Well its been nearly a week since Thom McDaniel made an appearence. I guess he feels more at home over on the censored TWU sponsored PFAA Watch board as one of the few non-employees of NWA that the TWU allows to post on that board. Hopefully he is looking into all the charges I cited, if not all I can say is that I'm dissapointed as I felt that he was one of the few in the TWU hierarchy that had what seemed to be the makings of a real union leader instead of a typical business union hack. Whats next, a reversal and the acceptance of the six figure International salary, car and pension? Or is Thom doing like TWU International Rep Bobby Gless, getting paid by the airline so that his compensation is not reflected on the Internationals LM-2? According to the LM-2 for 2003 Bobby Gless worked for free, however when under oath he testified that he was paid around $120,000, from the company, while working as a full time International rep. (Since I started bringing this all up a few things have happened, the DOL has announced a crackdown and enforcement of Lm-10 and 30 filings, Gregg Hall-top dog in AA Line maintenace left and went to UAL, Sue Oliver-head of HR at AA went to Walmart and Art Luby-lawyer for the TWU went to ALPA. Due to the positions they held, all would likely have been "in the know" if not active participants in any scheme to bribe TWU union officials into getting AA the biggest concessions package in history.)
In a message from those controlling that board they claimed to be making an exception because Thom's name came up in discussions, however they did not grant me the same consideration. The Flight Attendants at NWA should take note of this, its what you have to look forward to if you get the TWU. Lies and deception from Jim Little and company.