
Nov 17, 2008
To all TWU-- What has the iNTERNATIONAL uNION & amr been doing since the cONTRACT was vOTED in? NOTHING!! The outline of a contract has NOT had one word added to fill in all those EMPTY DETAILS!
It seems that 'we that don't matter' that are going to be JETTISONED like trash in a few weeks, are going to be slapped by the folks in the Crystal Palace on Amon Carter Blvd, after we file for UN EMPLOYMENT, " Therefore, AA will contest all unemployment claims for voluntary program participants. Please refer to your local unemployment office formore information". This quote comes from JETNET, Gen. Info. for AA TWU Employees Accepting the Early Out Incentive, page 5/15, Unemployment Compensation Insurance.
This real nice, is AA going to contest ALL Un Employment claims to those who are INVOLUNTARILY SEVERED??
We went to the Local 765 Hangar oFFICE to any available information. Those in the room didn't know where to apply toliet paper. We called the atd in Hurst, to get anyone's attention. Our MANY calls were NOT RETURNED. Up the food chain to an orfice in NYC. No answer. Then somebody dug up a card with mR jIM lITTLE's name on it. We called the numbers listed. Finally he answered the phone, on VACATION in AUSTRALIA!!!!!!! We explained our DILEMMA. We mentioned that the twu should NEGOTIATE an LOA to change the POLICY OF CONTESTING the UN Employment Claims, at least for AFW twu members. He asked for our phone no. and he would "PERSONALLY" take action.
2 hrs later our cell phone rang, mR dONALD vIDETICH was calling!! We again expressed our DILEMMA. We asked for an LOA between the uNION & amr, not to contest the Un Employment claims, at least from AFW.
I think that we received some toliet paper from the atd with mR vIDETICH's signature on it, dated Sept 6,2012.
" Therefore, AA will contest all unemployment claims for voluntary program participants. Please refer to your local unemployment office formore information". This quote comes from JETNET, Gen. Info. for AA TWU Employees Accepting the Early Out Incentive, page 5/15, Unemployment Compensation Insurance.

This real nice, is AA going to contest ALL Un Employment claims to those who are INVOLUNTARILY SEVERED??

It looks like you answered your own question. The quote from jetnet is about those taking the early out, and the rest of us who hit the street get severance and unemployment. You are not going to get an early out package and still collect unemployment, if that was your intent.
I understand your frustrations.

The twu could at least have told you:

"They can do that brother"
"Our hands are tied"
"You voted for it!"
I understand your frustrations.

The twu could at least have told you:

"They can do that brother"
"Our hands are tied"
"You voted for it!"

They did respond by saying that. The lack of response is the same as responding as such.
To all TWU-- What has the iNTERNATIONAL uNION & amr been doing since the cONTRACT was vOTED in? NOTHING!! The outline of a contract has NOT had one word added to fill in all those EMPTY DETAILS!
It seems that 'we that don't matter' that are going to be JETTISONED like trash in a few weeks, are going to be slapped by the folks in the Crystal Palace on Amon Carter Blvd, after we file for UN EMPLOYMENT, " Therefore, AA will contest all unemployment claims for voluntary program participants. Please refer to your local unemployment office formore information". This quote comes from JETNET, Gen. Info. for AA TWU Employees Accepting the Early Out Incentive, page 5/15, Unemployment Compensation Insurance.
This real nice, is AA going to contest ALL Un Employment claims to those who are INVOLUNTARILY SEVERED??
We went to the Local 765 Hangar oFFICE to any available information. Those in the room didn't know where to apply toliet paper. We called the atd in Hurst, to get anyone's attention. Our MANY calls were NOT RETURNED. Up the food chain to an orfice in NYC. No answer. Then somebody dug up a card with mR jIM lITTLE's name on it. We called the numbers listed. Finally he answered the phone, on VACATION in AUSTRALIA!!!!!!! We explained our DILEMMA. We mentioned that the twu should NEGOTIATE an LOA to change the POLICY OF CONTESTING the UN Employment Claims, at least for AFW twu members. He asked for our phone no. and he would "PERSONALLY" take action.
2 hrs later our cell phone rang, mR dONALD vIDETICH was calling!! We again expressed our DILEMMA. We asked for an LOA between the uNION & amr, not to contest the Un Employment claims, at least from AFW.
I think that we received some toliet paper from the atd with mR vIDETICH's signature on it, dated Sept 6,2012.
There is some good info here including AA's M&E restructure plan with HC numbers by station. Your Local should have this info to distribute to you.
AFW SUNSET PLAN............................makes me wanna dig my toes in the sand with a cold beer and watch the sun go down.......

Why don't you AMFA clowns take a coffee break. You may be secure because of your seniority or station, but those exposed to layoff or relocation in the next few months will be going through some difficult times. If you had gone through this before as many of us have, you would understand what I mean. Can the political BS.

Why don't you AMFA clowns take a coffee break. You may be secure because of your seniority or station, but those exposed to layoff or relocation in the next few months will be going through some difficult times. If you had gone through this before as many of us have, you would understand what I mean. Can the political BS.
DNTULSA isn't even in the game anymore. He retired in 2002, or so his profile states. His retirement is so exciting he feels the need to come here everyday and share his highend wit and Reputation Point<--(must be a Shady Hope Retirement Village status symbol thing) QA/Counting abilities. I guess whatever it takes to keep you sharp make you feel as if you are still in the game.

MCI Transplant provides very respected wisdom and input in my opinion even though we don't agree on alot of things, just to let you know I am in no way knocking retirees.

Why don't you AMFA clowns take a coffee break. You may be secure because of your seniority or station, but those exposed to layoff or relocation in the next few months will be going through some difficult times. If you had gone through this before as many of us have, you would understand what I mean. Can the political BS.

What makes you think I have not been layed off, relocated or inconvenienced during my employment with American. Maybe if the guys that are getting laid off decided to vote NO we would still be negotiating for a better deal with some job security. Abrogation or not we had a chance to continue to fight like hell, but as soon as the International was notified that the company would pay for their legal fees the tune changed. Sure you can blame the 1772 non voters but it still passed by a narrow margin. That was close enough to go the other way if the kool aid drinkers took their heads out of their back sides and stopped listening to the TWU fear mongers. This is not easy but we are at a cross roads and we did not even make it to the intersection to see what lies ahead. We put it in reverse with our tails between our legs.
DNTULSA isn't even in the game anymore. He retired in 2002, or so his profile states. His retirement is so exciting he feels the need to come here everyday and share his highend wit and Reputation Point<--(must be a Shady Hope Retirement Village status symbol thing) QA/Counting abilities. I guess whatever it takes to keep you sharp make you feel as if you are still in the game.

MCI Transplant provides very respected wisdom and input in my opinion even though we don't agree on alot of things, just to let you know I am in no way knocking retirees.

Hey tinkerman,

I do like to visit this site. It is great entertainment. You seem to be here all the time. Surely you don't post here while you are at work.

I do stay in touch with a few guys I used to work with. Some are even pictured on the teamsters flyer that they sent everyone.

The hatred of the twu is widespread out at TULE.
For Every IDIOT in TUL, who voted yes, AND gets thrown to the curb PERMAMENTLY, I say........TOUGH SHIIT. You deserve what you got for Not having any B + B.
Notwithstanding places like JFK/BOS/PHL/DCA who voted NO, the mere fact that a place like AFW(hardly a stronghold of Unionism)(after all it's STILL Texass).....voted NO,.............THAT should have told you something.
THAT should have sent you a Signal..........Ya THINK ????
Hey tinkerman,

I do like to visit this site. It is great entertainment. You seem to be here all the time. Surely you don't post here while you are at work.

I do stay in touch with a few guys I used to work with. Some are even pictured on the teamsters flyer that they sent everyone.

The hatred of the twu is widespread out at TULE.

No need to explain anything on my account I was just pointing out the obvious so that Realityck knew who he was addressing. I could care less why you are here or what your motivation for doing so or even who your friends are is to tell you the truth. Just keep doing what only You can do best in being a Reputation Point Expert. By the way I am close to 100 pts. do I get a toaster or a Malkoff drop in for a 2C Maglight? I knew you were the one to ask.
And if no one is force to the street like John Hewitt says????
You may be secure because of your seniority or station, but those exposed to layoff or relocation in the next few months will be going through some difficult times. If you had gone through this before as many of us have, you would understand what I mean.

Thanks to you nobody is secure.

I think we may be the only unionized mechanics in the industry with zero furlough protection.

AA is getting three new fleet types, so that means they have to buy a lot of new parts for those fleets, that means they can RIF even more of our guys and outsource more maintenance.

Like I've said before, I never expected anybody to lower wages or give up benefits so I wouldnt get laid off, sure I only got laid off once from a full time position but I knew that after I put in the years somewhere the likelyhood of getting laid off would be less, if you keep giving stuff up everytime the company threatens to layoff then the job wont be worth coming back to. After 9-11 they furloughed nearly 300 guys from New York after we gave away pay and benefits, 90% of them chose not to come back when they were recalled.

Last RIF when guys bumped into NY they did so when in real terms they were earning at least 50% more than they are now. If they struggled then how do you think they will make out now? We saw what happened to the Upgrades back in 2010, the company let them all go back because when they tried to get housing nobody would give them a lease because they didnt earn enough.

Thats the reality out there.
And if no one is force to the street like John Hewitt says????

That may be the case with Title II but it appears that the measly $40k isnt enough for too many of our guys to sign control of their lives over to the company. (UAL gave $75k). I guess many figure they will keep this till they find something better on their own timetable and not on one the company determines.

In Title II as of Friday 109 guys put in for it with a projected RIF of 179 they are looking at a RIF of 67.

In stores 61 put in out of 172 projected RIFs, knocking them down to 111.

In Maint they are looking at 1701reductions, and only 463 put in so far, they would need 1238 more.

So the company would end up laying off over 10% of its Aircraft Mechanic workforce, its youngest cheapest workers which would drive up costs and the average Age of its mechanic workforce, plus they would not be able to hire any of those kids in school they promised jobs to, that their competitors can hire, because AA would have to go through their own recall list first. AA's loss will be SWA and other carriers gain. My guess is that we will have the oldest mechanic workforce in the industry with an average age well in excess of US's 55. Old and pissed off, a real formula for success!