Twu Local 514 President Demands Tul Aa Management


Aug 20, 2002
CIO as you are the spokesperson here for the TWU, do you know of any documentation that was posted on the TUL bulletin boards concerning the removal of the BU 3&4 managers? And then removed?
TWU is watching and pointing out how some management areas are not doing their shared sacrafice. Feel free to contact Randy for more information.
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The reason I asked you is because I was looking for an impartial answer. If you have any information, can you not answer in this way?
Buck AA asked the International to submit names of management of areas they believed were over staffed. In turn the International requestd the locals to supply the information. This was done and Randy had the letter posted for everyone to see. Than it was removed. during the normal procedures.

I believe with the automation AA is doing, we need fewer bosses. As you are aware to many directing can cause problem. Why have 5 supervisors for 120 employees? Or 1 manager for 250 employees or 1 dock.

Shared Sacrafice needs to be distributed fairly. As it stands Management in M&E has not been hit as hard as other departments and needs to be corrected.
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Checking it Out said:
Buck AA asked the International to submit names of management of areas they believed were over staffed. In turn the International requestd the locals to supply the information. This was done and Randy had the letter posted for everyone to see. Than it was removed. during the normal procedures.

I believe with the automation AA is doing, we need fewer bosses. As you are aware to many directing can cause problem. Why have 5 supervisors for 120 employees? Or 1 manager for 250 employees or 1 dock.

Shared Sacrafice needs to be distributed fairly. As it stands Management in M&E has not been hit as hard as other departments and needs to be corrected.
I agree that if there is going to be a reduction in force, that management should be reduced equally with labor.

So the Executive Board of Local 514 was completely behind Randy is this procedure?

And what about wages and benefits? Are they too being looked at?

Did management share equally in the sacrifice as our OSM brothers and sisters and those RIF'd to those positions?

Lets hope that the OSM's are not forgotten. The OSM shared a little more than the senior union members.

It is also my understanding that this document was never posted in BU 3&4?

Why was this document removed so quickly?
All Employees should have to clock in and out.

Too many Mgt. types trying to run their operation from somewhere other than the field.
I agree that if there is going to be a reduction in force, that management should be reduced equally with labor.

I agree.

So the Executive Board of Local 514 was completely behind Randy is this procedure?

The Executive Board supports the Internationals efforts to insure Management shares in the shared sacrafice and be treated fairly. AA like's to compare SW management with ours but they seem to forget the percentages are distorted, SW operate's differently in M&E.

And what about wages and benefits? Are they too being looked at?

All I know is what is on the International web site.

Did management share equally in the sacrifice as our OSM brothers and sisters and those RIF'd to those positions?

I agree the OSM's took a larger pay reduction. As you are aware the jobs their performing is being done at a lower pay at Timco or Sasco. So we will have a hard road to find a happy medium to benifit eveyone in the long term.

Lets hope that the OSM's are not forgotten. The OSM shared a little more than the senior union members.

I agree, We also need to keep in mind the high cost of living areas need to be looked at. And an adjustment needs to be looked at during the next contract talks.

It is also my understanding that this document was never posted in BU 3&4?

This is correct, each area has an officer assigned to post. If he/she is absent, it does get overlooked once in a while. We do have many volunteers who will post as necessary when asked. I like the fact that we have a lot more interest this go around in the local elections and hope many will stay involved. Unfortunately some will get their feelings hurt and go back and lick their wounds and complain about why they lost. I can't wait to hear the complaints about the voting being rigged and all the other false stories.

Why was this document removed so quickly?

I dont believe it was removed quickly, I do know some of the officers were asked to post other information and the boards do have limited space.

Feel free to contact Randy for additional information.
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Checking it Out said:
I agree that if there is going to be a reduction in force, that management should be reduced equally with labor.

I agree.

So the Executive Board of Local 514 was completely behind Randy is this procedure?

The Executive Board supports the Internationals efforts to insure Management shares in the shared sacrafice and be treated fairly. AA like's to compare SW management with ours but they seem to forget the percentages are distorted, SW operate's differently in M&E.

And what about wages and benefits? Are they too being looked at?

All I know is what is on the International web site.

Did management share equally in the sacrifice as our OSM brothers and sisters and those RIF'd to those positions?

I agree the OSM's took a larger pay reduction. As you are aware the jobs their performing is being done at a lower pay at Timco or Sasco. So we will have a hard road to find a happy medium to benifit eveyone in the long term.

Lets hope that the OSM's are not forgotten. The OSM shared a little more than the senior union members.

I agree, We also need to keep in mind the high cost of living areas need to be looked at. And an adjustment needs to be looked at during the next contract talks.

It is also my understanding that this document was never posted in BU 3&4?

This is correct, each area has an officer assigned to post. If he/she is absent, it does get overlooked once in a while. We do have many volunteers who will post as necessary when asked. I like the fact that we have a lot more interest this go around in the local elections and hope many will stay involved. Unfortunately some will get their feelings hurt and go back and lick their wounds and complain about why they lost. I can't wait to hear the complaints about the voting being rigged and all the other false stories.

Why was this document removed so quickly?

I dont believe it was removed quickly, I do know some of the officers were asked to post other information and the boards do have limited space.

Feel free to contact Randy for additional information.
The Executive Board supports the Internationals efforts to insure Management shares in the shared sacrafice and be treated fairly. AA like's to compare SW management with ours but they seem to forget the percentages are distorted, SW operate's differently in M&E

The question is, was this event sanctioned by the International and or the ATD and did the Local 514 E-Board support this in the majority?

AA's staffing levels appear to be different than SW's, however are you stating that if AA's management is brought in line with that of SW, that the wage and benefit structure should also be shared equally? There is a distortion between what AA and SW pay their unionized employees. Before you go to the farm out question, remember that if you are asking AA to be like SW or SW to be like AA. There is no need to argue farm out percentages, we will disagree. The point is that if the TWU is looking for shared sacrifice and the target is the structure that AA is looking to SW for, there are many parameters that must be considered.

the jobs their (OSM's) performing is being done at a lower pay at Timco or Sasco

All jobs being performed by the majors are being accomplished at a lower man-hour rate at places like Timco and Sasco. Even yours.

Why is now that you are concerned about the cost of living differences?

If this document was not posted, by the responsible officer, does that responsibility fall on the leadership of the Local to ensure the membership is fully informed?

Why not put out one of your informers to explain the issue? If the union bulletin board system is not be watched properly, than maybe a mass mailing to the membership would take of this?

A lot more interest in the elections?

You have that one right, when there has been no representation, the members come out of the woodwork to see if they can make the changes necessary to represent the membership.

I have noticed recently, that the union boards are overcrowded with material that is quite old in many cases. In fact some of the responsible officers have even begun to use company bulletin boards for union business.

Why are you so insistent on me contacting Randy on these issues?

I believe you and many others have grown tired of Randy in the leadership position?
Buck I don't believe in everything the TWU does and if you ask you will find out, I have made more motions from the floor than most. I do believe we need a more unified membership and believe the division has been caused by outside forces. This will be coming to an end shortly and I will be relieved.

As for COLA, I have not changed my opinion. If you go back, you will see my stance is the same. A 100,000 dollar house in Tulsa is 200,000 thousand in other areas. Is this fair? NO! Should we all suffer? No!

I believe we need to also eliminate the different pay progressions. But I also believe the majority has made a decision. Just like the Majority have chosen by not signing a card! The majority is the key in decision making and we ALL should be coming out together when the decision is decided. Unfortunately many times the minority screams and we are forced to make decisions based on this. Just like the low cost carriers are dictating the cost of a ticket now!
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Checking it Out said:
Buck I don't believe in everything the TWU does and if you ask you will find out, I have made more motions from the floor than most. I do believe we need a more unified membership and believe the division has been caused by outside forces. This will be coming to an end shortly and I will be relieved.

As for COLA, I have not changed my opinion. If you go back, you will see my stance is the same. A 100,000 dollar house in Tulsa is 200,000 thousand in other areas. Is this fair? NO! Should we all suffer? No!

I believe we need to also eliminate the different pay progressions. But I also believe the majority has made a decision. Just like the Majority have chosen by not signing a card! The majority is the key in decision making and we ALL should be coming out together when the decision is decided. Unfortunately many times the minority screams and we are forced to make decisions based on this. Just like the low cost carriers are dictating the cost of a ticket now!
You may not believe in everything the TWU does but what have you done to remove the TWU and or its structure from destroying the membership? All you do is talk and say that you make motions. Yet on these bulletin boards you blast anyone attempting change and praise everything the TWU does.

You will never have a unified membership if you do not remove the OSM classification. The division was created and is practiced on a daily basis by the TWU and its supporters. Just how will this division end soon? Do you believe that you are going to gain any support from the line?

Your stance on COLA is like your support for the TWU. Either you support the lines position on COLA or you are against it. What we have seen here is that you support the TWU so you are against the lines position on COLA. Is this policy going to change soon?

What do you know about suffering? You condone the OSM classification that propagates the division you claim to be fighting. Your answer to the OSM question is that TIMCO and Sasco pay $15 an hour.

Why do you believe that the different pay progressions need to be removed? You have and continue to support the TWU and it is the concessions negotiated by the TWU that have placed us where we are today, divided and conquered.

The majority in this membership makes decisions based on the fear that the TWU leadership promotes. The TWU has destroyed the craft and class and the airline industry as we know it. For the TWU and its supporters it is all about fear and unionism has been forgotten. Your socialistic position on everyone has a job brother is devastating the membership and their ability to improve themselves.

The low cost carriers take a position and AA falters, that does not mean that the TWU has to destroy unionism in the process. What the TWU needs to do is become proactive and encourage the company to raise fares. Is the customer going to leave for $5 a leg? Some might but the company continues to claim we provide quality, so the customer should pay for quality.
I do believe we need a more unified membership and believe the division has been caused by outside forces. This will be coming to an end shortly and I will be relieved.
Outside forces?
Jr. AMTs
Jr. AMTs with recognized experience
Unlicensed Mechanics
Stock Clerks
Parts Washers
Building Cleaners
Fleet Service

What outside forces created these divisions?

Once and for all CIO, get it straight: AMFA Supporters are not OUTSIDE FORCES!
Now stop your demogoguery and fear mongering.
If you think the TWU and Company preventing a vote by inflating the elegibility list will create unity, you are tripping on acid.

No Vote, No Unity.
Why do you believe that the different pay progressions need to be removed? You have and continue to support the TWU and it is the concessions negotiated by the TWU that have placed us where we are today, divided and conquered

It is the concessions voted in by the membership of the TWU that give you the ability to retain your employment with AA. AMFA is divided and conquered, not the TWU. You may feel conquered, and justly so.
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Spoken like a true former TWA employee, you know everything about being defeated and losing. I hope there are some real union men and women left at the former TWA, because you are not a good example.

One more time for you.

The company scares the TWU leadership, they scare the membership but state "Vote No" and you were working for TWA when it all happened.
Nightwatch said:
It is the concessions voted in by the membership of the TWU that give you the ability to retain your employment with AA. AMFA is divided and conquered, not the TWU.
Once again we hear management through TWU supporters.

Since the beginning of the labor movement management has claimed that only through lower wages and less benifits could you expect a job.

Management has always told individuals "if you dont like the pay, leave".

Unions have always fought against such claims. Now we see an organization that claims to be a "union" that promotes these claims.

The spin by management and their lackeys-ie TWU, is that if we do not all work for less then we will all lose our jobs. They put forth exaggerated claims and impossible calamities in order to instill fear and terminate reason. They over simplify the relationship between labor-management-society & government and give nothing but lip service to the concept of the strength in numbers and unified action that union members can take when they have real leadership. On the one hand our current appointed excusses for leaders say we are powerless and must accept concessions then preach about solidarity and unionism after the fact.
Kevin a lot of the people in the OSM shops are rifted from AMT positions with over 2 years experience. TIMCO and AAR are doing nose to tail overhauls. Lets do an experiment come over to my work area and lets call AAR and TIMCO and ask them what the starting pay is for an AMT with 2 years experience in heavy maintaince. Not only is there starting pay higher than our OSM;s it is higher than the starting pay of our mechanics. That is if AA ever hired Mechanics at the overhaul bases. Now they just hire an OSM and upgrade an OSM. They means TIMCO and AAR probable has a faster top out also. Come on big man put your union to the test. This is in house outsourcing and TWU is under cutting the compatition. You must be real proud of the TWU. Don't lower wages appose TWU.NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE

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