No, actually the costs are figured after the fact. I know you'd like to think there is some big Mexican soap opera going on in Tempe, but that just isn't the fact. The company collects reams of data on everything and then tries to distill that into a plan that can consistently work. When the system goes down (, diversion of a critical airplane with no spares, etc.) it cascades through the operation, So using your imaginary tactics like "divert if it's cheaper" just won't work, so they aren't even tried. They might save a dime, but they are far too difficult to implement (and they would be patently unsafe) so they don't do it.
I hate to burst your bubble, but things here are pretty boring and aside from 3500 idiots on the east, the rest of us try to keep it that way. The system can and should be periodically evaluated and improved, but to suddenly come on the scene and declare that the operation has become drastically unsafe on one side of the operation exclusively, is pretty transparent.
If these diversions are eventually tied to an underground USAPA sanctioned work action (smoking e-mail??) this will be USAPA's swan song and likely the end of many careers. The replacement union will do (and should do) nothing to help them.
PS - How do you manage to have both critics AND no success?