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UAL worker at SFO arrested for baggage theft


A United Airlines employee and his wife have been charged with grand theft and burglary for allegedly stealing the luggage of passengers who were supposed to fly into San Francisco International Airport but were diverted because of the Asiana Airlines crash, prosecutors said Monday.
This ain't good...
I read an article on this issue, if what I read pans out to all factual these two deserve to rot in prison. I hope they get the max on ever single charge if found to be guilty. Pathetic for grown adults to act in such a way when they had good paying jobs. Although the article did not state it, I assume they are fired?? Now they will be hard pressed to find another job, to this I say good, they deserve everything coming to them.
No surprise to me. The result of these Airline Inc. paying their WORKERS low wages and P/T. You pay crap you get crap.
Airline worker caught on camera stealing luggage, officials say

Surveillance video allegedly showed Crudup going into an airport baggage office, taking a piece of luggage, bringing it out and handing it to Thomas. He then returned to the office, collected another bag and handed it to a second woman, not yet identified, Wagstaffe said. The group later left the airport.

“Ms. Thomas had taken a bunch of the clothing to Nordstrom to sell it back,” said San Mateo County Dist. Atty. Stephen Wagstaffe. “A search warrant was issued for their home in Richmond, and a large number of the items were found there.”

Let's see, surveillance video & perps GF taking clothing back to Nordstrom for a refund...😛

Good bye job, hello jail...
B) xUT
I love the trip to Hawaii right after the refund gig. Buddy pass for the girlfriend maybe?

"Crudup and Thomas were arrested at the San Francisco airport where the thefts allegedly occurred. They were heading to Hawaii on July 25 -- Crudup’s birthday, three days before Thomas'."

You can't fix stupid.