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Ual F/a Chaos

scorpion said:
The pilots I know fly because thats what they love to do so why not pay them all 50,000 grand a year and weed out the ones that do it just for the money.


I love to fly but don't confuse my enthusiam for willing to do it for free.

If I show up for a 4:00 am pickup in the lobby of some roach infested hotel, and after 6 hours of sleep some bonehead I'm flying with tells me he'd do the flight for free cause he loves it, I'll be calling the cops and the FAA psych eval guys <_<

I have seen one guy that might and could do it, but not too many pilots have familys worth +100 million and occaisonally commute to their flying jobs in the family's corporate jets. 😀
NewHampshire Black Bears said:

What part of "people are at the END of their financial ropes" DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ????????????????????????

It does'nt surprise me that the "lower paid" ual employees(F/A's, ramp etc) are virtually at the same point, as the F/a's and ramp were at Eastern Airlines.

What I believe is about to happen VERY VERY SOON, is, that these folks have reached the "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH", like EA.

Now if I was a pilot who was making 175K a year, an I was suddenly cut to a measly 100K a year, I supose I'd "stick it out" .

Good GOD man, "wake up and smell the doomsday coffee" It's very close at hand !!!!!!!!




Well, rather than storm an MBA class in color co-ordinated T-shirts (now, if it was an undergrad class, it was all female FA's, and the T-shirts were wet, that would certainly have got the male student's attention. But I digress), they might try doing something constructive, like get their resumes in order and interview for new jobs.

Because if they strike UAL, that's exactly what they're going to get. I mean, really, does anyone think that striking UAl now will give them back their pensions, or increase thier wages? Do you think it will do ANYTHING other than push UAL into liquidation?

Or is this a "I can't get mine, so nobody's going to get anything" chilidish temper tantrum. Given what my wife's co-workers are saying (she's still with United, an IAM member), I'm pretty sure it's the latter, although no one has made her wear a t-shirt and run into an MBA class. yet.

BTW- you might ask how we're dealing with all this. Are we happy about the cuts in pay and benefits? No, of course not. But instead of whining and blustering about striking so as to strike back against The Man, my wife is (you guessed it) getting her resume together and looking at other jobs.

The best way to maintain wages and other benefit standards in an industry? Make sure that your skill set will get you that compensation/benefit package somewhere. If your current employer can't match that, then leave. If enough people leave, the current employer won't find enough people to fill the positions at low wages/benefits.

The best revenge is living well.

-synchronicity, has exacted that revenge from a few past employers
I find it not only hysterical, but typical, that the AFA couldn't even deliver their CHAOS intrusion at Northwestern University to the intended target. If that doesn't say it all about their leadership, I don't know what does.

While I certainly don't speak with each and every F/A out on the line, the ones I've spoken to over the last two months are all adamant that they will not support CHAOS activities against United. Most have already written their pensions off. They're not happy about it, but they understand the reality of the situation and are not ready to shut United down.
Busdrvr said:
While I won't bother getting involved in AFA or AMFA politics, I think the AFA would have been much more effective for it's members had they all stopped by the admissions office instead of going straight to the classroom.... 😉 . The sooner you realize that Flight Attendant is no longer a 'career' because of those willing to to do it for a few years after high school over at the LCC's to "see the world" (or at least a few domestic airports) for $10 an hour. If you were counting on raising a family as a single parent, send the kids to a good college and retire after a 'career' as an F/A, those days are gone, and the sooner you realize it the better prepared you'll be to face the future.
The way things are headed for the pilots, they will soon not be able to raise a family, send their kids to college, and retire after a "career" as an airline pilot. Remeber Jetblue's new E-190 payrates? This plane is about the size of a 737. You will always have pilots like USA320Pilot that will fly for whatever the comany wants to pay. Plus, they can always bring pilots from India who will fly for even less. I can hear it now...On behalf of your Bombay based flight deck crew thank you for flying United Airlines today.
Busdrvr said:
While it's oh so cute to read an AMR, any AMR employee speaking about "taking a stand", REAL courage is courage to walk away. It's courage to re-evaluate your life at middle age and take steps to make it better. CHAOS would have a pretty good chance of shutting the whole place down. Why not leave on ones own timetable? Why not say "sorry this contract isn't enough, I'll take advantage of UAL for as long as it lasts to position myself for life after UAL?

Will pilots fly for 50K? Sure, especially the incompetant ones (which if you hang out with AMR pilots, you know quite a few of). Not this one though. Now please go back to your cowardly little AMR hole, and don't come back until you yourself have the sack to actu ally make a stand. Coward. 🙄
Why do you blame everything on the AA people? USAir has really lowered the bar. Delta is mostly non-union and even though they have kept their rates of pay up (for now) they have outsourced just about everything and there are no work rules for the few that remain because there is no contract for the non- pilots. Continental has for years paid less than everyone else and outsourced just about everything as a result of the Lorenzo era. When TWA was alive, their employees were paid among the lowest of the majors. So AA employees are hardly to blame. Your first paragraph sounds just like what USA320Pilot was preaching to the other USAir employees. I would guess that you are unhappy about the fact that you are going to lose your pension while the AA pilots have managed to keep theirs while AA is in much better shape than UA is in. That is why you have so much venom for the AA employees and the pilots in particular.
Busdrvr said:
While I won't bother getting involved in AFA or AMFA politics, I think the AFA would have been much more effective for it's members had they all stopped by the admissions office instead of going straight to the classroom.... 😉 . The sooner you realize that Flight Attendant is no longer a 'career' because of those willing to to do it for a few years after high school over at the LCC's to "see the world" (or at least a few domestic airports) for $10 an hour. If you were counting on raising a family as a single parent, send the kids to a good college and retire after a 'career' as an F/A, those days are gone, and the sooner you realize it the better prepared you'll be to face the future.

Your arrogance and closed-mindedness on so many levels shows what a fool you are. I have met plenty (a majority, in fact) of pilots who can do nothing more than fly a plane. Take the cockpit out of their lives, and they will stop functioning --literally. I know well not only because of my past airline experience, but also because my father flew the DC-8 and 747-100. He and all his buddies either died a few years after they retired, blew up like balloons from sitting at home all day, became alcoholics, or turned into miserable human beings. I don’t think the air in the cockpit has changed much over the past decade. In fact, aviators with their tendencies and your attitude abound. Therefore, to you and those like you who think they can change profession so easily, I suggest you apply to grad school as well, and while you’re at it, gain a few social skills in the process (you have a lot of work to do in that department). And trust me, you wouldn’t get much respect from academia, unless you went to your local community college. My philosophy professor would always use pilots as a prime example to illustrate Plato’s “Allegory of the Caveâ€￾ (or should I say, cockpit?). Moreover, do you actually think people in the corporate world think of you as more than a bus driver? Hey, I don’t need to spell it out; your name says it all. The day you will realize that you are not a heart surgeon, a senator, or Donald Trump is the day you will understand where you fall in the big scheme of things. You are insulting to those who perform their jobs with pride and dignity, and so far on these boards you have insulted plenty of people, including your peers.
Your arrogance and closed-mindedness on so many levels shows what a fool you are. I have met plenty (a majority, in fact) of pilots who can do nothing more than fly a plane.
Therefore, to you and those like you who think they can change profession so easily, I suggest you apply to grad school as well, and while you’re at it, gain a few social skills in the process (you have a lot of work to do in that department). And trust me, you wouldn’t get much respect from academia, unless you went to your local community college.

Uh, Mo.... Maybe before you spout off you should ask a few questions. I DID stop by the admissions Dept, I AM working on a SECOND Masters, they DO respect my credentials, and they AREN'T a CC. I'm throwing it out as sage advice. The piloting "career" is ending to a large extent also. I don't plan on going back. The pays too low, the hours too long, and Ma and Pa Kettle don't know the differance between a highly trained professional aviator and a 300 hour trade school dropout. Now next time before you pop off with some uniformed drivel, please look at the post from the perspective that it may be CONSTRUCTIVE.

My philosophy professor would always use pilots as a prime example to illustrate Plato’s “Allegory of the Caveâ€￾ (or should I say, cockpit?).

Now since you brought up useful skills...... 🙄

He and all his buddies either died a few years after they retired, blew up like balloons from sitting at home all day, became alcoholics, or turned into miserable human beings.

Considering his offspring, I can't imagine why... <_<
Good luck AFA and AMFA. This is one ALPA pilot who won't be crossing your picket line! Give 'em hell.

737 :up:
Busdrvr said:
please look at the post from the perspective that it may be CONSTRUCTIVE.


But it isn't constructive. Many of us on here can read between the lines. Your arrogance and sarcasm and contempt come oozing through.

Heed Sastal's advice: It's the SOCIAL SKILLS dude... :down:
JAMAKE1 said:
But it isn't constructive. Many of us on here can read between the lines. Your arrogance and sarcasm and contempt come oozing through.

Heed Sastal's advice: It's the SOCIAL SKILLS dude... :down:

My fault, I forgot the audience. Most people I deal with now want it straight, but I guess I should have stroked you and told you how wonderful and important you are to avoid damaging your little egos. Let's all have a Stuart Smally moment, with a little Barney added in "I love you, you love me...." "I'm good and dogone it, people like me" GMAFB. <_< .
Why do you blame everything on the AA people?

I don't, but let me put it into perspective. This is the UAL board, I don't appreciate it when an AMR toad comes here and tells me how UAL should go out of business for the good of the industry. Additionally, i don't like it happening over on the AMR board. And I don't like it when a friend (Fly) gets attacked personally for defending her company. Truthfully, my fangs come out. but know this, I do think AMR embodies much of what is wrong with the industry. On a few points for which I was attacked:

1. "There but for the grace of God..." Bu11sh1t. Maybe after the first CFIT, then the second accident I'd say, "well maybe staitstically it could happen to the same...." Then after the third, "fellas you got problems". I'm proud of UAL, I'm proud of it's employees. I look to my pilot training class and among the top grads who left the AF, out of 8, 7 went to UAL, one went to DAL. One mediocre pilot went to AMR and the absolute bottom feeding graduate who should not have been given wings, went to AMR also. Guess she was on Cecils "friends and family plan" What a joke. The running joke in the AF reserves when we'd hear of an "incident" was "was he an American Pilot?" most of the time they were. AMR invented the B-scale. They showed the Blu's of the world it would work. AMR should have died in the 80's, and would have if not for accepting pay rates significantly below industry standards.
Mechanics at AMR? A bunch of pansies who want someone else to fight the battles they have't the guts to gight themselves. Last I checked the UAL guys didn't use forklifts...

Honestly? AMR is one of three "major Airlines" and the only one due to "crews" that I won't put my family on. they can fly DAL, U, SWA, and UAL any day, but never AMR
DELETED Go ahead; type it into a post and see how it comes out.

But I didn't want a trip to the cornfield, so I let the auto-censor force its discretion upon me instead of reducing myself to such vulgarities.

Thanks Bus! I'm just amazed at the stupid posters trying to burn the house down while they are in it. Duh! Luckily most aren't that stupid.
Busdrvr said:
AMR F/A's? their only claim to fame is bringing Aids to the U.S.

That's the problem with the internet....dicks like you get to hide behind it and project their own inner turmoil upon others, without any accountablility.

Dont' they assign any homework in your second Master's program? You seem to have WAY too much free time on your hands.

aafsc said:
Why do you blame everything on the AA people? USAir has really lowered the bar. Delta is mostly non-union and even though they have kept their rates of pay up (for now) they have outsourced just about everything and there are no work rules for the few that remain because there is no contract for the non- pilots. Continental has for years paid less than everyone else and outsourced just about everything as a result of the Lorenzo era. When TWA was alive, their employees were paid among the lowest of the majors. So AA employees are hardly to blame. Your first paragraph sounds just like what USA320Pilot was preaching to the other USAir employees. I would guess that you are unhappy about the fact that you are going to lose your pension while the AA pilots have managed to keep theirs while AA is in much better shape than UA is in. That is why you have so much venom for the AA employees and the pilots in particular.
<_< Get it right aa! With TWA it was Uncle Carl, not daddy Frank!!!And the man's right! With you it's all talk!!! Let's leave these people with their own proplems, and stick to the aa board!!!Signed:" Just another one of aa's redheaded stepchildren!"

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