<_< ------- Sounds to me more a Company problem than a Union one! Why always put it on the backs of Union members? The reality of it is: Is the Company willing to pay a living wage to keep it's Aircraft flying? Simple as that? :huh:
The answer is in the last paragraph of mine that you quoted, MCI. While the OH guys probably won't go for a tiny raise for themselves coupled with big raises for the line, they probably can be convinced to accept a paltry raise for everybody (given your crappy union representation). So everybody gets a dollar or two, the OH gets done and the line guys continue to get OT to get the work finished.
And as I posted previously, perhaps that OT is a small price to pay compared to giving you and everyone else a huge raise just to get the line guys up to a living wage. OT for a few is maybe, just maybe, cheaper than $80k base pay for everyone in TUL, MCI and AFW. It's not the Company's problem that Owens has to work OT plus three other part-time jobs to make ends meet - it's his problem.
Not only that, but maybe the Company figures that the line OT wouldn't really go away even if they did make $80k. Owens is confident it would, but maybe he's being a little optimistic.