So Union Politics is far more important that working men and women being shafted?
It never is among the rank and file. Unfortunately, there's a lot of "empire building" at the top of most unions, and, well, we've all seen who loses out in the end.
I agree Del didn't do us any favors. But in the same light when I was with NW under the IAM we as AMT's always got the smallest percent as a whole when it came to raises and we took the biggest hit when it came to concessions when compared to the other groups. Look I know the IAM does ok for other groups but they have no one to blame but themselves for the loss of mechanics at NW. AMT's at NW would have never thrown them out if they hadn't taken our group for granted. I will tell you what it was no easy task to remove them either even after they were voted out.
See above. I think that by the time we (NW) hit the point of no return, the extreme factions on both sides didn't necessarily reflect what the majority of ESE's/CSA's/AMT's were thinking. That memo Informer referred to was the final nail for a lot of people.
It's also easy to remember IAM stickers in the urinals, but not so easy to remember/reflect on why it got to that point. I also agree that the IAM's efforts to keep the AMT's were too little, too late, and that had they been engaged from the get go, trying a last ditch effort like 143M (or whatever the separate district was to be designated as) wouldn't have ever needed to be an issue.
And again, ultimately, who won/lost? We were so busy fighting each other that Andy Roberts et al had it easy... 🙁