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U.S. Airways Flight Enroute to Charlotte

"It is not clear to what degree that fumes exposure contributed to her ill health."

Seriously? You easties are pathetic. You reach and you reach.

Billy Mays died soon after the accident in TPA. How much did that contribute to his death? We responsible for that too?

Give me a g-damn break.

lol what a dbag
P.S. - This is the same plane that diverted from GIG. Have you read the SER?
Get over your pilot war and have some damn respect for the people, passengers and crew alike, who have been permanently affected by the half-ass maintenence done around here.

Reading is a stretch for some, as is intelligent conversation and discussion. Facts truly are inconvenient when they don't bolster your opinion or group think.
Reading is a stretch for some, as is intelligent conversation and discussion. Facts truly are inconvenient when they don't bolster your opinion or group think.

I can't take the stupidity around here and am absolutely over the attitude of some people. Show some damn respect. I have personal friends who have been hospitalized, have done battle with the company over the situation, one of whom went financially bankrupt. This person has permanent issues that will never improve and we have some idiots who think this doesn't exist. I am disgusted.
VAflyGal, you know as well as any east employee what this management team is capable of, they could care less about any passenger and especially an employee, they will lie, cheat or do anything to cover up this mess!!

What makes me so upset is that some of our very own employees would think this is all some hoax and who hide behind some stupid screen name on this anonymous site and post some ignorant banter they know nothing about. We are all on the same team here. Act right.
I can't take the stupidity around here and am absolutely over the attitude of some people. Show some damn respect. I have personal friends who have been hospitalized, have done battle with the company over the situation, one of whom went financially bankrupt. This person has permanent issues that will never improve and we have some idiots who think this doesn't exist. I am disgusted.
You guys made her a pawn in your battle with the company.

What's even more pathetic is that you prefaced your accusations with the admission that it may not have anything to do with the fumes.

Figure it out and go from there. Don't throw out baseless accusations.

And you should be disgusted for using the death of an individual as part of a work action.
"It is not clear to what degree that fumes exposure contributed to her ill health."

Seriously? You easties are pathetic. You reach and you reach.

Billy Mays died soon after the accident in TPA. How much did that contribute to his death? We responsible for that too?

Give me a g-damn break.

How dare you. My friend is dead and our union took a responsible high road regarding the situation and you sit there with your disrespectful dismissive attitude. Blocking this newbie. Have some respect.
How dare you. My friend is dead and our union took a responsible high road regarding the situation and you sit there with your disrespectful dismissive attitude. Blocking this newbie. Have some respect.
Responsible high road = baseless accusation?!?!?

Its you who needs to have some respect.

Get the facts first.
This person has permanent issues that will never improve and we have some idiots who think this doesn't exist. I am disgusted.

It's ironic - there are many on this board (recently) that have permanent issues that also will never improve. In their case it wasn't due to toxic fumes - simply ignorance.
So the next time one of the "walking eagles" spouts off one of their profound posts just remember these three things:

1. A mind is a terrible thing to waste (even internet tough guys).
2. Everything tastes better with Kool-Aid
3. Ignorance is usually wasted on youth - but in some cases you just can't fix stupid.

Like one poster's tag line: the truth always has a funny way of always coming to light - just give it time.
You guys made her a pawn in your battle with the company.

What's even more pathetic is that you prefaced your accusations with the admission that it may not have anything to do with the fumes.

Figure it out and go from there. Don't throw out baseless accusations.

And you should be disgusted for using the death of an individual as part of a work action.

I can assure you that our Ms "FlyGal" is no dupe or pawn of anyone. She's hard working like most of the F/A's at US Airways are. What she most assuredly isn't is one of those Stepford Stare types I see out west from time to time who if an independent thought passed through their head the next time would be the first time. If you push her, she pushes back.

I've had the extreme displeasure of witnessing some of the shenanigans that US pulls on their workers. One agent who reached out ended up getting the feds involved in order to get their job back (ADA thing). Even if this was a "job action" one must then further inquire as to why if the company treated its employees right would a union resort to these tactics? Do you see it at WN?

A very feisty former union leader at US once told me "Bob, if the company treats its workers well then you don't need a union". So maybe while you're giving Doug his beer and daily foot rub you might mention that quote to him.

Doug "It's not a career, it's a job" Parker is now reaping what he has sown. Being cheap and cutting corners has a price. Jerry Glass's considerable fees, other legal expenses, 6th worst company in the US and on the list goes. US Airways is where it is because of those at the top, not the other way around. The pilot situation was fixable if he had exerted leadership. He didn't because his spreadsheet told him not to and now we shall see if US is in business four years from now.
Trolls and labor issues aside, there are a number of points here worthy of consideration.

1. The recent incident where the A/C landed in Boston involved the same aircraft which had been involved in the prior incident in South America, if I am reading correctly. If that is the case, the aircraft should be removed from service until it has been thoroughly inspected, possibly with the involvement of the FAA and OSHA to see what residues in the ventilation system may remain...the investigation should be made on a forensic level if this has not already been done-because if something does happen, and someone gets sick or dies (NOT saying the F/A who passed was or was not affected by such fumes), the company will most certainly be liable, as will whichever maintenance company performed the work on this aircraft.

2. In reading the stories of fumes incidents, it does appear the common denominator may in fact be the servicing shops. Records of ALL affected aircraft should be reviewed to see if a pattern exists (ie. service at the same facility for the same problem, etc.) in order to help isolate a root cause.

It would behoove BOTH management and labor to NOT use these occurrences for their own political/business advantage, as such a tactic will almost certainly backfire. You are talking about a phenomenon which is affecting the health and wellbeing of the EMPLOYEES and the CUSTOMERS of US Airways...no stone should be left unturned to get to the bottom of this.... This is serious folks, so cut the sniping, trolling and other BS and let's find out what is REALLY happening here. It's not about YOU...it's about EVERYONE. Regardless of whether or not this is a union slogan, SAFETY FIRST...no BS, just deal with keeping everyone SAFE.

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