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Ual Ceo: Us Skies Need Deregulation


What does a merger of "equals" mean? Once UAL is out of bankruptcy, I would think with Continental's Atlantic precesence and United's Pacific precesence, it would be a potentially good fit. With neither player in bk, I guess a straight DOH will prevail (or something to that point)

Anyways, I hope you're right! :up:
Fly said:

What does a merger of "equals" mean? Once UAL is out of bankruptcy, I would think with Continental's Atlantic precesence and United's Pacific precesence, it would be a potentially good fit. With neither player in bk, I guess a straight DOH will prevail (or something to that point)

Anyways, I hope you're right! :up:

You have to remember not long ago Tilton was touting to change the foreign ownership percentage change.

This is what he wants as a deregulation in the industry could hurt Ua.
uafa21 said:
You have to remember not long ago Tilton was touting to change the foreign ownership percentage change.

This is what he wants as a deregulation in the industry could hurt Ua.
I think he rather wants the change to FULLY deregulate and further enhance the industry and remove any further impediments to competition.

He expects full deregulation to help UA.
I didn't know that "USA320Pilot" changed his screenname to "Bulscu". <_<

UA merged into CO? Care to enlighten us as to how that transaction would be accomplished? CO's balance sheet ain't the greatest these days and their cash flow is dwindling. Rising fuel prices make it worse each week. Debt, pension obligations, the list goes on and on. While I'll be the first person to say that anything can happen these days, I believe that UA would be the one to acquire CO, not the other way around. CO doesn't have the leverage to pull that kind of transaction off now, or anytime soon. Not without some SIGNIFICANT outside capital to finance it. Maybe that's what you're hinting at.

While Tilton has been actively advocating increased foreign investment abilities, as well as ownership, the status quo isn't going to be changed anytime in the near future. For UA to hitch their wagon to that type of policy change would be short-sighted. While I agree that such a change would enable UA and LH to integrate more closely and become a global powerhouse, in the short-term, I believe UA is going to look to align themselves to one of their U.S. competitors. Stategically speaking, I honestly believe that Tilton wants to pick the target that makes the most sense for UA going forward, and he doesn't want to wait until another competitor (AA?? NW??) beats him to the punch.
It's not likely that the US government will change its policy re: foreign investment. It every one of the existing six legacy carriers find a foreign investor which is very possible, you have six more reasons why capacity in the US market will not go down - and there are plenty of people in Washington who realize that reducing capacity is exactly what the US industry needs - esp. the legacy sector. Acquiring foreign investors only will make US airlines subject to foreign interests which will keep capacity levels high.
Tilton wants to pick the target that makes the most sense for UA going forward, and he doesn't want to wait until another competitor (AA?? NW??) beats him to the punch.

UniTED doesn't have any punch there Jungle Clone! Continental has out preformed United on many overseas and Domestic markets for years since they left BK many moons ago. They have offered a much superior product than UniTEd could ever muster. My bets on someone aquiring UniTED, not the other way around.

Look at the AWA/US merger US Air was in BK, AWA moved in and saved their A$$. Whats to keep CO/DL/NWA from doing the same to UniTED???? You all are soooo full of it over there PERIOD!

Maybe even F9 might make bid for that BK company, you never know?
"Look at the AWA/US merger US Air was in BK, AWA moved in and saved their A$$."

Ummm, the investors of the new US Airways saved their A$$.
ebwgs said:
"Look at the AWA/US merger US Air was in BK, AWA moved in and saved their A$$."

Ummm, the investors of the new US Airways saved their A$$.
The lead one being and the one providing the leadership and management being AWA. Saved there A$$.
mrfish3726 said:
Maybe even F9 might make bid for that BK company, you never know?
If you seriously think F9 has a CHANCE of ever bidding for United . . . you seriously live in your own world.
I think TED will buy Frontier...The Ad Campaign of the new Carrier will start with Ted Nugent, swinging from a vine in a loincloth firing off arrows at all the Frontier Animals, and declaring "There's a New Frontier out there"! He'll also add: "Kids, you better learn to spell if you wanna work with TED....Cat Scratch Fever"!!! :lol: :up:
I don't think awa saved u the jury is still out on that and will be for the next several years. It may be a transaction that takes out both companys.
uafa21 said:
I don't think awa saved u the jury is still out on that and will be for the next several years. It may be a transaction that takes out both companys.
How true. Everyone speaks of how AWA is saving U but the only thing saved at this point is an imminent liquidation of U attributed to an infusion of cash by outside investors. Both airlines were likely to be gone if they ran their respective courses but who knows if two negatives will make a positive in this case.
Oh my goodness, I simply can't stop laughing.

Fish, you're living proof of the old adage "better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it."

If you honestly believe F9 has any realistic shot at making a play for UA, or any legacy carrier its' size, you better roll over and turn off the alarm clock!

Fuel is the ultimate equalizer. As the pressure of higher oil prices continues, it's the legacy carriers, with their ample hub/spoke system leverage, that are going to be in the driver's seat. Why? Because those hub/spoke systems bring in much more revenue than do point-to-point or single hub carriers. And when the inevitable next wave of consolidation begins, carriers like Frontier, AirTran and JetBlue are going to be in extreme difficulty. That's because fuel is hurting them too and their business models don't generate enough revenue to offset continued high costs. Have you looked at your balance sheet lately? Cash is dwindling. Costs are rising. It's only going to get worse for you. But don't worry. When another larger carrier swallows up Frontier, maybe you won't fare too badly in the staple job! 😀
C54Capt said:
How true. Everyone speaks of how AWA is saving U but the only thing saved at this point is an imminent liquidation of U attributed to an infusion of cash by outside investors. Both airlines were likely to be gone if they ran their respective courses but who knows if two negatives will make a positive in this case.
Two negatives making a positive? Both carriers likely to be gone if they had ...blah,blah, blah.
Did you just learn to read the financial pages? Or are you one of those pilots that loves to hear the sound of your own voice so much you talk over a movie while flying? Neither one of the carriers you are referring to are in bankruptcy today, are they?

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