So Bill :wub: , I take it you're not going to vote for me to be President of the TWU,after Jimmy gets his Senior Vice President job at AMR? How come you're so afraid to face me in the "kangaroo" court? When AMR sells off the maintenance bases, will you be willing to work $15.00/hr or less in Tulsa? Will you still love the TWU for saving your job,Billy?
You sure bring up the issues of "charges" a lot Princess. You just lookin' for a little more attention? Not getting enough there at AFW?? 🙁 HMMMM, wonder why???
Hey, do you and Peterson and your other local cronies still have those O'Brien shirts you were touting in Vegas????? I saw the pictures. Don't try to deny it!!!
Any response to the amfa comments???? Princess?.....anyone?......anyone?......Beuller?.....anyone
I love the silence of you amfaites. Now that's PRICELESS!!!!