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TWU gets 4.8% equity

Two things that you obviously know nothing about.

Not true. A true leader will take upon all challenges wheather good or bad and find a way through courage to move forward. Momma said that's what leadership and courage is. Forrest Gump :lol:
So nice to see everybody's favorite ass clown "HS Tool" trying to show his brilliance on this BB. Poor chump doesn't realize that nobody gives a crap about what some TWU suckboy thinks.
So nice to see everybody's favorite ass clown "HS Tool" trying to show his brilliance on this BB. Poor chump doesn't realize that nobody gives a crap about what some TWU suckboy thinks.

Hey, be nice now. HSS is just offering simple solutions to modern problems.... 😛
So nice to see everybody's favorite ass clown "HS Tool" trying to show his brilliance on this BB. Poor chump doesn't realize that nobody gives a crap about what some TWU suckboy thinks.

Vortilon - The thing about standing in a circle with your circle jerk AMFA groupies is that no one disagrees. Amazing isn't it?
So nice to see everybody's favorite ass clown "HS Tool" trying to show his brilliance on this BB. Poor chump doesn't realize that nobody gives a crap about what some TWU suckboy thinks.

Vortilon - The thing about standing in a circle with your circle jerk AMFA groupies is that no one disagrees. Amazing isn't it?

Skewered again by the chickenman's wit !!

Wowser !!!
So your done? Leading takes courage...


Your ironic comments never cease do they? Leadership is something the twu international fears. A fully informed membership is something the twu international fears. Keep attempting to defend the undefendable. Leadership? You mean leadership like that of appointed international officers who are booed off the stage by those he makes 3X more than?

Leadership twu international strutcture = appointed officers

Leadership AMFA structure = elected officers by the membership
Lol. Good one bob. If hss is in tulsa his day is coming. He should get everything he voted for and a little more he didnt know he voted for!
Lol. Good one bob. If hss is in tulsa his day is coming. He should get everything he voted for and a little more he didnt know he voted for!

If the TWU and AA are collaberating with one another like many on this BB think they are. Would it be in their best interests to gut the Tulsa base as many of you think they will? I'm thinking a better plan for the company would be to help implement and support FBOs at as many airports that the FAA allows and farm out the line mechanic work. What do you think?

Your ironic comments never cease do they? Leadership is something the twu international fears. A fully informed membership is something the twu international fears. Keep attempting to defend the undefendable. Leadership? You mean leadership like that of appointed international officers who are booed off the stage by those he makes 3X more than?

Leadership twu international strutcture = appointed officers

Leadership AMFA structure = elected officers by the membership

Just like the membership that elected a fleet service clown to lead the biggest soon to be smallest maintenance base.
you are as brilliant has they come.
I know what happend last Buck, they TA'd an agreement to be ratified by the membership...Guess what Buck, it passed. get over it B)
Yes you got that correct, "they" t/a'd an agreement and get over it, I am not over the last 25 + years of sub standard contracts.
Just like the membership that elected a fleet service clown to lead the biggest soon to be smallest maintenance base.
you are as brilliant has they come.

I wonder when he gets an international position for delivering the goods!
So nice to see everybody's favorite ass clown "HS Tool" trying to show his brilliance on this BB. Poor chump doesn't realize that nobody gives a crap about what some TWU suckboy thinks.

Vortilon - The thing about standing in a circle with your circle jerk AMFA groupies is that no one disagrees. Amazing isn't it?

Good come back old timer! You may want to look in the mirror if you want to find a true groupie. I find the AMTs that support the philosophy of AMFA, to be the more intelligent, independent thinking types. Hence, much more likely to disagree on various topics. On the other hand, you have your "group think" types - that tend to want to be told how to think, and what to vote for - tend to lean towards outfits like the TWU or IBT - pssst that would be you. This type also, typically suffers from low self esteem, and have a constant need for support from the collective ie: the TWU or IBT.

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