TWu International Website

enough already

Jan 8, 2003
I've been on our wonderful TWu International site and TWu/AA Negotiations site and have found nothing about the fact that one of their major labor groups (AA mech & related) has resoundingly rejected a tentative agreement. It makes me wonder. Do they think if they simply ignore that fact it will go away? Are they too ashamed to admit that they strongly recommended the POS T/A? Maybe they are just not aware that a 12,000+ group that they represent voted down 2-1 their touted T/A? Is it too difficult for them to admit that they were/are wrrrrr, uh wrrrrooo, umm wwwrrooon, wr-wr-wr-WRONG?!?!? :blink:
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe somewhere on their sites they have acknowledged this. If so maybe cio or one of the other TWu pundits can show us where they have.

I just want to feel/know that our "representatives" care or even know about how we the represented feel about how they are handling our negotiations!! :)
As commented in the AMP-TWU debate, the TWU's website still says they represent four or five airlines now out of business and a railroad that disappeared ten years ago. They probably paid some kid of an officer $50K to create a website 10 years ago using Frontpage...

Maybe they'll get around to mentioning it in about 2019?
As commented in the AMP-TWU debate, the TWU's website still says they represent four or five airlines now out of business and a railroad that disappeared ten years ago. They probably paid some kid of an officer $50K to create a website 10 years ago using Frontpage...

Maybe they'll get around to mentioning it in about 2019?
E--your starting to show that you have been away from AA too long to think that the TWU would just pay some kid $50K. ;) No they have an AA mechanic disguised as an IT Consultant who makes $150k per a year while still staying on the AA seniority list. Check it out on the International LM2.
Go Here:

As you can see the certificated results are different then the un-official results posted on the 24th.
Go Here:

As you can see the certificated results are different then the un-official results posted on the 24th.

CIO, this statement was taken from the "about us" section of the link you provided. I qoute,"Obviously, our union cannot become complacent if we are to continue to protect our membership's hard won gains and secure their futures." How does "continue to protect" fit the concessionary profiles of the 2003 and 2010 t/a's? The international has the gall to enter this kind of blather to describe their "about us" profile. Their "Air" division section should come with a quote from Groucho Marx, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"