey 'finny ole boy' If PTO runs out of nails for you to pound, you two can be SCAB F/A and save the airline. kinda like the dynamic duo, you two were meant for each other. :wub:

Best of Luck to the Real Flight Attendants

Regards, Local 12
I am old fashioned then. I think its cop out. Standing together as one. Everyone shares in the sacrifice and reward. Then secures something everyone was an equal part of. CHAOS seems like a childish way to turn customers and coworkers against you.

I am inclined to agree with you Mikey. And that is how AA flight attendants led one of the most successful strikes in airline history, back in '93. I'll never forget it. Solidarity at its finest.

I'm sorry, but AFA shouldn't be tolerating one minute of an IMPOSED contract. Instead of calling a strike at midnight tonight, they're publicly stating that they will give NWA management the courtesy of 15 days notice. I am not convinced that this is an effective strategy, but I would love to be proved WRONG... :blink:
Solidarity goes to the TW flight attendants, and the willmar 8. Both up against insurmountable odds. APFA just did it a bit smarter and safer. A short strike that had a start and end. A strike that didn't allow time for any replacements. No reason everyone couldn't participate.
I'm sorry, but AFA shouldn't be tolerating one minute of an IMPOSED contract. Instead of calling a strike at midnight tonight, they're publicly stating that they will give NWA management the courtesy of 15 days notice. I am not convinced that this is an effective strategy, but I would love to be proved WRONG... :blink:

AFA probably needs the time to decide what flights are the best target of CHAOS (tm) to really mess up the system. They probably will be flying in some folks from other AFA airlines to help organize what needs to happen.
You guys have guts, and I for one, am proud as hell of you.
Stay strong and fight, fight, fight!
We are all with you on this one!
The flight attendants have already given NWA more than enough time to prepare for a strike. If you guys are going to strike do it now. Waiting fifteen days is only going to make matters worse for the flight attendants and buy time for NWA to stage the Scab F/As they have already trained. Time is against the F/As and has been for a while now.

AFA probably needs the time to decide what flights are the best target of CHAOS...
:lol: any flight going to MEM, DTW, MSP. In that order, starting with the largest cities to the smallest. If they can't figure that out in the first few minutes they are in trouble already.
The flight attendants have already given NWA more than enough time to prepare for a strike. If you guys are going to strike do it now. Waiting fifteen days is only going to make matters worse for the flight attendants and buy time for NWA to stage the Scab F/As they have already trained. Time is against the F/As and has been for a while now.
:lol: any flight going to MEM, DTW, MSP. In that order, starting with the largest cities to the smallest. If they can't figure that out in the first few minutes they are in trouble already.

That's rich...a SCAB telling unionized F/A's how to run their self-help scenario! :lol:
AFA is all talk when it comes right down to it. This CHAOS thing is a joke. When its time you stand together it has to be, all for one. Makes it over fast as it began.

NWA cannot afford a stand off or train enough replacements. The FA's are in a good bargining position. No one want to see NWA fail just see the FA's get a fair shake and let management know, the screw job on employees is over.
As An AFA Member! CHAOS!!I'm There!! :up: