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TWU By-Law(s) Vote

It seems that Bill would rather discuss AMFA than the topic of the shortcomings of the TWU.

Who can blame him?

This is called a Red Herring, and is intended to divert the discussion away from something he is clearly uncomfortable with. It is in the same class as ad hominum, post hoc,straw man et alia, and serves the same purpose, however fallaciously.

The good news is surely but slowly the TWU faithful are losing patience with company unionism and the dictators of the TWU. Soon another revolt will be in full swing.

Bill is one that either directly or indirectly is receiving some form of income from the TWU. In essence he does not pay dues, he profits from the TWU. Thus he will never be able to see that which others can clearly see.

Maybe he is even one of those receiving company payoffs that Bob Owens keeps directing our attention to take alook to see.

Bill, how is that DOL investigation going against the TWU in New York and how about the lawsuit by the illegally removed elected Officers of Local 562?
This is called a Red Herring, and is intended to divert the discussion away from something he is clearly uncomfortable with. It is in the same class as ad hominum, post hoc,straw man et alia, and serves the same purpose, however fallaciously.

This is way above Bill's head, you lost him at "This is called." 😛
What...you can't defend the actions of AMFA??? Those glass houses are coming down!!!

Cryin' about some buildings....what's next, "my job is too hard", "stop making us do the work we get paid to do". Oh wait, I've heard that too. HMMMM??? Can't wait to hear what else you'll be crying about.
Ken, you've got amfa so far up your butt you can't see the forest for the trees. As for my answer........NO.

You don't like it, make a motion to change bylaws. Take away that power the union president and board have. Don't preach to me about whether you think it's democratic or not. This democracy has been used for over 200 years and you are going to #### and moan because it doesn't work for you when you want it to. BOO HOO!!!

As for your latter comments..........grow up Ken.

Oh, and see what you can come up with about what I posted to Informer. And you might suggest that he take off his paper bag as well Ken.

Your answer is NO? So when the membership votes on a certain issue and their voted choice is not acted on but instead action is taken in the exact opposite direction that is not a problem? That's democracy? Your answer is not only sad but shows how far, uhm, let's see, what was that saying? Oh, yes, YOUR head is so far up your ass you are able to actually watch your body produce cowardice directly.

Coward, you just showed that you do not understand the process of democracy. Don't worry about removing that bag. Even if I knew who you were I would turn away.

Bill... supporter of the (un)democratic way! Fighter and champion for all things that erode membership power and is proud to do it from behind an alias while collecting a union check? Again... SIMPLY PRICELESS!
"my job is too hard", "stop making us do the work we get paid to do".
Just as we all suspected, Bill is a bootlicking management wanna-be. I bet Bill hasn't worked the floor in years, too busy working for the man.
What...you can't defend the actions of AMFA??? Those glass houses are coming down!!!

Cryin' about some buildings....what's next, "my job is too hard", "stop making us do the work we get paid to do". Oh wait, I've heard that too. HMMMM??? Can't wait to hear what else you'll be crying about.

Again, the Red Herring fallacy in an attempt to divert us from the issue at hand.

How transparent.

How tiresome.
What...you can't defend the actions of AMFA??? Those glass houses are coming down!!!

Cryin' about some buildings....what's next, "my job is too hard", "stop making us do the work we get paid to do". Oh wait, I've heard that too. HMMMM??? Can't wait to hear what else you'll be crying about.

Fallacy: Red Herring

Also Known as: Smoke Screen, Wild Goose Chase.

Description of Red Herring

A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic. This sort of "reasoning" has the following form:

1: Topic A is under discussion.
2: Topic B is introduced under the guise of being relevant to topic A (when topic B is actually not relevant to topic A).
3: Topic A is abandoned.

This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because merely changing the topic of discussion hardly counts as an argument against a claim.
What you can't defend amfa's actions???????

HMMMMM???? Calling the kettle black aren't we??

And Ken, a "vetoed" vote for a union hall does not make the whole process undemocratic. I see you have yet to defend the "opposing" union as well!! How appropriate for you!

You can gang up all you like, but the truth still remains....like it or not, the TWU remains successful as where AMFA is just about washed up. Fighting for many as opposed to a few is what unionism is about. AMFA dropped the ball on many!!! That my friends is a fact that cannot be disputed. So, continue to bash me! I will continue to work and fight for you despite your position. I like sharing the LOVE!!!
What you can't defend amfa's actions???????

You can gang up all you like, but the truth still remains....like it or not, the TWU remains successful as where AMFA is just about washed up. Fighting for many as opposed to a few is what unionism is about. AMFA dropped the ball on many!!! That my friends is a fact that cannot be disputed. So, continue to bash me! I will continue to work and fight for you despite your position. I like sharing the LOVE!!!

So Bill :wub: , giving the company what they want and much,much more is considered "fighting"? Why is the M+E workgroup the only workgroup that is still giving concessions? When will the TWU say "NO MORE"? What is the TWU's limit? These are questions I would really like you to answer, because quite frankly many employees at AA consider the TWU an AMR subsidary. Why is that Billy? Where is my ballot to vote for the TWU president or those other TWU slugs at the International? The International that wouldn't even support it's largest Local when they walked out on strike in NYC.

Still waiting for those charges to be filed against me,Billy. Please file them so I can see the inside of the new 514 union hall. Since ya'll won't allow members of the other TWU locals or other unions in,except for Brian Connors from NWA. Did you know he is a scab now Bill? Why did the TWU call AMFA supporters scabs,when the TWU was parading around a scabby IAM supporter as their hero? Is that how AMFA dropped the ball? Oh,I see now. If you don't give away the farm,your not a real union right? How dare those AMFA people strike against NWA! Did you know that 90% of the scabs that crossed the picket line at NWA are Ex-IAM die hard supporters, even the ex-IAM local president is scabbing. Can you tell me why these "real"union(AFL-CIO)supporters are scabbing? If we ever strike at AA, will you scab Bill? Please tell us we would really like to know!

"And Ken, a "vetoed" vote for a union hall does not make the whole process undemocratic. I see you have yet to defend the "opposing" union as well!! How appropriate for you!"

A "vetoed" vote means just that VETOED! That's democracy. You are not only cowardly you are also very stupid.
You can gang up all you like, but the truth still remains....like it or not, the TWU remains successful as where AMFA is just about washed up.

How do you define "success"? Apparently "success" in TWU speak means industry leading concessions and partnering with management to bring about even more concessions.

Fighting for many as opposed to a few is what unionism is about.

Well according to Sonny Hall and all you other TWU lackeys thats not so. Sonny Hall in his farewell address stated that Unionism is about getting lousy workers who "should have been" fired-his words, their jobs back, and every TWU concession supporter claimed that the many, all of us, should be willing to give massive concessions to protect the few at the bottom from getting laid off. Most unions reject such nonsense because they know that after the concessions are won the company will still eliminate as many jobs as they see fit to, which is exactly what the company did. Despite doublecrossing the membership the TWU is still using member resources and dues money to get AA even more concessions through productivity improvements which will result in even more job reductions.

AMFA dropped the ball on many!!! That my friends is a fact that cannot be disputed.

Sure it can, how have the many, the thousands of mechanics in the industry, been harmed by what happened at NWA?

The fact is that what the TWU did at AA, without BK, ushered in an industrywide wave of concessions,concessions that were so extreme that even the carriers that had already gone through BK had to go back for more in order to try and catch up to AA, concessions that the NWA mechanics said "NO" to, did more harm to the many than any other incident in the history of airline labor relations. If anything over the long run, that last stand, like the Alamo, will do more to help mechanics than anything the TWU has ever done. It took NWA over 18 months to get the minimum number they needed in order to continue a reduced schedule and their performance has been at the bottom ever since, NWA will probably not survive.

So, continue to bash me! I will continue to work and fight for you despite your position.

Who are you trying to kid? You dont work or fight for anyone but yourself.
Blah, blah, blah. Dont' you ever get tired of hearing yourself repeat the same things over and over........

Lets go over this one more time shall we???!!! The Local 514
by-laws, which were adopted by the Local 514 membership,give the Executive Board the power to purchase a building subject to being overruled by the membership. The Executive Board passed a resolution to purchase a new building to replace our "antiquated" facility. This
decision was reported to the membership and the membership did not overrule the Board. There is nothing undemocratic about this, and it is certainly more democratic than consolidating a local with
another and taking its treasury without a vote as AMFA did out in Portland. It is certainly more democratic than establishing a headquarters in a real estate office in New Hampshire, or moving it to Denver, without a vote. :shock:

And as for you, Princess darlin', I will skip the part about all
the fun you had in Vegas on the union dime. Your favorite union has seen no less than six heavy maintenance bases close on its watch at NWA, ASA, Mesaba, as well as two pension plans covering over
twenty thousand men and women. You can drink all the kool aid you want, but they are the industry leaders in givebacks and imposing suffering on their members. And don't worry babe, you're not really worth the trouble of bringing up charges on. Just a wannbe......

And Bob, what took you so long??????????

And still no defense for AMFA and it's actions. HMMMMM???? Could it be??????

"Here's yur sign"
:wacko: :shock: :unsure:
So Bill :wub: , I take it you're not going to vote for me to be President of the TWU,after Jimmy gets his Senior Vice President job at AMR? How come you're so afraid to face me in the "kangaroo" court? When AMR sells off the maintenance bases, will you be willing to work $15.00/hr or less in Tulsa? Will you still love the TWU for saving your job,Billy?

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