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Ual Ceo: Us Skies Need Deregulation

hulagirl said:
Two negatives making a positive? Both carriers likely to be gone if they had ...blah,blah, blah.
Did you just learn to read the financial pages? Or are you one of those pilots that loves to hear the sound of your own voice so much you talk over a movie while flying? Neither one of the carriers you are referring to are in bankruptcy today, are they?

Wow hulagirl,
You must be a smart flight attendant!

Here are your answers to the idiotic questions posed:
1. No
2. Yes, well not over a movie.
3. No, but read on.

How long have you been in this business? Either not very long or you are oblivious to reality. US Air came out of BK yesterday only because of this merger and the new capital. Even Doug Parker thought BK was a possibility for HP if it didn't change its course and consolidate. Who knows about the new company (rhetorical question), it may be a big winner. Now get back to hula-ing and leave me alone.
Neither one of the carriers you are referring to are in bankruptcy today, are they?

Neither is Flyi. Maybe you should go put your entire retirement into their stock... 🙄 P.T. Barnum would be proud
JungleClone talk about making each other laugh, I am rolling here! :lol: I won't say another word, everyone still knows the trouble UniTED is still in! :shock:
Really? Everyone? Who is everyone? Your little model making friends? Your superduper buddies from the ramp at Frontier? hmmmm Sorry that United looks to not hear your predictions.