Since 2003 AA has eliminated 40,000 jobs, thats roughly $2.4 billion a year in savings, plus another $1.8 billion from us and their gross earnings have increased from around $20 billion to around $22billion. That means that AA has around $6.8 billion a year extra to play with. Add into that that AA uses less fuel than before due to winglets, Goldhoffers, reduced flying, has hedged a large percentage of their fuel, and has implemented several fuel surcharges to ticket prices and the impact of $100 barrel oil hits the employees a lot harder than it does the airline. Increased energy costs, food costs, utilities etc are all having a severe impact on our quality of life. I'm not making it and I dont live extravagantly and I could care less about AAs claims of hardship. Let it shut down if thats the case. If profits were required then this industry would have vanished 80 years ago. Airline workers can not concern themselves with the profitability of the airline because thats not under their control. We gave up around 40% of our compensation, we are going broke yet Conley claims we must give more. Conley must go.