... quite a few T-shirts, as a matter of fact.
Who was is that said "Tell a lie often enough and it becomes truth"?
... quite a few T-shirts, as a matter of fact.
Who was is that said "Tell a lie often enough and it becomes truth"?
or Fox NewsLenin.
I see the point in requiring the "No-Compete" clause for any Locally Elected Official to leave their Local and go to AMR Management versus the same elected official going into the TWU International: but, I also see the need for some type of restriction based on a membership vote before a Locally Elected TWU Officer is allowed to leave their local and enter the TWU International.
Given the following in a TWU Local, "No-Compete" clause:
A) All TWU Locally Elected Officials will be required to wait a period of five years before becoming compensated by AMR, and/or any affiliate or successor, in any manner not related to the contractual duties arising from the Current Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA, on behalf of the indiviual TWU Local electing them under the following circumstances:
1) Removal from office by their Local and/or the International; and/or,
2) Resignation of office; and/or,
3) Appointment by the TWU International to a TWU International compensated position; and/or,
4) Appointment by AMR, and/or any affiliate or successor, to a non-bargaining unit position; and/or,
5) Loss of position due to Local Elections; unless,
B) In a vote, conducted by the TWU Local in question, three-fifths of the voting majority allow the change in status for the individual concerned.
OK so the MRO vs Line is clearly not going away. I cannot understand why the OH AMT has to go on feild trips to do the work the "superior" line AMT should be able to do. But often this happens. When on a field trip will the OH AMT make the Superior Line Premium Pay? Or will he be relegated to OH AMT pay while bailing out the Line?
The ONLY valid arguement is cost-of-living.
The rest is nothing more than Elite Brainwashing.
Then shoudn't it be fair to allow the senior AMT OH worker the chance to displace the lower senior AMT Line Worker?
Now that OH is going to be relegated MRO then those with enough seniority should have the right to NOT be relegated to that.
By the way the Holiday/Weekend arguement appears to be leaving with this agreement also. The 1/7 rule is gone and the 24/7 rule is now at O/H.
If we are going to divide then allow the senior AMT his choice which side of the fence he wants to be on.
In the last week, I have heard no less than 10 AMT's ready to go to the line as they are not interested in being MRO either.
On top of that, you are now without a chance of ever leaving this union. The MRO will only survive by being the majority as the "I've Got Mine" society thinking takes over unionism. I now tend to think the TWU Consitution is looking better all the time to protect us at MRO from the elitist on the Line. The more I read the luckier I feel and see what the true agenda was of the Line AMT trying to escape the undemocratic ways of the TWU. Those "undemocratic ways" appear to be the only thing saving my job at this point. Most of you believe in socialism except when it comes to treatment of the MRO worker and you are more than happy to shaft him/her to make your own personal gain. I get it now. And thank you very muchfor clearing that up....I needed that.
Well now that I see the big picture let me tell you something. As a welder and a Crew Chief that is 50 yrs old, I get $560 per month more with this agreement, and I get to keep the retirement medical - Screw You Guys! I'VE GOT MINE BROTHER and will now vote YES to save my own ass from you powerful unrelenting more important Line AMT's. Unfriggin believeable that you call yourselves union men.
Good Luck I am no longer with you.
OK so the MRO vs Line is clearly not going away. I cannot understand why the OH AMT has to go on feild trips to do the work t
Well now that I see the big picture let me tell you something. As a welder and a Crew Chief that is 50 yrs old, I get $560 per month more with this agreement, and I get to keep the retirement medical - Screw You Guys! I'VE GOT MINE BROTHER and will now vote YES to save my own ass from you powerful unrelenting more important Line AMT's. Unfriggin believeable that you call yourselves union men.
Good Luck I am no longer with you.
Wow! I guess the welder fell for the ole divide and conquer. This is precisely what AA wanted with this. They keep throwing em right over the plate and we keep whiffing.
Im a yes vote also I get a $6 raise and 6% bonus check, back pay for my six dollar raise from date of signing, and my prefunding returned i figure I will get a minimum of 6 grand I GOT MINE screw the rest thats what this union tought me well and im going with it.You didnt call it divide and conquer when you recieved a skill premium of $1.55 per more than the welder in 2001 now did you? But it is divide and conquer when parity is returned? I get it now. It isn't divide and conquer when there is such a surplus of A&P's and a shortage of machinist ans welders that the A&P is upgraded to welder or machinist and makes $1.55 than the guy training him. No that isnt divide and conquer at all.
This Union has been in divide and conquer mode since 1983 and this is first time I am not in the group getting the shaft.
The Line AMT's apparently favor divide and conquer only now it is called premium pay for high cost of living, working live flights, and working in the weather. Of course we all know that once the Class II stations are history most Line AMT's are working in a hangar and not on live flights 95% of the time.
You can blame me for divide and conquer all you want, if not me, you would find someone else to blame.
Go For It......"I've Got Mine Brother"
I could care less anymore what you call me or blame me for. The truth is everyone in the POS union is out for themselves just most wont admit that.
Your SICK !!! Nuff saidIm a yes vote also I get a $6 raise and 6% bonus check, back pay for my six dollar raise from date of signing, and my prefunding returned i figure I will get a minimum of 6 grand I GOT MINE screw the rest thats what this union tought me well and im going with it.
I got mine thank your union not meYour SICK !!! Nuff said