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Typical Twu I Got Mine

Nov 21, 2003
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I heard there are still some twu aircraft mechanic locals trying to recover some of their money from ramp locals after the twu international allowed locals to divide. It seems that everthing was divided ( members, gievances etc.) except money. I might be a little crazy but it seems to me, it really doen't matter what the excuse is that the ramp locals are hidding behind for refusing to hand over some money, but their act of refusual is nothing more than a lack of true brotherhood and most certianly a typical twu motto " I got Mine" !
twusconscience said:
I heard there are still some twu aircraft mechanic locals trying to recover some of their money from ramp locals after the twu international allowed locals to divide. It seems that everthing was divided ( members, gievances etc.) except money. I might be a little crazy but it seems to me, it really doen't matter what the excuse is that the ramp locals are hidding behind for refusing to hand over some money, but their act of refusual is nothing more than a lack of true brotherhood and most certianly a typical twu motto " I got Mine" !
In this case its more like "I got your$!"
I'm just wondering if the ramp guys are willing to screw the mechanics out of their money on the division issue, what else will they try to take?
twusconscience said:
I'm just wondering if the ramp guys are willing to screw the mechanics out of their money on the division issue, what else will they try to take?
Who cares? Let them keep all the money. When we go to AMFA and they go to the AGW the TWU gets to keep it all. Let them have it. Time for all of us to cut our losses with the TWU and work for a better future.

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