You're darn right the Tempe Boys have this figured out, and in the case of Maintenance, they've had it figured out since '05 when we had our pension plan terminated and dumped into the PBGC. As soon as they dumped our plan, the management bonuses in the form of millions were handed out freely. That money should have been used to fund our plan instead of dumping it on the American tax payer.
At that time, the IAM and Company agreed to give me in place of funding my pension plan, $2600 per year that was to go into my 401K. On about that time is when the snake oil salesmen for the IAM came around and started hawking their "pension" plan. We had determined that at that time the rate of return on their plan was somewhere around 2 to 2.5%, and some 401k plans at that time were earning around 11 to 15%, and some as high as 20%.
The IAM was losing members and their pension liabilities were growing. They needed members because the pension was becoming insolvent. We resisted the plan for at least 3 years. Then with the Transition Agreement of ’08, we were placed into the plan and soon after the plan was placed in “endangered status”. It’s no wonder your benefit has been cut. I’m just waiting for mine to be cut also.
I don’t know where Fleet’s funding money came from, but for Maintenance, it came from my 401K match money. And so far I have invested around $13,000 into the plan. If I were to retire today, it would take me almost 3 years just to get back the money I have invested so far, and the return rate has remained about 2.5% to this day.
So I also agree with Freedom that we should have the opportunity to be in control of “our” money because I think I could have done better with “my” $13,000 than the return rate that I’m getting now. And finally what most don’t know is, if our plan with the IAMNPF, which is teetering on the brink of insolvency, should default into the PBGC as so many have done, your money is only worth around 35 cents ($.35) on the dollar.