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Ual F/a Chaos

<_< Best of Luck to all of you at UAL!!! No matter what the outcome, your a great Airline!! I'm talking about the people here!!! Now, come on aa, let's get back to our own board!! 😀
JAMAKE1 said:
That's the problem with the internet....dicks like you get to hide behind it and project their own inner turmoil upon others, without any accountablility.

Dont' they assign any homework in your second Master's program? You seem to have WAY too much free time on your hands.


What's with you male F/A's and my body parts? :blink:
Fly said:
Thanks Bus! I'm just amazed at the stupid posters trying to burn the house down while they are in it. Duh! Luckily most aren't that stupid.
Really, I think the IAM vote in Denver was 98% for a strike.
Busdrvr said:
While I won't bother getting involved in AFA or AMFA politics, I think the AFA would have been much more effective for it's members had they all stopped by the admissions office instead of going straight to the classroom.... 😉 . The sooner you realize that Flight Attendant is no longer a 'career' because of those willing to to do it for a few years after high school over at the LCC's to "see the world" (or at least a few domestic airports) for $10 an hour. If you were counting on raising a family as a single parent, send the kids to a good college and retire after a 'career' as an F/A, those days are gone, and the sooner you realize it the better prepared you'll be to face the future.
My comment about pilots flying for 50,000 grand a year because they love to do it was purely cynical and the fact that it went over your head only proves how far up your a$$ your head really is.
Fly said:
Such a SIMPLE MIND you have. If you don't see this as simple posturing, you are delusional. Must be sad to be old, retired and unable to move on with your life.

AFA spent the last year sending hundreds and hundreds of letters to us trying to keep us from voting them off the property. They are trying to look as though they have our best interests at heart when the facts prove that the only thing they are trying to keep is our monthly dues$$$.

As far as the mechanics go, they are playing right into the companys hands. LOCKOUT!

Soooo, scared about that pension of yours NH/BB? Afraid you won't be able to afford the early-bird specials? Like I said, a looooooong time!!! :up:


"Earth to fly, come in, over".

Ah, Fly, You still hav'nt told us if you'll be crossing a picket line ?????????????

of course not old man!!! Doesn't matter though...AFA is worthless anyway.

What do you do with the hand not affected by the stroke? Never mind, something tells me it has a UAL or USAirways target on it. Good luck aiming!

Yikes! :huh:
Mach85ER said:
I love to fly but don't confuse my enthusiam for willing to do it for free.

If I show up for a 4:00 am pickup in the lobby of some roach infested hotel, and after 6 hours of sleep some bonehead I'm flying with tells me he'd do the flight for free cause he loves it, I'll be calling the cops and the FAA psych eval guys <_<
I have seen one guy that might and could do it, but not too many pilots have familys worth +100 million and occaisonally commute to their flying jobs in the family's corporate jets. 😀

I will do your job for half your salary. And I will not piss and moan like you are doing. FAA psych eval? Go ahead. I can handle stress and pressure that you would crack and go looney under. Cops? For what, being a good worker and not some com-unionist stooge? And the funniest thing of all is that by doing that, I would be the model American worker - hard work, no BS.

I smirk at you. If you don't like your job, quit. But don't challenge the world and think you have a right to what you have now, because there is always someone out there willing to work for less than you are. And whether they work for your company or the competitor, they are going to nail your ass in the end.

Southwest is the big bad wolf causing your problems for now, but in the future there will a new "young turk" just waiting to push you into chapter 11(or 7), and even southwest will fall too. The young and strong eat the old and weak in this world. Get used to it.
sastal said:
Your arrogance and closed-mindedness on so many levels shows what a fool you are. I have met plenty (a majority, in fact) of pilots who can do nothing more than fly a plane. Take the cockpit out of their lives, and they will stop functioning --literally. I know well not only because of my past airline experience, but also because my father flew the DC-8 and 747-100. He and all his buddies either died a few years after they retired, blew up like balloons from sitting at home all day, became alcoholics, or turned into miserable human beings. I don’t think the air in the cockpit has changed much over the past decade. In fact, aviators with their tendencies and your attitude abound. Therefore, to you and those like you who think they can change profession so easily, I suggest you apply to grad school as well, and while you’re at it, gain a few social skills in the process (you have a lot of work to do in that department). And trust me, you wouldn’t get much respect from academia, unless you went to your local community college. My philosophy professor would always use pilots as a prime example to illustrate Plato’s “Allegory of the Caveâ€￾ (or should I say, cockpit?). Moreover, do you actually think people in the corporate world think of you as more than a bus driver? Hey, I don’t need to spell it out; your name says it all. The day you will realize that you are not a heart surgeon, a senator, or Donald Trump is the day you will understand where you fall in the big scheme of things. You are insulting to those who perform their jobs with pride and dignity, and so far on these boards you have insulted plenty of people, including your peers.

Your job will be replaced by a robot someday...just ask a ticket agent how they feel about the automated kiosks. The future is coming, don't let it run you over...
From another thread, but relevant here, so I'll repost it:

Lots of "hoopla" here. Union leadership MUST talk tough in order to satisfy the membership. This is normal strategy for the IAM, AFA, and probably AMFA to a lesser degree, to take everything down to the wire.

In the end, there will be a consensual agreement met, where the unions can claim a victory and save face, and the company will get the savings it needs and act as if they submitted to labor.

All parties involved know what's at stake and know which path leads to the lessor of 2 evils. This is the way it has happened over and over again in the past.

See this article. It basically hints to the continued possibility of a last minute agreement.
BillLumbergh said:
Knock it off boys and girls.


SEE fly, you do it EVERY TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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