Spin, spin, spin. Why did other workgroups at TWA fare better than the FAs? And Robert Roach even said "IAM members will not be duped into standing with AMFA". See if you were a true unionist you would have seen something bigger is at stake here, but the IAM would rather collect more dues and sell out the AMFA members then act like they had nothing to do with it. Unlike you, Tim makes his position clear and doesn't resort to this "IAM can do no wrong" wishy washy BS. He is able to engage in a discussion with people whom he may disagree with. You on the other hand resort to attacks and calling people liars whenever they disagree with you or legitimately criticize the IAM in the slightest. You are the Overspeed of the IAM and waterboy for the IAM international which is fine but you shouldn't come on here and pretend to be a fair and objective.