I could never cross a picket line.
In fact, the NWA Mechanic strike and the media portrayal bothered me so much I wrote this letter to USA Today last week. I only wish it had be published.
"Dear Editor:
As a union president at a major airline, I disagree with Jewel Gopwani's assessment in her story "Northwest vote provides glimpse of union's future" (October 18, 2004), but not for the the most obvious reasons.
The future of Northwest Airlines is shaky at best. Reasonable union leaders and reasonable managers should be working together to protect their company and ultimately their jobs. Reasonable union leaders and reasonable managers understand the importance of compromise and partnership during difficult financial times.
At Northwest Airlines, the management is neither reasonable nor realistic. With threats of outsourcing the jobs of their mechanics and recently their flight attendants, they have chosen to try to bust their unions and the result has been that they have busted their own company.
Other airlines have recognized that collaboration and cooperation between companies and unions can produce positive results have given their companies the competitive edge that they need to survive this turbulent industry. Good examples that good labor relations produce better balance sheets exist at Continental, American, and of course good old Southwest.
The very least that Northwest Airlines could do is to fire the scabs who if allowed to stay will remain constant reminders of the worst possible betrayal to workers. If, and only if Northwest executives do the right thing to guarantee as many union jobs as possible, their workers will have hope for the future and a reason to save their company. If Northwest turns their back on the good union employees who built their company and protects the scabs, the unions will have no choice and Northwest will have no future.
In Solidarity,
Thom McDaniel
President, TWU Local 556 representing Southwest Airlines Flight Attendants"
Do you think that reasonable union leaders should gut their members contract while retaining company paid union business to the tune of $3.1 million a year? Gut their members contracts and then accept raises for themselves?
Instead of cutting out these illegal payments to themselves we took deeper cuts, have you ever compared the Internationals pay to other unions?
Keep in mind that International reps recieve this pay from the company in addition to their Union paycheck. The DOL is currently investigating these payments.
A while back you sent me an E-mail saying that we should share our ideas, I was up front with you and you chose to make no further contact. No doubt you have heard Jims spin.
What you must realize is that your relationship with the TWU is completely different than ours. You have control over your Local and your contract. You are the only Local that is party to your contract. Thats not the case at AA where the membership is split up between 21 Locals and all dealings between top management and the membership is done through unelected International reps. With us none of the locals are party to the contract, the contract is with the International, not any or even all the locals.
Jim will tell you "Everything has to be approved by the Presidents council". Thats false. The fact is that the Presidents coucil has no power and that was established by the TWU International when despite the fact that the Presidents council rejected the formation of seperate locals the Internatioinal put it in place anyway. All you need to do is read the TWUs arguements in court.
Even if that was the case (that everything has to be approved by the Presidents council) what gives the President of any Local the right to approve things without it being brought back to the E-boards and the membership?
Jim will tell you that the membership has the right to reject any changes to the contract, however once again they contradict themselves when members hold them to it in the courtroom. In court the TWU testified that we only have the right to ratify initial contracts, that means in our case the one from 1946 satisfied the Constitution of the TWU.
Jim lies all the time and gets away with it because hes confident that nobody will check as to what they say under oath in court.
Did Jim tell you that AA had hired Eclat to make a presentation to the TWU and other union leaders as to how dire AA financial condition was, in other words to sell us on concessions, and then he hired the same firm to do the same thing for the members? Eclat, the same firm that AA once again hired to put out all that propaganda against repealing the Wright Amendment? Eclat the firm that says whatever AA wants it to say. Do you believe Eclats claim that repealing the Wright Amendment will hurt Dallas?
Did Jim ever mention that he was in management at AA? Not to say that an epiphany is impossible, just not likely in Jims case. He is a salesman. Ask him how the $3.1 million that the compnay gives to the TWU is dispersed. Ask him if any International officers are getting paid by the company while supposedly on Union leave. Ask him how Bobby Gless continued to get paid by the company while working as a full time union rep, accruing credit for his two pensions at the same time. Ask him how come Bobby Gless testified he gets paid $120,000 a year however the LM-2 for 2003 does not list him as an employee and the LM-3 for 2004 only shows $60,000? If he tries to spin about reporting dates ask him why Connellys salary is reported differently.
Clearly Thom, I dont doubt your sincerity and devotion to your membership but your choice to "stay out of the politics" is a cop out, in fact what you have done is chosen sides, the Internationals, you just dont want to get involved in reconciling your position of supporting them while they suppress others. You turned your back on Local 100, did you ever give them the chance to explain their position or did you just take the Internationals word on it? The fact is you have taken a stand to ignore the truth and support Little and company, as long as they leave you alone, the heck with everyone else.
While your members have gone unscathed by all the crap going on in this industry sooner or later it will affect you too. "An injury to one is an injury to all." While you may be the largest Local in the ATD, and combined with Local 555 a sizable chunk of the ATD, SWA as a whole is small compared to the TWU membership of AMR which includes American Airlines and American Eagle. Eagle is the outfit that AMR is going to set against SWA and its also where Jim Little helped lock in long term concessions prior to the current downturn. Eagles attack will be continue to be financed by AA, AMR will use its International revenue to help Eagle attack SWA on the domestic market. SWAs competative advantage to AA will be undermined by the much, much lower labor costs of Eagle.
Jim Little is a friend of AMR management, thats where he came from. He will make sure that AA gets what ever it wants, as long as AMR is funnelling dues, plus and few million here and there to the TWU. I dont know if you were present for Ed Koziateks retirement party. I was, and although you probably would not know it because you dont know the people from AA management I can tell you that at that party there were more members from AMR management there than from the rank and file of the TWU at AMR.
Thom, I dont expect you to make political suicide however I believe I sent you a list of names of people in the TWU that were interested in repairing our badly broken union. And despite what you have seen this union is badly broken. Contacting Local 100 is a must. Surely you remember Sonny Halls reaction to your modest proposals at the 2001 Convention? Knowing the International , they were quick to give you some BS explanation as to why they reacted that way. They will tell you they are in favor of changes but if you really push the issue you will see their real feelings, and even risk being removed.
I applaud you for not submitting to the temptation to draw an International paycheck. But I hope that you do not continue on the path of blaming the unions ills on the members, thats the first sign of slipping into the Internationals trap. Before you know it the natural fustration that comes with leadership will make that safe International position look very appealing. You would not be the first to follow that path. The fact is that the International will not lead and that is the overwhelming reason why the TWU is failing its members. The leadership of the International TWU does not believe in the membership of the TWU, is it any wonder that the membership feels the same way about the International? We dont blame soldiers for losing the battle, we blame Generals, and the reason for that is sound.The fact is Leadership counts. Leadership that is not accountable is not leadership at all.