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Twu Local 514 President Demands Tul Aa Management

Bob Owens said:
Management has always told individuals "if you don't like the pay, leave".

Unions have always fought against such claims. Now we see an organization that claims to be a "union" that promotes these claims.

The spin by management and their lackeys-ie TWU, is that if we do not all work for less then we will all lose our jobs. They put forth exaggerated claims and impossible calamities in order to instill fear and terminate reason. They over simplify the relationship between labor-management-society & government and give nothing but lip service to the concept of the strength in numbers and unified action that union members can take when they have real leadership. On the one hand our current appointed excusses for leaders say we are powerless and must accept concessions then preach about solidarity and unionism after the fact.
Once again we hear management through TWU supporters.

No Bob, once again you write a bunch of gibberish. If you hear management it's because you're spending way to much time in their lunch room.

Since the beginning of the labor movement management has claimed that only through lower wages and less benefits could you expect a job.

How old are you Bob, you were there? Did you swing a bat and everything, tell me more. I always thought it was the owners and stockholders that would have pursued the lower wages/benefits, to include their own management, not management doing the pursuit, but then again, I'm not as schooled as you, nor am I the veteran of putting so much BS into script as you.

Where did the TWU state if you don't like it here leave? I stated Bob what I have seen and read from you. I see a guy crying about his $60K/yr. not being able to buy burgers and fries when he wants. I see a guy that has been doing the same crying for over 20 years. I see a guy that is a self admitted loser, NO ONE would have stayed over 20 years and been so unhappy.

that if we do not all work for less then we will all lose our jobs. They put forth exaggerated claims and impossible calamities in order to instill fear and terminate reason.

What are the exaggerated claims Bob? And impossible calamities...you are either one real stupid man or the people you expect to believe you are.

Would you Bob be the real leadership we need? Where would you lead us Bob? Fact is Bob, no one would follow you that knows you. That loss of $88/mo really hurt bad huh? No animosity there, yeah right.
Nightwatch said:
No Bob, once again you write a bunch of gibberish. If you hear management it's because you're spending way to much time in their lunch room.

Unlike you Steve, I know what I want to be and which side I'm on.

How old are you Bob, you were there? Did you swing a bat and everything, tell me more. I always thought it was the owners and stockholders that would have pursued the lower wages/benefits, to include their own management, not management doing the pursuit, but then again, I'm not as schooled as you, nor am I the veteran of putting so much BS into script as you.

Well now Steve no I was not "there" just as you were not "here" when you comment on things that happened here before you got here, but I can read and I can listen to those who were. And no, owners and stockholders do not usually pursue lower wages/benifits. They usually only care about ROI. They leave maximizing that ROI to the managers they hire. And no they do not always seek out to pay their managers poorly. In fact they usually do the opposite. Not all managers seek their goal of maximizing ROI by slashing wages and benifits but rather by improving productivity.

Where did the TWU state if you don't like it here leave?

You claim to be Team TWU right? And isnt that what you wrote?

I stated Bob what I have seen and read from you. I see a guy crying about his $60K/yr. not being able to buy burgers and fries when he wants. I see a guy that has been doing the same crying for over 20 years. I see a guy that is a self admitted loser, NO ONE would have stayed over 20 years and been so unhappy.

Oh really? I believe that you have misqouted me. Please feel free to specify where I said any of those things. Once again your integrity shines through Steve.

What are the exaggerated claims Bob?

Jim Littles claim that if we dont accept concessions that AA might go straight into liquidation for one.

And impossible calamities...you are either one real stupid man or the people you expect to believe you are.

Would you Bob be the real leadership we need? Where would you lead us Bob? Fact is Bob, no one would follow you that knows you.

Do you claim to "know me"? Why is it that I was elected twice by my peers, people who know me? Why did Gless, your apparent new buddy, twice ask me to be on his ticket? Are you trying to reflect the feelings you have upon yourself on to me? Failure at management, failure at steward, lapdog and wannabe TeamTWU member begging for a handout to an appointed position because your peers would never vote for you? If you want to get personal instead of discussing the issues fine, but I would say that it does nothing for either side.

That loss of $88/mo really hurt bad huh? No animosity there, yeah right.

Its not so much the $800/month (cant you get anything right?)from Local 562 that
I miss so much as the $20,000 a year that we all lost thanks to the TWU. After the 2001 contract went through I was considering giving up the Treasurers position, in fact I even suggested to Frank DeMarinis that he could offer my spot to Gless. The rest of the ticket, which consisted of most of the E-board did not want Gless in any position and they said they wanted me to stay as Treasurer at least one more term. I enjoyed being a Union rep but I found the work of Treasurer tedious and very time consuming. Animosity? Sure, I resent what the International did. I especially resent the fact of how they were such cowards about the whole thing. It seemed that they expected that once they suspended me that I would stop posting in order to keep my 800/month. It didnt, but it provided me with a lot more free time, and now I can trash Hall, Little and Gless and the TWU/ATD all I like.

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