GEO pay is based on where you live. Tulsa objected to the increased Line premium that was in the 2010 deal and objected during negotiations afterwards to increased Line pay but not GEO. They objected to the Line guys getting $2/hr more than the base guys in Tulsa.
So Tulsa would be the baseline set at ZERO, DFW was around the same as TULSA so they would not have received GEO either, the Northeast and West Coast would have received the most, then MIA and ORD. The GEO was not a dollar for dollar adjustment to bring everyone up to the same standard of living, not even close, but it was something, better than nothing.
Sam was Ok with GEO, Luis went to NY and told the guys he supported GEO but later withdrew his support, upon direction from Videtich no doubt. Hewitt stated that if the Line got one penny more than Tulsa any deal was D.O.A. So the position we see from Tulsa changes. The company never addressed it. Why would they? They like it better that there is resentment amongst the ranks. GEO wouldn't come close to matching up living standards but if would do a lot to foster better harmony within the Union between those who are struggling to get from one paycheck to the next and those who are concerned that should they lose their job at AA they would not be able to maintain what they have become accustomed to.